Sunday, March 28, 2021

Full Moon in Libra: Relating with Venus


Full Moon in Libra: Relating with Venus

Moon opposite Sun- 3/28/21 @ 1:48pm CDT


The Wind Moon is full and near her perigee, meaning she is closer to our Earth.  She is bright and she has a powerful pull.  In Libra, the lunar mood is relational.  Sun and Moon are illuminating the Aries-Libra axis of how one individual relates to another.  Feelings about justice, fairness, and equality are in full light.  We are called to relate with each other and to do some harmonic maintenance in our relationships.

This Full Moon is reflecting the Venusian mood of Cardinal Air.  When fully illuminated in this air sign, Moon communicates the feelings of Venus (currently in Aries) through us.  Just two days ago, Venus was in her Exterior Conjunction with our Aries Sun, and the Libra Full Moon is now giving her voice through the opposition.  She is still in the invisible realms behind Sun, and she is still feeling the intensity of her enduring transformation from Morning to Evening Star.  There are some strong feelings that brought her through her descent from our sky and into the depths to surrender her previous life, and Moon asks us to consider what it feels like to transform the heart.

Photo by Daniel Vasquez

That Morning Star Venus life was birthed in Gemini last summer during her Interior (Retrograde) Conjunction with Sun.  She was born into the excess of information flying about in a peak of pandemic panic, as well as the heightened cries for justice from police brutality protests in the U.S.  What was being communicated was crucial, and both had an underlying message of ‘listen to what is being denied the air to express.’

That July, Gemini Venus reached the height of her Morning Star brilliance and showed us how to care about what we are communicating.  Following that peak, she began her slow descent in our sky…unpacking with us all the information she had accumulated in the mercurial air of Gemini.

Fast forward to today, 9 months later, and Venus is in the liminal stages of another rebirth…this time from young queen to elder queen status.  As she moves forward, and eventually reclaims herself through ascension in our sky…she gains a great deal of wisdom on the matters initiated last summer.  Now in Aries, she will carry that pioneering spirit into her home sign of Taurus for her heliacal rise as Evening Star by early May.  ‘Showing up’ in her Taurus way is the heart’s reclaiming of what is truly of value on Earth.

This transformation is aided by Chiron, met by Sun and Venus in the 9th degree of Aries at this Full Moon.  This Aries stellium joins together the activating forces of an exalted Sun, the Cosmic Shaman, and the Shamanic Initiation of Venus.  Chiron in the middle of this shows us the healing path as our collective identity transforms.  Chiron’s wise guidance is ‘follow your heart to heal the identity wounds of Humanity within you’. 


Astrological Aspect Patterns at this Full Moon

The Kite:  Sun-Chiron-Venus anchor, Grand Trine of Moon, Mars-North Node, and Saturn (Aries, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius)

The harmonious flow of air between Moon, Mars at Moon’s North Node, and Saturn can inspire some ease in communication…especially if we’re actively listening as much as we’re thinking and talking.  The fiery Aries stellium of Sun-Chiron-Venus provides an anchor point to keep this kite from floating away in the wind.  So if we keep a grasp of these creative ideas available to us (Air Grand Trine) from the standpoint of our Aries transformation, we can make good use of our mental flow.


The Finger of Gaia Kite:  Moon Apex, Sun-Chiron-Venus anchor, Uranus sextile Pallas base (Libra, Aries, Taurus, Pisces)

Libra Moon is being pointed to by Gaia as the apex of what we must integrate from the opportunity Uranus and Pallas offer us at this time.  Their sextile is a subtle but fortunate offering to revolutionize our strategies moving forward.  They ask us to consider a new and unconventional approach to how we are relating with this Libra Moon energy.  Moon is in quincunx (150 degrees) with both, which makes this integration somewhat uncomfortable but beneficial for our growth.  Again, the Aries Stellium provides an anchor point so that Moon in Libra can better express this subtle opportunity.  Sun-Chiron-Venus reminds us that, through the discomfort, we can heal.

The Magi:  Moon, Saturn, Uranus (Libra, Aquarius, Taurus)

While Libra Moon is in a harmonious trine to Aquarius Saturn and an uncomfortable quincunx with Uranus…Saturn and Uranus are interacting in a dynamic 90 degree square.  This particular fixed square holds the underlying theme of 2021, as it endures throughout the year with 3 exactions.  It is meant to bring some solidity and substance to the changes we’re making this year…but it isn’t easy.  Together with Libra Moon in this triangle (often called a Magi pattern), the Saturn-Uranus necessities of this year are revisited in this Full Moon.  So even though there are some subtle nudges toward harmony and integration at this time, we are also being pressed by the more crucial changes our society must enact.  There is magic in such a combination, as without the dynamics of a square…we might not even pick up on the benefits of the subtler vibrations on the wind.


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi


Friday, March 12, 2021

New Moon in Pisces: Afloat in the Flow


Art from 'Song of the Sea'

New Moon in Pisces:  Afloat in the Flow

Moon conjunct Sun- 3/13/21 @ 4:21am CST


The Wind Moon cycle begins with a subtle opportunity to rest in the change from one season to the next.  The call is to listen to the flow of water, within and without.  Our rest is not stationary…it floats and it moves us along in the waves.  Pisces is mutable water, after all, and it allows us to adapt to the fluctuating currents in our environment…whether we find them to be turbulent or peaceful. 

