Friday, November 01, 2013

Square Four of the Fool’s Tower: The Turning Point

Square Four:  The Turning Point

11-1-2013 (Uranus Square Pluto in the 10th degree of Aries and Capricorn) @ 5:02am

Uranus and Pluto are two of the three Generational Outer Planets that allude to the collective experience of our global community.  These planets take much longer to move through our solar system, and so their energies have an enduring effect when triggered by alignment.  Though I am writing this series as they approach each of the seven exact square alignments, the powerful effects can be felt months before and after (as they gradually approach and recede from the alignment).

It is important to note that this 4th square in a series of seven (from 2012-2015) between these planets is a turning point of these revolutionary energies, and leads up to the synodic square (the heliocentric square) occurring in the 138-year Uranus-Pluto cycle that began on January 7th, 1966 (at the exact peak of the Vietnam War and the height of the Flower Power Movement).  The synodic square, where these energies culminate toward action, occurs on November 24th of this year.  At the beginning of this synodic cycle, in the late 60s, the theme of this cycle emerged…which can be summed up as ‘war and peace’, ‘destruction vs. creativity’, or even ‘fear vs. love’.  For those born in the late 1960s, it may stimulate dynamic radical action of these matured forces within them.  For humankind, in general, we carry on this theme but bring it now to an evolved and active manifestation.  The ‘Flower Children’ were the fledglings of this revolution…but it is at this time where we show how we have grown and take action against the forces that continue to cause destruction on our planet.  This is the next major shift in our group consciousness, where the square pushes us to take dynamic action to realize those goals that began in the late 60s.

While the following focuses mostly on these transformations from an individual perspective (because if you can’t change yourself, how can you change the world?), the same can be applied on the collective level (as above, so below; as within, so without).  This is so you can apply these energies to what you are personally going through first, while keeping in mind that everyone is going through similar changes that, as a whole, reflect upon our collective transformation.

Uranus in the 10th degree of Aries

The Sabian Symbol for the 10th degree of Aries is ‘a teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images’.  This is a symbol of re-interpreting what we see and have come to understand in one way, and redefining it in a new way that speaks to who we are currently.  An underlying theme of Uranus-Pluto aspects is often about releasing old structures that no longer serve us to make way for the new…which is why, for the past few years, I have been writing on this subject.  This symbol shows that there is much to be gleaned from the old ways, as long as we can apply them to what is current in a way that creates something useful.  It shows that we have exhausted old habits and ideas in their current form, and need to transform them.  Something has been holding us back through all of these shifts occurring around us, something we weren’t willing to let go of, and now we’re facing it head-on with no recourse but to see it for what it is…an obstacle to our growth.  Though the root is there, in plain (albeit symbolic) sight, and the forces surrounding us push us to address it…we have the choice.  We can rewire our brains, so to speak, and choose new actions…resulting in the difficulties that ensue when we, like reformed addicts, give up something we have relied upon for years.  Or we can make excuses and continue in that world of addiction that we know so well, because at least we know how to navigate that pain by now.  However, to continue only furthers that self-destruction along…without true release.  At least, after making the needed change (whatever it might be), we’ll be better for it eventually.  Do we choose to prolong the pain, or fight through it for a relatively short duration until we can reach the equilibrium we seek?

The Stellium in Scorpio align in sextile to Mars in Virgo to point directly to Uranus at this time in an effort to show us the way to our own specific revolutions.  It seems change is inevitable…so do we follow suit now, while it’s critical, or do we wait until something really terrible (perhaps even irreversible) happens? 

Give yourself a new form, and let that revolutionary energy spiral out from your center to help inspire others around you, and the world itself, to effect more change.  Words mean very little when actions do not back them up.

Pluto in the 10th degree of Capricorn

The Sabian Symbol for the 10th degree of Capricorn is ‘an albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor’.  At the last new moon (October 4th), Pluto was prominent in this same position…and has returned to teach the same lesson. Reciprocity is still the key to unearthing our desired actions.  Giving and receiving in kind creates the necessary balance that provides for everyone involved.  There may be a bit of fear holding each side back from cooperation, after all, there is the potential one could get hurt.  It is disempowering on one side to give too much, and on the other to give too little.  But this symbol reminds us that Generosity heals the wounds that Greed creates.

This degree has much to do with nurturance as well as working harmoniously with others who may be very different from you.  This same symbolism can be seen in the alignments of the planets as well.  There are many harmonious aspects working along with Pluto at this time to feed this transformation among us.  It may be that, because we’re all experiencing this tempestuous energy in our own ways, we are coming together in a spirit of solidarity to provide a safe harbor for each other during difficult times.  Look around you.  Many are likely dealing with serious medical issues, financial troubles, a heavy workload, a job change, a change of residence, a failing relationship, a death in the family, etc.  Even if you can’t see it, know that something is either falling apart in their lives to make way for something new, or something is reaching a frenzy that may be stretching them thin in many directions to push them to find their center.  You’re not alone.  Each individual lesson may be different, but it all relates back to the same theme:  necessary transformation.

The world is not against you.  The world is against itself right now.  Each of our individual struggles are like symptoms of a root cause that deals with collective identity.  Who are we?  And how does what we create, nurture, or destroy tell us about who we are?  What do we manifest when we go through an identity crisis?  Chaos.  What do we manifest when we act with self-awareness?  Order.

Either way, the sea of change is rocky right now.  But do we want to be in the thick of the storm with no place to land, or do we want to be on the ship with all of the other sailors who might just make it out alive with pieces to float upon if the ship wrecks?  I think I'll take my chance on the ship, and maybe we'll all have some good stories to share after this storm blows over.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  If you haven’t read the information I posted in June 2012 about the first of these squares as well as the general information about what these alignments mean, please check out this article from June 2012.  Here you will find the overview of the squares and their relation to the Fool’s Tower of the tarot.  If you also want a refresher on the themes of the 2nd and 3rd squares, you can find them at these links: September 2012 and May 2013.

Friday, October 04, 2013

New Blood Moon in Libra: Reapers and Resurrections

New Blood Moon in Libra:  Reapers and Resurrections
 New Moon Phase begins 10-4-13 @ 7:34pm CDT

October often evokes a contrast of symbols:  goldening greens in glorious display followed by their inevitable fall, the cooperative harvesting of the fruits of our labors followed by the urge to turn inward, and the festive acceptance of spooks and spirits followed by the frightful skeletons that emerge from our past.

The month begins in Libra, after all, urging the balance of opposites.  The October Moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon or the Blood Moon, as now is the best time to hunt for that which comes out to feed upon the remains of Mother Nature’s bounty.

This dark moon phase begins in a haunted tone, as it reveals the ‘ghost of yet to come’ with its activation of the Uranus-Pluto square that reaches its synodic exaction on November 1st.  But this is not just one opposition between our luminaries and Uranus, both in squares to Pluto.  The Dark Moon Lilith is opposite Pluto tonight, engaging all four points in a Cardinal Grand Cross.  We have been seeing a lot of this kind of cross since 2010…the tensions of which are almost familiar by now, but no less active.  This is essentially a stretching of ourselves in four directions, an identity crisis of humankind.  Too much emphasis in one area causes friction and backlash from other areas.  It may seem like you’re damned if you do, but you’re most assuredly damned if you don’t.  Squares hold the energy of activation…pushing us through stressful situations in order to affect a necessary change.

The following brings to light more conflicting symbols associated with the current squares of this Cardinal Grand Cross.  The goal is to give consideration to each as it applies to you, and humanity as a whole, and activate the balances needed to bring about necessary change inwardly and outwardly.

Sun and Moon conjunct in Libra 12:  Miners Emerging from a Mine

Something dirty from the deep is now illuminated in our awareness…and its emergence may bring gifts from those depths while simultaneously evoking feelings of disdain for the dirty deed done.  Hidden truths may be drawn out, information coaxed, or secrets revealed. 

Pluto in Capricorn 10:  An Albatross Feeding from the Hand of a Sailor

Reciprocity is still the key to unearthing our desired actions.  Giving and receiving in kind creates the necessary balance that provides for everyone involved.  There may be a bit of fear holding each side back from cooperation, after all, there is the potential one could get hurt.  It is disempowering on one side to give too much, and on the other to give too little.  But this symbol reminds us that Generosity heals the wounds that Greed creates.

Uranus in Aries 11:  The President of a Country

You see how our own president is put on the cross by the bullies of congress during this government shutdown…this is the same symbolism happening with our own lives, the symbolic countries we oversee.  We can expect a similar dynamic…stubborn refusal to go along with what has already been set forth.  Any unnecessary ego battles are going to hurt others who may not have been considered.  Innovative action is needed to get every element of this stalemate and struggle back on the same page.  Each of us must face the responsibility ahead of us to affect this change.

Lilith in Cancer 14:  A Very Old Man Facing a Vast Dark Space to the Northeast

The Northeast is the direction of solitude, stillness, and silence.  It is the space that occupies the void between individuality and transcendence.  It is the chrysalis of transformation, the cave of hibernation, and the shedding of the skin that no longer serves us.  Lilith draws us inward in an effort to release what we have been clinging to that is no longer needed.  She urges us to let go of the blockages that keep us in the darkness, and awaken the sleeping energy within to bring us to illumination.

Maybe it all sounds like bad news, but there’s good in it too.  Helpful, harmonious aspects abound within and around these tensions.  Look for good opportunities to take action, and make something extraordinary happen in the face of adversity.

Happy New Moon!
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Grand Sextile: Symphony of the Sacred Sisters

A grand sextile is a very rare astrological occurrence.  It is an aspect configuration of three oppositions and two interlocking Grand Trines which create a six-pointed star of sextiles (harmonious aspect of 60 degrees).   The last Grand Sextile was in 2003, and the next won't come around until 2025.

This particular one has a short duration because the quick-moving Moon forms the final point of the star.  It peaks around noon today (July 29th), but is in effect throughout this day.

What all of this means is that the celestial bodies are aligning at this time in the spirit of creative cooperation that provides positive opportunities toward pure intentions and goals.  In this configuration, these bodies are all in the first decans of the feminine Earth and Water signs, which deal with manifesting these gifts on the physical and emotional planes.

In addition to this, and to add activation to the Grand Sextile, the lunar nodes and asteroids form a Fixed Grand Cross incorporating each of the Elemental Sacred Sisters (earth, air, fire, and water) in signs that are known for stability, determination, depth, and persistence.  The main purpose of the Fixed Grand Cross is to maintain and follow-through with the momentum gained from changes made during the many Cardinal Grand Crosses we have experienced in the last few years.  This cross is made up of 4 squares (aspects of 90 degrees that initiate action) of two oppositions.  The lunar nodes in Scorpio and Taurus are one opposition, while the other is Vesta in Leo and Juno in Aquarius.  The lunar nodes provide us with destined meetings between people who can further us along our paths, while the asteroid sisters chime in with devotion to a creative cause and loyalty to the greater good.  The underlying themes of this time is dedication toward improving self-worth (Fixed Grand Cross) and creative manifestation (Grand Sextile).

And though there are many challenges present with all of these oppositions, the Grand Sextile aims to bring it all home and focus the energy toward positive outcomes.  But these are not opportunities that just fall into our laps...there is work to be done.  Much of the work is symbolized in the balancing of opposites.  

Mars-Jupiter-Pallas opposite Pluto (Cancer/Capricorn):  The Spiritual Warrior

Within this balance, we find the ability to conquer the ego and gain control over our inner lives.  The archetype of The Spiritual Warrior represents physical and emotional strength and the ability to protect, defend, and fight for one's rights.  This is the Hero's Journey, in both the masculine sense as well as the feminine sense, where an individual goes on a journey of initiation to awaken an inner knowing or spiritual power. The Self emerges as the Hero/Heroine faces physical and internal obstacles, confronting the survival fears that would compromise his/her journey of empowerment and conquering the forces arrayed against him/her. The Hero then returns to the tribe with something of great value to all.

Venus opposite Neptune (Virgo/Pisces):  The Magical Child

Within this balance, we find love in its purest form and the potential for sacred beauty within all things.  The archetype of The Magical Child is gifted with the power of imagination and the belief that anything is possible.  An example of this archetype would be Anne Frank, who wrote in her diary that in spite of all the horror surrounding her family while hiding from Nazis in an attic in Amsterdam, she still believed that humanity was basically good. Her insights, offered at a time when most people were collapsing under the weight of war and persecution, continue to inspire people to seek out the wondrous side of life, even in a crisis.

Moon opposite Saturn (Taurus/Scorpio):  The Hieros Gamos

Within this balance, we find the Sacred Marriage...the divine union of opposites.  There are many archetypal unions within this energy...but most notably the Goddess and God or the Mother and Father.  When combined, these archetypes are life-givers, teachers, and protectors, at their best when cooperating their talents together.  This opposition is a call to unify the sacred feminine with the sacred masculine within us all in order to give birth to the life we desire to live.

So, take these opportunities that arise today to balance yourself in meditation on your greatest dream.  Remind yourself that you have the strength to overcome all obstacles placed in your path and learn from them, you have the creative ability to make anything possible, and you have the union of opposites within you to breathe life into the world.  Listen to that quiet, inner voice for direction toward your goals...and don't sabotage your abilities to choose the right path by giving energy to any fears or difficulties that may arise.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Friday, May 24, 2013

Full Flower Moon Eclipse: Roots, Branches, and Blossoms of Change

Sagittarius Full Moon of May 2013
Flower Moon/Planting Moon/Milk Moon
Friday, May 24th @ 11:25 pm CDT

Tonight is the lunar eclipse that brings the culmination of energies began a month ago at the beginning of this ‘eclipse cauldron’.  The ingredients have all been added during the first lunar eclipse, stirred up with intention during the solar eclipse, and transformed during this lunar eclipse.  Whatever it is you’ve been ‘cooking up’ in this time will set in motion some fortunate beginnings that will start to show in June with major implications for the latter part of July.

This full moon activates a mutable T-square with Neptune in Pisces at the apex.  All the pressure of trying to balance the opposition of the luminaries falls on the mystical planet of Group Ascension.  The pressure at this apex can often bring up feelings of confusion, deception, illusion, addiction, or escapism.  However, to heighten the best of Neptune, some of the pressure can be taken off by adding elements of the sign opposite the apex, which is Mercury-ruled Virgo.  Some discerning attention to detail, careful analysis, and healthy purification by ‘separating the wheat from the chaff’ will help to bring out the best of the creative imagination, compassion, and intuitive sensitivity of spiritually-attuned Neptune in Pisces. 

Another T-square is highlighted tonight with the opposition between Pluto and Vesta which are both squaring Uranus.  In my last post, I focused on the Uranus-Pluto square which is actually part of a much bigger (138-year long) synodic cycle that began in the mid-60s during the height of the Vietnam War and the emergence of the Flower Power Political Movement.  But now, Vesta is re-activating this square during the eclipse to add an element of dedication to a sacred cause.  This Cardinal T-square focuses its energy on the rebellious Uranus in Aries at the apex…pointing to surprising revolutionary forces.  When Uranus, the innovative planet of Group Awakening, is shouldering all the stress…it can sometimes result in shocking upsets, unexpected surprises, eccentric action, or anger-fueled rebellion.  Again, you look to the sign opposite this apex, the Venus-ruled sign of Libra, to balance the energy and take the pressure off.  Some diplomatic peace-making, fair-minded sharing, and creative cooperation will help to bring out the ingenuity, originality, and creative genius of freedom-focused Uranus in Aries.

The Grand Water Trine between Moon, Neptune, and Ceres of last month’s lunar eclipse has now shifted to a more stressful aspect configuration between the three that is sometimes referred to as ‘Thor’s Hammer’ (also known as a ‘boomerang’).  This time, the square between Moon and Neptune forms two sesqui-squares to Ceres.  This aspect configuration is similar to the previously-mentioned T-square…but in this one, it’s the pressure of the square that gets pounded (like a hammer) into the point across from it (Ceres).  The resulting effect is not a pooling of stress at the apex, but a reverberation back and forth between Ceres in Cancer and the Moon-Neptune square.  Fortunately, Ceres is making some harmonious aspects to the lunar nodes which can be a good outlet for this energy.  With Ceres here at the focus, our attention is on matters of nurturance and the cyclical balance of nature.  All things related to sustenance and the health and well-being of our planet are in the hot-seat.  As I’ve mentioned previously this month, there is no shortage of synchronicity backing up this weekend’s March Against Monsanto rallies.

Let’s take a closer look at the positions of the luminaries this time.

Sun in the 5th degree of Gemini:  An Old Owl on the Branch of an Oak Tree

“A wise old owl sat on an oak;  The more he saw the less he spoke;  The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?”  -Charles M Schulz

This is the degree that Uranus was in when I was born, and it’s also the degree that Mercury began it’s retrograde in last year on U.S. Election Day.  Similar themes will resurface from last November.  The image of the owl in a tree represents a double-shot of wisdom, as the Owl totem and Oak totem are well known for wisdom medicine.  Here, the Sun gets us to view our situation from all sides, piercing through the shadows for the truth with sharpened eyes and expanding our perspective during this eclipse.  Here and now, we have the opportunity to allow our self-expression (Sun) as a human race to branch out from the solid roots of wisdom from which we came and grow to its highest expression.  Like Wise Old Owl, we should be fearless and vigilant, deliberate and wise.

Moon in the 5th degree of Sagittarius:  A Revolutionary Magazine Asking for Action

“Every movement stressing one direction calls forth in time an equally extreme movement in the opposite direction.”  -Dane Rudhyar

The radical magazine of this symbol expresses views that defy convention and get right to the root of a matter to inspire us to take action.  Essentially, as a human race, we are calling out for a change…as we always have been in many ways.  Sometimes the change is successful, sometimes not.  But regardless of how difficult the struggle to arrive at that transformation, we would be remiss not to try, and keep trying.  This Full Moon energy calls forth another attempt, and a remarkable one.  This one is hard to deny, even though something may try to eclipse it…spinning it in a shadowy light.  But this symbol suggests that we express our feelings (Moon) without any spin…just the straight-up truth.  More people will hear the truth now, and have the wisdom to discern it, but only if we give it a voice.

So on an individual level, be the change.  On a collective level, be the change in order to make the change.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Monday, May 20, 2013

Square Three of the Fool's Tower: Commitment to Change

Square Three:  Commitment to Change
5-20-2013 (Uranus Square Pluto in the 12th degree of Aries and Capricorn) @ 3:33pm

Uranus and Pluto are two of the three Generational Outer Planets that allude to the collective experience of our global community.  These planets take much longer to move through our solar system, and so their energies have an enduring effect when triggered by alignment.  Though I am writing this series as they approach each of the seven exact square alignments, the powerful effects can be felt months before and after (as they gradually approach and recede from the alignment).

Uranus in the 12th degree of Aries

The Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Aries is ‘a flock of wild geese in flight’.  The wild goose is the mystical bird, ‘hamsa’, of Hindu tradition.  This is a symbol of the transcendent soul of humanity, as well as the breath of life (prana).  The goose, and other aquatic birds, transcends the limitations of its surroundings.  It can walk on earth, fly in the sky, and swim in the water.  As it swims on the water, its feathers are not wetted by water; similarly we live in this material world, but try to stay unsoiled by its illusionary nature.

This symbol has an undertone of integration at an expansionistic level, spiritual or economic.  The flight of these birds is seasonal and therefore attuned to planetary rhythms.  It symbolizes cosmic order, in contrast to socio-political order.

Uranus here shows the need for soul-consciousness.  The conflict of the square arises between cosmic and social principles of order.  The reliance on the social concept of law and order separates us from the principle of cosmic order, as we see in this symbol.

The symbol of the geese is also about trust and loyalty within a group.  This is a totem of bravery, determination, commitment, teamwork, and communication.  The goose never leaves one of its own behind.  Should a goose become injured during migration, another goose will leave the flock to stay with its fallen companion.  That goose will stay with the injured one until it has recovered or until its final breath.  This totem has much to teach us, as a human race, on how we should care for each other and work as an efficient team all at once. 

Geese are gifted navigators, clear communicators, true-blue defenders and compassionate keepers of the community.  Uranus in this degree reminds us to honor our roots, follow our instincts, communicate our needs, and protect that which is most valuable.  This degree is rich with symbolism, but overall, what Uranus the Revolutionary is here to say is that we must realign our priorities and take brave action to shift toward a healthier environment for all. 

Pluto in the 12th degree of Capricorn

The Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Capricorn is ‘a student of nature lecturing reveals little-known aspects of life’.  Consider a graduate student taking over for an absent professor at a lecture.  The material may be the same but the way of presenting can open entirely new understanding and revelation.  This symbol alludes to the wealth of knowledge that has always been available to us…but it needs to be revealed to more people through fresh eyes and a new understanding and emphasis. 

It is humanity’s essential function to become fully conscious of all life forms and processes on this earth.  Humankind is the conscious mind of the planet, after all.  Still, so many take what they are taught by whatever authority they believe has power over them…and they don’t question it or listen to their own instinctual knowledge.  They refuse to look deeper.  So many disregard the destruction on our planet from corporate profit-seeking…even when they are being negatively affected by it themselves, down to the very food they are blindly consuming.

But Pluto the Transformer here unearths the necessary information.  Whatever has been swept under the rug by this handshake or that payoff is bound to be revealed in a light that is unavoidable now. 

It is no surprise that the March Against Monsanto rallies are gearing up this week to gather information and people together by the next full moon eclipse at the end of the week.  More and more people are coming to recognize the implications of what is happening in our society.  But it’s not because of this or that official…it’s because of average citizens who are speaking out and sharing information in a way that is accessible to all and speaks to the heart of the issue and what our priorities, as human beings, really are.  It is because true concern for the well-being of our families and our environment resonates above the din of lies we’ve been fed by those whose top priority is power and control.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  If you haven’t read the information I posted in June 2012 about the first of these squares as well as the general information about what these alignments mean, please check out this article.  Here you will find the overview of the squares and their relation to the Fool’s Tower of the tarot.  If you also want a refresher on the themes of the previous square from last September, here is the link.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

New Flower Moon in Taurus: Sunflower Eclipse

Tonight is the New Moon in Taurus (7:27pm CDT), followed by an annular 'ring of fire' solar eclipse (9:55pm CDT).  At this New Moon, there is a stellium of celestial bodies in Taurus conjunct the luminaries.  Mars, Mercury, and Pallas all within about 5 degrees of each other in the middle of Taurus suggests that the warrior within has a message for us tonight.  There are three other major aspect configurations, but I won't bore you with the math...instead I'll write the meanings in between the lines.

In the midst of this eclipse cauldron, we reach the boiling point of transmutation.  Our shadows resurfaced at the end of last month during the lunar eclipse of the Seed Moon, and now bubble up to the surface again at the start of the Flower Moon phase.  This time, the luminaries are conjunct the South Lunar Node, signaling the necessity to let go of what we have clung to in the past.  The South Node shows what we are comfortable with, what we already know, and what we often use as a crutch in our lives.  This eclipse will highlight those things for us all, individually and collectively, in a Taurean way that points out our stubbornness to change and our most self-sabotaging creature-comforts.

Within us awakens the warrior spirit which lives each day as if it were the last.  The combination of Mars with Pallas in this stellium suggests that this is not just a battle for dominance between the mind and spirit, but one that will involve a good amount of strategy and attention to detail in order for enlightenment to triumph over physical desires.  We are going to have to face ourselves, and cleverly fight our own ego-attachments in order to change the unhealthy patterns we've been following against all higher reasoning.

There are some helpful forces at work that can quicken our progress.  Look for the sacred within the mundane, the spiritual inspiration in our closest surroundings and loved ones, as well as the stern teacher who uncovers the serious issues we often avoid.  These are the things that will allow an easier flow in the transformation.

But there is a good amount of stressful forces at work as well, and they will often distract you from the easy route.  Nurturance and transformation are at odds, with all of the stress of that opposition putting the pressure on our inner rebel.  Shocking surprises are likely to happen.  Let them be creative ones...give yourself an outlet.  Also, communication within our primary partnerships will feel the stress in the battle between our clinging to the past and our discomfort with the unknown future.  Remember that those closest to you are struggling with similar battles.  Communicate with them constructively to make it easier for everyone to step away from the ruins and rebuild a more solid foundation.

We are learning to be more self-sufficient and confident in who we are, and in that lesson lies a battle with the parts of ourselves that must work for us rather than against us.  You don't kill the shadow, it is part of you.  You pierce through its darkness and uncover its true purpose, and you work with it constructively.  Otherwise, your fear and denial overtakes your life...and the same old destructive patterns cycle again and again.

By the Full Flower Moon Eclipse on May 25th, the seeds we planted at the last Full Moon and the attention we gave them in between (especially now) will be ready to bloom and give back to us as much as we gave to them.  Life is all about reciprocity.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Full Wind Moon Eclipse: Spreading the Seeds of Success

Scorpio Full Moon of April 2013
Wind Moon/Seed Moon/Pink Moon
Thursday, April 25th @ 2:55pm

This Scorpio Full Moon is pregnant with powerful potential.  The opposition between Sun and Moon combine with a Grand Trine in water signs to form an aspect configuration called a ‘Kite’.  The harmonious Grand Trine is formed from three trines from Moon and Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, and Ceres in Cancer.  The opposition of Sun and Mars in Taurus forms two sextiles to the Pisces and Cancer angles on the Grand Trine, forming the shape of a kite within the zodiac circle.

A Grand Trine alone is a wonderful aspect that provides an easy flow of harmonious energy…but with the addition of the Taurus conjunction, there is an earthy anchor to this watery flow that pushes us to go out and conquer the obstacles presented to us with opportunities for great success.

In addition, Neptune is getting an added boost from a conjunction to Chiron, Ceres is getting an added boost from a conjunction to Vesta, and Sun is getting an added boost from another conjunction to Venus and Pallas.  There are so many energies at work here, it’s no surprise that one of the themes of this time is community involvement. 

Not just for today, and not just for the days surrounding this full moon, but for a whole month…the energies beginning now are setting the stage for the time in between lunar eclipses known as ‘the eclipse cauldron’.  While the Full Moon is exact at 2:55pm CDT, today’s partial lunar eclipse clocks in at 3:07pm CDT.  Whatever it is that commands your focus during this part of the day will play into the theme of what you are trying to achieve in your life by the next full moon (May 25th), and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to make it happen, starting today.  The key to this kite configuration lies in the Taurus energy which is dedicated, methodical, and practical.  You will be working with the watery flow of emotions from yourself and others in a harmonious way to achieve not only your aims, but also the goals of a partnership or community, so it’s always good to have a grounding, nurturing force like Taurus to steer the ship and bring it home.

Let’s take a closer look at the celestial bodies working with us at this time.

Sun in Taurus 6:  A Bridge Being Built Across a Deep Gorge

This degree has to do with the human capacity to conquer obstacles through group-involvement.  Perhaps you, too, can see the kind of chasm we (as a global community) are to overcome.  But what about individually?  What is it in your life that is represented by this abyss?  And what steps can you take to bridge that gap?  Each individual obstacle we are being forced to overcome now makes the collective one that much easier to bridge with others.  The work we do now becomes a supportive pathway as we move on to a new evolutionary stage.

Sun conjunct Mars (Taurus 4):  The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Mars helps us to see what kind of bridge is most beneficial in our endeavors.  The rainbow, in all mythologies, symbolizes a link of communication between Spirit and mortals.  To further underline the importance of opening up to otherwordly communication, this Taurus energy is being expressed through the 9th House of Higher Mind Pursuits such as spirituality, philosophy, and cultural learning through distant travel and study.  The image Mars brings into the mix is a symbol of universally valid wealth that comes not from greed but from a symbiotic connection to Source.

Moon in Scorpio 6:  A Gold Rush Tears Men Away from Their Native Soil

This symbol is also very appropriate in many ways to our collective actions on this planet.  But individually, this eclipsed moon is asking you to uncover from the shadows what it is that is pulling you away from your priorities and the task at hand (the building of the symbolic bridge).  There is likely some kind of emotional greed at hand, one that seeks comfort in what others can give us without giving back in return, and one that has become habitual rather than guided by honest intentions.  We are seeking abundance for a better life, but by that feverish search, we are becoming more far-removed from the abundance we already have. 

Moon conjunct Saturn (Scorpio 9):  A Dentist at Work

Saturn helps us to see how we must repair the damage we have done to collapsing structures.  Teeth are symbolic of the structures that help us to digest what we need to sustain life.  Society and cultural patterns impose upon us certain habits of consumption that are not beneficial to our dental health.  This results in tooth decay, which results in a visit to the dentist to inventively clean up years of absent-minded destruction.  The dentist here represents the human ability to skillfully rebuild upon worn-out structures.  There is obviously much work to be done on the grand scale, but what needs to be rebuilt in your own life?  Perhaps you have a few rotten teeth to be pulled before that gap can be bridged?  These Scorpio energies are coming from the 3rd House of Communication, so a communication gap is likely to be the emphasis of our work at this time.

Neptune in Pisces 5:  A Church Bazaar

Here is another symbol that suggests interaction between people within a social group.  With Neptune here, it emphasizes the concept that there is Spirit in all matter.  A bazaar is often filled with a hodge-podge of items that become repurposed through new connections.  By making these exchanges, we are not only acquiring something new for ourselves, but also giving back to the community.  Neptune interacts with this Full Moon Kite from the Descendant (the cusp of the 7th House of Partnerships).  The Descendant represents other people, and our relationships with them.  Appreciating what others have to offer, and exchanging something of value in return, is key to the success of our endeavors.

Ceres in Cancer 7:  Two Nature Spirits Dancing Under the Moonlight

Keeping in balance with human social interaction, this symbol highlights the other theme present in all of these celestial associations…that of the metaphysical and spiritual plane and its connection to our earthly plane.  Ceres here reminds us that behind all vital processes, there are spiritual forces at work.  Ceres is the nurturing mother, much like the Earth, herself.  Here she shows us the link between the physical and the metaphysical, the visible and the invisible…and shows that there is more going on than meets the eye.  In the 11th House of Friends and Community, Ceres shows us that creative imagination and a connection to natural cycles is key for the work to be done collectively.  In order to manifest, we must work with Mother Nature and not against her.

I hope you enjoy this Full Moon!
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Quickening Moon: Change the Music, Change the Mood

The Quickening Moon of 2013
Full @ 2:24pm CST on Monday, Feb. 25th

It may not look like it yet, but Spring is quickening.  Life is moving within the belly of Mother Earth, soon to emerge.  In the Quickening Moon, we are all feeling it…something within us all is stirring, and we’re taking notice.  We’re close to birthing something new in our lives.  We are, after all, reflections of Mother Nature…aligned with her cycles.
It may be uncomfortable, carrying all of this weight and responsibility...but the rewards are endless.

There is a lot of activity in the cosmos during this full moon.  It’s like a big party that is decidedly Piscean in many ways.  At the apex of the T-square with Sun and Moon, Jupiter in Gemini is the loquacious and friendly (though stressed and scattered) host of the big event.  Causing him the most stress are his friends, Sun and Moon, a married couple who are currently at odds…teetering on the brink of causing a scene that would be better left for a more intimate setting.  Sun in Pisces just wanted to have a good time, hanging out with his Pisces gang (Mercury Retrograde, Mars, Chiron, and Neptune…Venus will be joining them later at night), escaping responsibility for a while by either drinking, drugging, dancing or playing some music (or all of the above).  In doing so, he has to distance himself from his disapproving wife, Moon in Virgo, who is watching him from across the room and picking him apart silently.  She is not in a good mood and everything about this party seems to irritate her…even the host, his highbrow wife (Juno in Capricorn), and his rebellious best friend (Uranus in Aries).  Moon just doesn’t understand how all of these party animals can ignore the details of their lives that need fixing…after all, the only time she can relax and have a good time is after everything is perfectly in place and worked out.  Now all she can see is all of the problems with everyone that she could help them fix if they would just get serious (and sober) and listen to her analysis.  But it’s not that kind of party.

Moon decides to call her own friends, Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn, to the party.  Jupiter and Uranus aren’t going to like it because one is a detective and the other is a police officer.  But Moon feels a lot better when they arrive.  Not only do the two brothers’ presence keep the others from excess, but they also seem to get along with most everyone and keep the peace amongst their friends, Sun and Moon.  Sun quickly realizes that he’s been distancing himself from Moon, and Moon realizes she’s been pushing him away.  Finally, they reach an understanding…and the tension subsides a little.  They regain balance and realize they are not so different.  Romance fills the air as the band of Pisces misfits strike up the music of the spheres…and Sun leads his lady Moon out onto the dance floor to reconnect.

So how does this event play out in your life?  Well, which one of these party-goers do you identify most with during this time?  Likely all of them, in a way, since this same dance is a reflection of what is happening internally for all of us as well.

The stress happening between these parts of us (specifically the mentally-explorative Jupiter, emotionally-guided Sun, and physically-demonstrative Moon) is not simply to frustrate us…but to push us to make a significant change which will balance us out.  The missing link of this T-square is in the fun-loving, spiritually-focused sign of Sagittarius…where the higher mind is activated and the broader perspective expands to show the meaning within the path.  This is the balancing point which takes the stress off of the overly-active mind.  Some of you have it naturally in your astrological make-up…some of you are seeking it currently.

The following are some tips that may help you make the most of this Full Moon:

1.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Don’t make it bigger than it really is.  This too shall pass, so try not to get stuck in a perfectionistic mindset.  There is far too much Pisces floating around…so some of the pieces will be hidden in the rug for a bit while you’re left with what seems to be an incomplete puzzle.  The lesson from pisces is, it all fits…even when some pieces are hidden from view.  The answer is where the holes are.

2.   Tap into the well of spiritual and creative insight flowing around you today.  You can’t always put everything into words, but you can find a more creative way to express what you are feeling than just getting grumpy and picking apart the world around you.  What’s really happening is inside, anyway.

3. Things don’t seem right?  Make some changes.  You’ll thank yourself later after the hard work is done.

 4.  Are you escaping from reality?  Try to ground your floaty feelings with proper nutrition, plenty of sleep, exercise, and meditation.  This is a recipe for manifesting your creative/spiritual potential in our physical world.

5.  Are you lashing out at those closest to you or distancing yourself from them in other ways?  Notice that what you are seeing in them that you don’t like may be a reflection of your own shadow self confronting you.  Embrace your shadow, dance with it.  Find the balance between by recognizing what parts of you are being repressed when you refuse to recognize that they are, in fact, part of you.  Don’t take out your internal frustrations on those who are only mirroring it.  Face yourself.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Seven: Healing the Spirit

7th Chakra:  Crown Chakra
Center of Spirituality

The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is our connection to the Divine and source of spiritual energy.  This is where you are contacted by Spirit Guides and where you ‘download’ Divine Wisdom from Source.  The crown chakra is the seat of enlightenment, higher learning, inspiration, pure bliss and Cosmic Consciousness.

Through the Crown, you begin your exploration of Spirit, mapping out the truths that align for you and your life purpose.  It is here where you question the beliefs you have held in the past.  Some will be discarded to be replaced with new ones, while others that are still aligned will remain.  It is through your connection with the Divine that you begin to know your own Divinity.  You know that you are Spirit made manifest in physical form.  You know that you are a powerful Creator.  Here, you focus on each moment’s creative powers.  Each thought in the Now creates your future.

The Crown is the source of Divine oneness.  You are interconnected to all living things.  The unity felt in the Crown provides us with empathy as well as peace, knowing that everything is as it should be.

To balance the Crown Chakra, connect to your spiritual roots and allow yourself to grow and branch out from there.  Nobody’s path of spiritual growth is the same, so holding tight to the rigid belief systems of others can stunt your spiritual growth.  Your path is your own.  You can also open this chakra through prayer work/spiritual communication, kundalini awakening through yoga practice, or meditation.  Letting go and releasing the past is essential to healing.  Grounding your energy is also important, as it keeps you anchored, balanced, and present so that negative energies cannot affect you.  Take a walk or run outside and be one with the universe around you, allow the messages from Spirit to reach you.  This chakra is governed by all senses as one, particularly to the proprioceptive sense which is related to inner knowing.  Focus on the color violet (a balance of hot and cold, fire and water, red and blue…it is the color of Temperance and Spiritual Harmony).  You can also focus on bright white, a color which reflects the light of Spirit.  Below, you can find crystals and other healing methods for the crown chakra.

Balanced Crown Energy:

Miracle worker, humanitarian, ethical, harmonious, joyful, can transcend the laws of nature, total access to the unconscious and the subconscious.

Excessive Crown Energy:

Constant sense of frustration, unrealized power, psychotic, depressed,
manic-depressive, destructive, sexual expression is sometimes passionate/sometimes distant, destructive, pompous, dogmatic or rigid beliefs, disconnected from reality, grandiosity, gluttonous, hypocritical, selfish, greedy, wasteful, critical, obsessive, secretive, sly, chaos, anarchy, destruction, kidnapping, mob mentality, corruption, other criminal behavior, confusion, God complex, extreme ungrounded, head in the sky

Deficient Crown Energy:

No spark of joy, catatonic, can’t make decisions limiting belief system, 3D oriented, trouble living in the “now”, untapped potential, bored, dissatisfied, stagnant, unwilling to make changes, depressed, lack of concentration, feeling separated from the whole, lack of purpose

Illnesses associated with the Crown Chakra:

Stress, worry, hysteria, right-left brain balance, migraine headaches, spiritual depression, diseases of the muscular or skeletal system, skin disorders, chronic exhaustion, sensitivity to light/sound/environment, dizziness, lightheadedness, anxiety, phobias, addictions, lack of physical care, forgetting to eat, sciatica, catatonia, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s Disease, minor loss of memory, Alzheimer’s Disease, nervous disorders, nervous breakdown, multiple personality disorders, schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the Crown Chakra:

Pituitary, pineal, nervous system, brain, cerebral cortex, right eye, skeletal system.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the Crown Chakra:

Amethyst, Celestite, Selenite, Beryl, Danburite, Diamond, Quartz, Purple Jasper, Lepidolite, Sugilite, Purple Fluorite, Moldavite

Healing the Crown Chakra with vibration: