Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Holarchy of the Human Mind

The reptile within
Only wants our survival,
An ancient desire
And an important one…
But not the only.
We breathe and feed
Thanks to the single-mindedness
Of these ancestors…
But we exist beyond.

The mammal within
Expands survival into nurturance.
Safety and shelter,
Familial bonds,
Beliefs and emotions.
We gather and feel
Thanks to the emotional drive
Along the limbic edge of reason…
But we exist beyond.

The human within
Builds upon these instincts
With language and art,
With science and reason,
Advancing with foresight.
We understand and create
Thanks to the cognitive skills
That make us unique beings…
But we exist beyond.

The spirit within
Is interconnected to all,
Receiving input from instinct
And inspiration from insight.
Overseeing all functions of the whole.
We perceive beyond what we know
Thanks to the orchestration
Of the higher mind…
And we exist in everything.

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