Many of us tap into our own Pisces expressions through listening to music and expanding our internal imagery.  Some of us tap in through a mystical or spiritual connection.  All of us tap into Pisces by our connection to the mutable water within our bodies, as well as our connection to the mutable water of Mother Earth’s body.  Pisces is the everlasting wisdom state that returns us to Source for rebirth.  Though it is also the meandering journey to get there, and the confusion along the way asks us to follow the thread that can fuse it all together.  For humans (a largely detail-oriented species), the Pisces process can feel a bit otherworldly at times, as it often includes forgetting in the process of remembering.

Joining our luminaries in Pisces are the planets Venus and Neptune along with the asteroids Iris and Isis.  Together, they are like a Pisces Pod of Merfolk singing us into Dreamtime through the vast sea of the Unconscious.   What is this Sea Song about? 

Art by Jenny Lee

Venus leads us through lessons of vulnerability as she makes her way to the Exterior Conjunction with Sun by March 26th.  While the heart is wide open and vulnerable, it is full of courage to face whatever transformation will come from loving.  We are in the last stages of Venus’s release so that she may rise later as Evening Star.  Her part of the Sea Song is bittersweet as she separates from her Morning Star majesty at this midpoint Rite of Passage in her cycle before she can step into her Evening Star wisdom.

Art by Richard Fields

Neptune has been gliding through Piscean waters for 9 years already, basking in the boundlessness of his element.  When met with a stellium of celestial bodies, his mystical nature envelops them.  The Unseen realms are at play.  Things are a bit more like a dream and less defined.  Neptune’s part of the Sea Song is an undercurrent of spiritual connection…like echolocation to help us navigate when things are feeling nebulous and foggy.

Art by Crystal Rose-Thompson

Iris, named after the Rainbow Messenger Goddess, is in between Venus and Neptune.  Her part of the Sea Song communicates, through words that paint a picture, the truth within the dream.  In the same degree of Neptune, Iris has a mitigating effect on the kinds of illusion and deception that often run rampant when Neptune is stirred by transit.  It is not that the illusions have passed, but Iris pours the waters of truth into them so that we may better understand them for what they are.  Since her father was a marine god and her mother was a cloud nymph, Iris is a bridge between water and air…said to collect water from the sea to replenish the rain clouds.  In this way, the sometimes indistinguishable messages from the waters of Pisces can become more clearly communicated through the air.  This reflects the semi-sextile bridge between this Pisces Stellium and Aquarius Jupiter (the traditional ruler of Pisces), offering support even when they can’t quite ‘see’ each other.  Iris also carried water from the River Styx to the Gods as a means to see who lied under oath.  This connection to the Underworld shows that Iris is facilitating communication to and from Venus in her Underworld passage (as Venus’s cycles relate to the mythic storyline of Inanna), bringing hope when all hope seems lost.

Art by Hrana Janto

Isis, named after the Greek version of the name for the Egyptian netert who was the Queen of Magic and Motherhood, is closely conjunct Moon and Sun in this Pisces Stellium.  In Astrology, Isis brings up the kind of powerful magic that can (like the way of Pisces) reassemble disparate parts into the whole.  Her part of this Sea Song amplifies the enchantment to reconnect with what was seemingly lost in our recent past. 

Art by Daniel Vazquez

And in a harmonious sextile to this Pisces Pod, Pluto in Capricorn promises the opportunity for subtle transformation.  As the only remaining member of the Capricorn Council that presided over most of 2020, Pluto continues the long process of breaking down those long-standing structures in our lives that must meet their end.  In the U.S., we are nearing our own Pluto Return which has been applying for a couple years now and will exact throughout 2022.  There is no doubt this grueling transformational process has been underlying our experience in this country since even before the pandemic…but it has been increasingly obvious in the last year.  As we will see, the breakdown to who we are becoming as a nation is still in the first stages of the process.

But at this time, in this New Moon, the subtle opportunity presented requires us all to tap in and make our own personal changes for this lunar cycle.  Underworld as the vibrations are at this time, there is an abundance of harmony in the sky.  We may be stripped down to our essence as we navigate in the dark, but we are well supported in our vulnerability to create meaningful change. 


Art by Gert J. Rheeders

Moon and Sun in Pisces 24

Sabian Symbol:  ‘On a small island surrounded by a vast expanse of sea, 

people are living in close interaction’

As we begin this lunar cycle, we may feel somewhat isolated from the rest of the world…not an uncommon feeling in our recent experience.  But what we are finding is that even in our seeming isolation, we have support when we reach out and interact with our community.  This is a mutual support…a reciprocity that allows everyone to thrive through connection.  In this degree, we see the compassion inherent in the way of Pisces forming bonds between people who have a similar experience.  It’s another reiteration of what we have come to realize over the course of a difficult year:  We are all in this together. 


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi