Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Moon in Taurus: Finding Fortune in a Series of Unfortunate Events

New Moon in Taurus:  Finding Fortune in a Series of Unfortunate Events
Moon conjunct Sun- 4/22/20 @ 9:24pm CDT

“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad.  All you have to do is look hard enough, and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”  Lemony Snicket

Art by Josephine Wall
Ah, Taurus season…a time of slowing down to receive and appreciate the many gifts of Mother Nature’s abundance.  Taurus is a sign of fixed earth, and so has a steadier and more deliberate pace than the action-packed sign of Aries before it.  This New Moon begins on Earth Day, suggesting the renewal of our connection with our Earth as a way of initiating the path ahead. 

In the Southern Hemisphere, this is a time to harvest and feast on the fruits of your labor and preserve what you can for the coming winter.  In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the beginning of the Flower Moon…where the slower-paced Taurus season unfolds the blossoms and delights the senses.

But things are not so simple, delightful, and comfortable as this Venusian earth sign prefers…nothing is quite so easy this year.  This New Moon is conjunct Uranus (the planet of unexpected shocks, surprises, innovations, and awakenings).  The luminaries and Uranus are also at the apex of a T-square pattern with Saturn (the planet of societal structures, restrictions, and confinement in the fixed air sign of Aquarius) and Astraea (the asteroid of justice and last-stitch efforts to help humankind beyond their follies in the fixed fire sign of Leo).  The apex of a T-square is where all the tension pools from the opposition.  So, we are beginning this Flower Moon cycle under some dynamic pressure to take action and alleviate that tension.  Whatever intent we infuse into the seeds of this cycle, it can have a potent impact.

Helping us along with some subtler vibrations are the Lunar Nodes, providing a flow of opportunity to direct this cycle’s intent toward the needs of the Collective Soul.  Mother Earth may have some surprising shocks in the works to awaken us to all that is necessary and vital in this time, but there is much creative ingenuity to be accessed on a soul level in response. 

'Five of Coins'
from the Darkness of Light Tarot.
This card corresponds with the first
decan of Taurus, where our luminaries
conjunct Uranus.  It refers to the Dark Night
of the Soul and the material troubles we may
be mired in...but also shows us the light
of hope that guides us within.
Perhaps, in our largely Saturnian view of ordinary reality…we have not been seeing the extraordinary reality just beyond the limits of our collective awareness.  When so many are held captive in an apparent state of scarcity, constriction, and fear…often the light at the end of the dark tunnel goes unnoticed.  If all you see is doom and gloom, you may be looking in the wrong places.  That light is closer than it appears.

This cycle is not a panacea for the ills of the current conundrum.  However, it is an awakening to the resources we each have within us to help endure, and eventually thrive, within and beyond this time.  This New Moon asks us to increase our awareness and our gratitude for the unfolding potential of this year’s journey.  There is a great shift in values that is happening throughout the world…as what was once thought as valuable is proving to be less reliable, solid, or even necessary.  And yet, what has always been valuable still remains as such.

On this Earth Day New Moon, may we find an abundance of inspiration from Mother Earth’s guidance in response to change.

New Moon in Taurus 4
Sabian Symbol:  ‘A rainbow’s pot of gold’

The blessings of this time come from the link between the physical and metaphysical realms, as the symbol of the rainbow represents.  The rainbow is often an image of hope, but also of connectivity.  It has often been seen as a source of communication from the Divine to Earth (such as Hera’s messenger, Iris, the Goddess of the Rainbow).  It is a bridge between what we can define with our senses (the ‘seven-colored reality’ that Saturn governs) and what is felt through extrasensory channels (the ‘otherworldly beyond’ introduced by Uranus).  Astrologically, this liminal space between these two states of consciousness is bridged by Chiron (the Cosmic Shaman), whose orbit travels between Saturn and Uranus.

In the previous Aries New Moon, Chiron was activated as a conduit of healing.  Through travelling that bridge between worlds where Chiron’s medicine flows…we now come to Uranian revelations in this Taurus lunar cycle.  The Planet of Awakening connects us with unexpected apertures of awareness that can lead to next-level ideas.  It can be a bit jarring, especially with the square vibration.  But ultimately, there is a proverbial pot of gold revealed by this rainbow. 

What we must do to tap into such a fortunate turn of perception is to balance ourselves between restraint (Saturn) and justice (Astraea). In maintaining that balance, a choice-point arises that is unencumbered by our expectations (Moon-Sun-Uranus apex).  With some Taurus earth consideration, we respond with some productive action that holds the potential to manifest unique beauty in this world.

'Venus and Mars' by Geraldine Arata
Assisting in this awakening harmony is the ruler of Taurus, Venus (in Gemini), in a flowing air trine to her consort, Mars (in Aquarius).  This trine offers an easy transfer of communication in this New Moon from the Feminine and Masculine of our Collective. Venus has been out-of-bounds of the Sun’s path since April 4th and will continue her boundless journey until June 1st.  Out-of-bounds Venus loves a good Uranian journey into unknown territory…and in Gemini, she values the fascinating information that piques curiosity.  Like Uranus, this rebel nature of Venus through these months is not hindered by our limits of expectation.  The planet of Love and Beauty will shine her gifts from a road less travelled instead.  The activating passion of Mars can flow in this trine vibration.  In Aquarius, Mars is engaged in inventive action as a response to community needs.  This combination adds to the energy of bringing new information to light.

The fortune you find connected to this rainbow revelation may not be what you expected, but perhaps it will be better than what you might imagine.  In this Taurus New Moon, open yourself up to the impossible as a possibility.  A journey beyond the doors of our perception awaits us.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  While rainbow symbolism was on my mind, the song 'Rainbow in the Dark' was playing in my head.  While Dio's original version of the song offers little suggestion of hope, there is something about the subtle humor and brilliant vocals of Puddles the Clown singing it that brought a smile to my face.  The lyrics highlight the feeling of despair that often comes across in the 5 of coins symbolism...not seeing the light while focused on the lack we're experiencing.  But, perhaps, hearing Puddles Pity Party sing it can coax that rainbow out of each of us.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Full Moon in Libra: Listening in a Time of Separational Sorrow

Art by Daniel Eskridge

Full Moon in Libra: Listening in a Time of Separational Sorrow
Moon opposite Sun- 9:35pm CDT on 4/7/2020

“When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with its fall, but a hundred

acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze.” – Thomas Carlyle

As the Wind Moon waxes to full, there is some uneasiness in the air.  The agitation of the human race feeling the sorrow of separation is a prevalent frequency right now.  You might call it ‘stir-crazy’.  It can sneak in like a virus and be the only thing communicating through us if we’re not careful. 

Art by Vladimir Kush
But there is a soft whisper in the wind calling us toward harmony…almost imperceptible behind the unsettling noise of opinion and unmet desire.  This frequency asks us to tune in with our intuitive ears.  Harmonic balance is not a matter of waking up to it and it just being there like a forever after bliss-state of being.  It is a frequency that takes consistent effort to return to and maintain.  Humans don’t like to hear that their ideals require effort, but that is part of the message whispered in these winds of change.

And yet, we humans cannot force it.  Rapid change may be brought by force as we are seeing within our daily lives now.  This rapid change…like the rug has been pulled out from under us…is the wake-up call.  It is not the change that will endure beyond our current experience of ‘pandemic’.   This too shall pass…and then we’ll have another choice point arise:  Fall back into old ways or keep building upon efforts inspired by this time?  The choice for enduring change ahead of us requires gentle persistence. 

This Libra Full Moon is at perigee, meaning she is closer to our Earth (that’s what ‘Supermoon’ means).  She is bright and she has a powerful pull.  In Libra, the mood is relational.  Sun and Moon are illuminating the Aries-Libra axis of how one individual relates to another.  Feelings about justice, fairness, and equality are on high.  We are called to relate with each other, to build trust in relationships, all while keeping our physical distance. 

How are we relating?  What are we communicating with each other?  Are we forcing our opinions and desires like a bunch of blowhards or are we connecting with each other in the gentle undercurrent of this Wind Moon?

The Vibrations Surrounding Us

'Lightworker' by Alex Grey
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you get entangled in the agitation and unease that will be strong throughout this day.  Mars square Uranus is a much more forceful kind of energy and it can’t be ignored.  Here’s what I recently wrote about it, with some tips on how best to use it:

Mars square Uranus- In May 2018, we experienced this transit in these fixed signs of Air and Earth. In returning to this unpredictable dynamic, we may see themes return from that summer. The energy of that time was everything from volatile to inspiring…this square can be very unpredictable, and even incline the kind of speed that leads to accidents. It can have an unsettling effect…or it awaken waves of genius (often a mix of both). The vibration carries a shock of instability…and necessitates grounding to calm the nerves. From this, active innovations spring up and grow.”

Art by Josephine Wall
But then, Mercury in Pisces makes some subtle sextiles to our Capricorn planets that lead right up to this Full Moon.  The vibrations of the Messenger planet are that gentle frequency of harmony carried in the wind that I mentioned above.  The combination of the sextiles with the dynamic square is like the soft clarity of tinkling windchimes when the whole world is buzzing with the electricity of our current problems.  Here is what I recently wrote about these aspects:

Mercury sextile Pluto- An opportunity for transformation through purification of the thought process arises. Tap in and purge some of the mental remnants that have been weighing on you.

Mercury sextile Jupiter- An opportunity to expand the mind. New horizons arise on this Full Moon night…and a bit of luck can go a long way.”

What follows this Full Moon, is Moon square Pluto and Jupiter…a time to activate the wisdom of those previous sextiles.  Several hours after Full Moon is another sextile.  As Mars separates from the square with Uranus, he comes into a more harmonious rapport with the Cosmic Shaman, Chiron.  Here’s what I wrote of this vibration:

“Mars sextile Chiron- Mars is not just the gung-ho Warrior archetype in our Cosmic Story. Often, he highlights the role of the Doctor as well…especially in this sextile with Chiron the Healer. During a crucial time within our current pandemic, an opportunity arises through this vibration to address the collective wound with more precision.”

Listen to the Soft Undercurrents

What really wants to happen, even among the din of frustrations, is the kind of clarity that comes from tapping into the ‘Art of Softness’.  Air signs highlighted now do incline us to want to communicate.  But we have one mouth, two ears.  Communication isn’t just a projective activity.  There is a participatory engagement to it that also requires listening.  The clarity of this time will come from how we listen…trusting our intuition when making our decisions.

You are likely to find that when you listen to what is behind all that others are saying, and when you listen to your own intuition, there is a clear theme:  ‘We need to take care of our physical health’.  It really is more important than the insecurities we fear of our near future, or who or what is to blame for that.  Instead of getting caught up in that frenzy, we’re asked to scale down and make some clear decisions about our health.  For some inspiration, listen to the music.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi