Monday, February 25, 2013

The Quickening Moon: Change the Music, Change the Mood

The Quickening Moon of 2013
Full @ 2:24pm CST on Monday, Feb. 25th

It may not look like it yet, but Spring is quickening.  Life is moving within the belly of Mother Earth, soon to emerge.  In the Quickening Moon, we are all feeling it…something within us all is stirring, and we’re taking notice.  We’re close to birthing something new in our lives.  We are, after all, reflections of Mother Nature…aligned with her cycles.
It may be uncomfortable, carrying all of this weight and responsibility...but the rewards are endless.

There is a lot of activity in the cosmos during this full moon.  It’s like a big party that is decidedly Piscean in many ways.  At the apex of the T-square with Sun and Moon, Jupiter in Gemini is the loquacious and friendly (though stressed and scattered) host of the big event.  Causing him the most stress are his friends, Sun and Moon, a married couple who are currently at odds…teetering on the brink of causing a scene that would be better left for a more intimate setting.  Sun in Pisces just wanted to have a good time, hanging out with his Pisces gang (Mercury Retrograde, Mars, Chiron, and Neptune…Venus will be joining them later at night), escaping responsibility for a while by either drinking, drugging, dancing or playing some music (or all of the above).  In doing so, he has to distance himself from his disapproving wife, Moon in Virgo, who is watching him from across the room and picking him apart silently.  She is not in a good mood and everything about this party seems to irritate her…even the host, his highbrow wife (Juno in Capricorn), and his rebellious best friend (Uranus in Aries).  Moon just doesn’t understand how all of these party animals can ignore the details of their lives that need fixing…after all, the only time she can relax and have a good time is after everything is perfectly in place and worked out.  Now all she can see is all of the problems with everyone that she could help them fix if they would just get serious (and sober) and listen to her analysis.  But it’s not that kind of party.

Moon decides to call her own friends, Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn, to the party.  Jupiter and Uranus aren’t going to like it because one is a detective and the other is a police officer.  But Moon feels a lot better when they arrive.  Not only do the two brothers’ presence keep the others from excess, but they also seem to get along with most everyone and keep the peace amongst their friends, Sun and Moon.  Sun quickly realizes that he’s been distancing himself from Moon, and Moon realizes she’s been pushing him away.  Finally, they reach an understanding…and the tension subsides a little.  They regain balance and realize they are not so different.  Romance fills the air as the band of Pisces misfits strike up the music of the spheres…and Sun leads his lady Moon out onto the dance floor to reconnect.

So how does this event play out in your life?  Well, which one of these party-goers do you identify most with during this time?  Likely all of them, in a way, since this same dance is a reflection of what is happening internally for all of us as well.

The stress happening between these parts of us (specifically the mentally-explorative Jupiter, emotionally-guided Sun, and physically-demonstrative Moon) is not simply to frustrate us…but to push us to make a significant change which will balance us out.  The missing link of this T-square is in the fun-loving, spiritually-focused sign of Sagittarius…where the higher mind is activated and the broader perspective expands to show the meaning within the path.  This is the balancing point which takes the stress off of the overly-active mind.  Some of you have it naturally in your astrological make-up…some of you are seeking it currently.

The following are some tips that may help you make the most of this Full Moon:

1.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Don’t make it bigger than it really is.  This too shall pass, so try not to get stuck in a perfectionistic mindset.  There is far too much Pisces floating around…so some of the pieces will be hidden in the rug for a bit while you’re left with what seems to be an incomplete puzzle.  The lesson from pisces is, it all fits…even when some pieces are hidden from view.  The answer is where the holes are.

2.   Tap into the well of spiritual and creative insight flowing around you today.  You can’t always put everything into words, but you can find a more creative way to express what you are feeling than just getting grumpy and picking apart the world around you.  What’s really happening is inside, anyway.

3. Things don’t seem right?  Make some changes.  You’ll thank yourself later after the hard work is done.

 4.  Are you escaping from reality?  Try to ground your floaty feelings with proper nutrition, plenty of sleep, exercise, and meditation.  This is a recipe for manifesting your creative/spiritual potential in our physical world.

5.  Are you lashing out at those closest to you or distancing yourself from them in other ways?  Notice that what you are seeing in them that you don’t like may be a reflection of your own shadow self confronting you.  Embrace your shadow, dance with it.  Find the balance between by recognizing what parts of you are being repressed when you refuse to recognize that they are, in fact, part of you.  Don’t take out your internal frustrations on those who are only mirroring it.  Face yourself.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Seven: Healing the Spirit

7th Chakra:  Crown Chakra
Center of Spirituality

The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is our connection to the Divine and source of spiritual energy.  This is where you are contacted by Spirit Guides and where you ‘download’ Divine Wisdom from Source.  The crown chakra is the seat of enlightenment, higher learning, inspiration, pure bliss and Cosmic Consciousness.

Through the Crown, you begin your exploration of Spirit, mapping out the truths that align for you and your life purpose.  It is here where you question the beliefs you have held in the past.  Some will be discarded to be replaced with new ones, while others that are still aligned will remain.  It is through your connection with the Divine that you begin to know your own Divinity.  You know that you are Spirit made manifest in physical form.  You know that you are a powerful Creator.  Here, you focus on each moment’s creative powers.  Each thought in the Now creates your future.

The Crown is the source of Divine oneness.  You are interconnected to all living things.  The unity felt in the Crown provides us with empathy as well as peace, knowing that everything is as it should be.

To balance the Crown Chakra, connect to your spiritual roots and allow yourself to grow and branch out from there.  Nobody’s path of spiritual growth is the same, so holding tight to the rigid belief systems of others can stunt your spiritual growth.  Your path is your own.  You can also open this chakra through prayer work/spiritual communication, kundalini awakening through yoga practice, or meditation.  Letting go and releasing the past is essential to healing.  Grounding your energy is also important, as it keeps you anchored, balanced, and present so that negative energies cannot affect you.  Take a walk or run outside and be one with the universe around you, allow the messages from Spirit to reach you.  This chakra is governed by all senses as one, particularly to the proprioceptive sense which is related to inner knowing.  Focus on the color violet (a balance of hot and cold, fire and water, red and blue…it is the color of Temperance and Spiritual Harmony).  You can also focus on bright white, a color which reflects the light of Spirit.  Below, you can find crystals and other healing methods for the crown chakra.

Balanced Crown Energy:

Miracle worker, humanitarian, ethical, harmonious, joyful, can transcend the laws of nature, total access to the unconscious and the subconscious.

Excessive Crown Energy:

Constant sense of frustration, unrealized power, psychotic, depressed,
manic-depressive, destructive, sexual expression is sometimes passionate/sometimes distant, destructive, pompous, dogmatic or rigid beliefs, disconnected from reality, grandiosity, gluttonous, hypocritical, selfish, greedy, wasteful, critical, obsessive, secretive, sly, chaos, anarchy, destruction, kidnapping, mob mentality, corruption, other criminal behavior, confusion, God complex, extreme ungrounded, head in the sky

Deficient Crown Energy:

No spark of joy, catatonic, can’t make decisions limiting belief system, 3D oriented, trouble living in the “now”, untapped potential, bored, dissatisfied, stagnant, unwilling to make changes, depressed, lack of concentration, feeling separated from the whole, lack of purpose

Illnesses associated with the Crown Chakra:

Stress, worry, hysteria, right-left brain balance, migraine headaches, spiritual depression, diseases of the muscular or skeletal system, skin disorders, chronic exhaustion, sensitivity to light/sound/environment, dizziness, lightheadedness, anxiety, phobias, addictions, lack of physical care, forgetting to eat, sciatica, catatonia, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s Disease, minor loss of memory, Alzheimer’s Disease, nervous disorders, nervous breakdown, multiple personality disorders, schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the Crown Chakra:

Pituitary, pineal, nervous system, brain, cerebral cortex, right eye, skeletal system.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the Crown Chakra:

Amethyst, Celestite, Selenite, Beryl, Danburite, Diamond, Quartz, Purple Jasper, Lepidolite, Sugilite, Purple Fluorite, Moldavite

Healing the Crown Chakra with vibration:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Six: Healing the Thoughts

6th Chakra:  Third Eye Chakra
Center of Intuition

The third eye (or brow chakra), located between the eyebrows, is the center of psychic power and intuition.  The third eye functions include logic, intellect, and Higher Thought. This chakra enables you to experience telepathy, astral travel, past life information, and psychic channeling.  This is the chakra where you can tune in to your Higher Self and activate spiritual wisdom.  

This is where we learn open mindedness and where we learn to understand reality with detachment.  An open third eye also allows us to have psychic dreams, dream recall, clairvoyance, soul realization, spiritual sight, and telepathic communication.  This is the seat of the mind, intuition, intelligence, perception, concentration, imagination, visualization, reasoning, insight, memory and clear thinking.  It governs the mental images and ideas that flow in and out of the mind.  The subliminal messages and ideas (both positive and negative that the ego believes about the self, society and the world) are replayed here.  The third eye controls the way a body perceives the Self and the world.

By the power of your thoughts, you create the world.  Thoughts are energy.  Thoughts are things.  This chakra, when balanced, allows you to detach and release those heavy thought forms that weigh you down…the fears, negative perceptions, and worries that lower your energy.  Those fears become entities in your energy field, feeding off of your own energy.  When you give energy to them, they cling to you…wanting more.  When you deny them energy and attention, they dissolve away. 

The thoughts of others with whom you interact can influence you and your experience.  For instance, when interacting with a positive, creative person you will feel uplifted and stimulated even when no words are exchanged.  Your mood is elevated and you feel full of energy and joy.  Similarly, when you interact with a negative person, you begin to feel lowered and drained.  This is a direct result of another person’s thoughts, which are a form of energy around you.

To balance this chakra, learn to have an open mind.  This does not mean you need to believe everything.  But consider everything.  Feel whether or not it resonates truth to you.  Meditation and visualization has a powerful effect on this chakra.  Focus on the color indigo, the depth of this color speaks directly to your mind's eye.  Be aware of your thoughts.  Think positively.  Crystals and other healing methods aligned with this chakra can be found below.

Balanced Energy:

Charismatic, can receive guidance, not attached to material things,
no fear of death, master of yourself, you no longer need another person to complete yourself.

Excessive Energy:

Egomaniac, proud, grandiose, manipulative, denial, self-delusion, spaced out, living in illusions, refusal to face reality, escapism, overly sensitive, fearful, religiously dogmatic, authoritarian.

Deficient Energy:

Non-assertive, undisciplined, lack of future planning, commitment issues, confused, lack of concentration, muddled thinking, physically and materially focused, tense, excessive worrying, forgetfulness, oversensitive to the feelings of others, afraid of success, little (if any) psychic skills or intuition, superstitious, dogmatic, rigid beliefs, inability to be who you really are, lack of discernment, schizophrenic (unable to distinguish between Ego self and Higher self).

Illnesses associated with the Third Eye Chakra:

Confusion, nightmares, mental illness, migraines, bad eyesight, eye problems, lack of clarity, tension, psychic or mental exhaustion, problems with glands, and psychosomatic disorders.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the Third Eye Chakra:

Pineal, pituitary, brain, eyes, ears, nose.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the Third Eye Chakra:

Lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, kyanite, sugilite, quartz crystal, sapphire, fluorite, .

Healing the Third Eye with meditative thought:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Five: Healing the Voice

5th Chakra:  Throat Chakra
Center of Communication

The throat chakra, located at the bottom of the neck, is the seat of self-expression and verbal communication.  The throat stores your ability to speak the truth, verbalize ideas, speak needs, stand up for yourself, assert will, and express creativity.  When you speak falsely, either from lying or omission or gossip, you create an energetic imbalance.  Essentially, what you communicate is what you get.

When the voice center is open, you will have a powerful desire to talk about what you are experiencing.  When you do this, some of your old friends may fall away but your true friends will always be there for you.  So, let go of the ones who are uncomfortable with the new person you are becoming.  You are not meant to be who they expect you to be.  You are meant to be your true self.  You will find that there are many new and wonderful friends who will be magnetically drawn to you as your own energy changes.

When you have a conversation with another person, without the desire for dominating each other, the light of the throat chakras mix which creates a brilliant blue aura.  If the energy or intent of the conversation is negative…the light grows dark and can create a block.  When this happens, one or both may feel unable to express clearly what they mean to say, or the words to resolve the tension, and the result can be more negativity being expressed which makes matters worse.

Speaking through the heart can mend these broken lines of communication…but can be difficult when dealing with a block.  Humor can protect against this kind of darkness…as it is disarming and can add brightness to the heaviness surrounding a darkening discussion.  Often, when you feel your true voice blocked, it is a good idea to take some time to clear it before saying anything more. 

To balance this chakra, sing!  There are always people who don’t think they have a good enough voice to sing…and just that thought alone can weaken the energy of this chakra.  Nobody said you have to be the best singer, or even very good.  It doesn’t matter how you or others may rank the sound of your voice.  Your voice is perfect because it is yours.  So, let it sing without being crushed by judgment.  Other ways to balance this chakra are humming, chanting, speaking positive affirmations, communicating humor and love, laughing, smiling often, speaking your truth, talking with trusted friends and loved ones, etc.  The throat chakra is connected to the sense of hearing…so listening to something that speaks truth to you can also help to open this chakra.  Listen to music (and create some yourself), listen to a guided meditation on chakra opening, listen to the sounds of children playing or birds singing, listen to the wind and all the sounds of nature, listen to the quiet voice within you that knows your truth.  Focusing on the color blue (the brighter, the better) can also help to soothe and heal the throat and its energy.  In the information below, you can find crystals and healing sounds to aid the healing of the throat chakra.

Balanced throat energy:

Honest, trustworthy, makes good choices, self-expressive, laughs often, not afraid to speak their heart and mind, social, congenial, contented, centered, can live in the present, good sense of timing, good speaker, creative, can meditate and experience Divine Energy.

Excessive throat energy:

Arrogant, boastful, self-righteous, talks too much, chatty, tactless, speaking without thinking, gossiping, know-it-all, lying, obnoxious, sharp and hurtful tongue, dominates conversations, endless lecturing, loud booming voice, dogmatic, addictive, sexual energy may be macho/aggressive, prefers partners who can be dominated.

Deficient throat energy:

Scared, timid, holds back, quiet, inconsistent, unreliable, weak, devious, manipulative, inability to voice opinions, won’t speak up, easily deceived, high anxiety, shy, fear of public speaking, indecision, stutters, can't express thoughts and feelings, can’t relax during sex, feels conflict with their religious upbringing, may be afraid of sex.

Illnesses associated with the throat chakra:

Communication and/or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment, thyroid and immune system problems.  Inflamed throat, swollen glands, convulsions, allergies, tonsillitis, laryngitis, hoarseness, muteness, mouth and teeth issues, speech impediments, colds, coughs (including nervous coughs).

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the throat chakra:

Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, mouth, teeth.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the throat chakra:

Turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, aquamarine, blue tourmaline, blue obsidian, aqua aura.
Healing the throat chakra with sound:

The Temple of Sacred Sound is an interactive site by Jonathan Goldman which my friend, Dan Furst, introduced to me years ago.  Here is the link: Temple of Sacred Sound

This is a short video of sound healing with a crystal singing bowl for the 5th chakra.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Four: Healing the Heart

4th Chakra:  Heart Chakra
Center of Compassion

The Heart Chakra, located in the center of the chest, is the gateway to the higher states of consciousness.  It links the lower chakras and the upper chakras and is the portal through which we radiate the power of unconditional love and gratitude and how we receive it from the universe. 

While the balanced energy of the Heart Center radiates love, compassion, and forgiveness…the dysfunctional energy of this chakra is a heart full of rage, hate, and cruelty.  Often, when a thirst for power takes control of a person’s life…the lower three chakras pool with excessive energy.  The result is that when that energy reaches the heart chakra, it is dark and heavy.  This creates the kind of outward expression that we see in most people who hoard material power…unable to trust or even truly love others, they only look out for what they assume is in their best interests.  This Scrooge-like demeanor hardens the heart over time and creates a blockage in this chakra.  With no way for the energy to go up through the upper chakras, such people are unable to even recognize a higher state of consciousness.

This is the chakra of caring and compassion.  When the heart is open and you have self-love, your relationships with others will be healthy and balanced.   Awakening the heart chakra is one of the most important steps that we can take on our spiritual journey through life.  True healing of old emotional wounds comes from here.  With strong heart energy, we stop clinging to old hurts and pain.  Instead, we feel forgiveness toward ourselves and others and we heal with love.  Resentments and refusing to forgive are the most common sources of Heart Chakra blockages.  By forgiving, you unlock the door to healing.

To balance this chakra, give service freely to others (though not in excess).  Watch movies that make you feel, listen to soothing music, play with children or animals.  Focusing on the color green (or pink or gold, whichever you most align with) will allow your heart energy to unfold, strengthen and spread out (much like wings).  Keep feelings and thoughts of thankfulness in everything you experience daily.  Feel with compassion and patience.  Most importantly, love and forgive yourself and others.  In the information below, you can find crystals and other healing techniques associated with the sense of touch (the sense connected to the heart center) that can aid you in your healing of this chakra.

Balanced heart energy:

Compassionate, empathetic, humanitarian, sees the good in everyone, desire to nurture others, friendly, outgoing, in touch with feelings, can surrender and merge in a love relationship, can wait for the right partner. When in balance you begin to express and receive abundant love.  You find out what you love to do and then you do it.  Your life purpose becomes clear as you express the energy of love. You love what you do and it shows. You are able to accept those you meet and accept them for who they are without being drawn into their drama.
You begin to give of yourself freely and openly without looking or expecting anything in return.  Love is the natural state for the mind and body, exampled by the love for a child or an animal.  You give love without expecting anything in return – you love for the sheer joy of loving.

Excessive heart energy:

Demanding, overly critical, overly sensitive, overly reactive, overly helpful, over-nurturing, over-protective, possessive, moody, melodramatic, manic-depressive, co-dependent, inability to let go of a relationship, feels overwhelmed, manipulative, uses money or sex to control people, martyr, a master of conditional love: "I love you if", withholds love to get the desired behavior: "You wouldn't do that if you really loved me."

Deficient heart energy:

Relationship issues, commitment issues, emotional unavailability, emotional insecurities, hides emotions, erratic emotions, resistance, jealousy, possessiveness, paranoia, feeling sorry for yourself, self-neglect, indecisive, aloofness, overly private, bitterness, worries a lot, afraid of letting go and being free, non-nurturing, non-supportive, low milk flow for nursing mothers, sexual energy feels unworthy love, can't reach out, terrified of rejection, needs constant reassurance.

Illnesses associated with the heart chakra:

Heart pain, heart attack, high or low blood pressure, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD, negativity, poor circulation, fatigue, difficulty breathing, tension, insomnia, anger, paranoia, fibromyalgia, cysts and breast cancer.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the heart chakra:

Heart, lungs, immune system, thymus gland, lymph glands.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the heart chakra:

Emerald, green or pink tourmaline, watermelon tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, rose quartz, rhodonite, red calcite, ruby.

Healing the heart chakra with touch:

Touch is the first intimacy that we know as infants and remains our most powerful, unspoken means of communication throughout our lives.  It is in our heart center that we learn about touch and how we, in turn, wish to touch others. One of the most heart opening feelings is when you are holding and stroking a baby.   If you know a Reiki practitioner, these healers are skilled at healing with touch as well.  The best, most immediate, way to heal yourself and others with the sense of touch is to hug someone…hug everyone.  It’s not just for ‘hippies’ anymore.  ;)  Hugging heightens the energy shared between heart chakras of individuals.  Petting animals, especially cats, is another way to open the heart center.  When a cat purrs, they do so during both inhalation and exhalation with a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz.  Studies have shown that sound frequencies in this range can improve muscle growth/repair, tendon repair, mobility of joints, bone density and promote pain relief, swelling reduction, wound healing and overall healing. 

As the heart chakra is also connected with the energy of the hands, mudras (special hand positions) are beneficial for opening the heart and send more energy to it.  To open the heart chakra, sit cross-legged.  Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch on both hands.  Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (a bit above the solar plexus).  Concentrate on the heart chakra and chant the sound ‘YAM’ (YAHMNG).  The sound, from Sanskrit letters, causes a resonation in your body that you can feel in your Heart Center.  Do this meditation for 7-10 deep breaths.  Chant the sound three times each breath.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Three: Healing the Identity

3rd Chakra:  Solar Plexus Chakra
Center of Power

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located below the ribcage, is the seat of identity, personal power and will.  In this power center is where your primary power animal resides.  Blocks and disruptions to this chakra often lead to your power animal being forced out of its ‘home’ in your energy field, and its medicine becoming inaccessible until the damage is repaired on a spiritual level. 

From a shamanic perspective, each of us has the ability to connect with 9 primary totems, while also learning the medicine of other totems throughout life’s journey.  But, the 9 primaries surround us and protect us in all directions (north, east, south, west, right, left, above, below, and within).  At different initiations in our lives, our primary power animal may change…but no matter the direction they represent, the power animal resides in the solar plexus and connects us with our personal power through its specific medicine.

When the solar plexus is open and balanced, you have found and accepted your unique gift…the work that gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled.  One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when you were a child, this will give you clues about your natural inclinations.

This is the center of Chi (life force energy).  It has to do with personal identity, ego, power, will, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-understanding, and self-respect.  It is here where you accept or reject who your truly are.  This is the area where you give or restrict your own personal freedom, form personal boundaries, give away personal power or exert your will.  Desires that are formed in the Sacral Chakra are then manifested by the will power of the Solar Plexus into physical reality.

When two people are in a heated argument, the light from the solar plexus turns from bright yellow to dark.  The way the lights from the two chakras mix is characterized by negativity.  The darker the light is, the more hate is there between the two.  When it turns dark enough, it becomes black and a blockage may arise in the solar plexus center in one or both of them.  A block in this chakra forces the power animal out, creating illness that is often difficult to heal without outside help…as this chakra, when clear, has much to do with self-sufficiency and reflects the opposite when blocked or damaged.

To balance this chakra, rub your belly.  Visualize sunshine radiating out from your solar plexus.  Breathe deeply, using your diaphragm.  When you breathe in this way…it is much like a hot air balloon.  Breathing in, your belly and chest expand.  Breathing out, your belly and chest deflate.  It’s much different than the kind of ‘sucking in the gut’ inhale…as using your diaphragm allows for full expansion of the lungs.  Focusing on the color yellow will help you to connect with your ‘gut’ intellect and uplift your connection to your own power.  Also, connecting with your power animal, either physically or through visualization, can strengthen this center.  This chakra is linked to the sense of sight (just as the root is linked to smell and the sacral chakra is linked to taste)…so visualizations of what speaks to your own sense of power are very beneficial for healing this chakra.  Belly dancing is great for this chakra.  Yoga poses such as the cat, the bow, the twist, and the coil are very helpful as well.  Something you can do daily is to hug yourself while twisting from side to side with your chest out.  Sunlight and yellow flowers are some natural things that can help out too.  In the information below, you can find crystals and other visualization techniques to aid solar plexus healing.

Balanced solar plexus energy:

Outgoing, cheerful, self-respect, respect others, strong sense of personal power, skillful, intelligent, relaxed, spontaneous, expressive, takes on new challenges, enjoys physical activities and good food.

Excessive solar plexus energy:

Judgmental, critical, demanding, workaholic, perfectionist, bullying, stubborn, arrogant, boastful, impulsive, , spiteful, cruel, violent, war-like, aggressive, overly competitive, argumentative, egotistical, sense of entitlement, conceited, over-confident, overly intellectual, refusal to admit when wrong, may need drugs to relax, sexually inhibited, can't show emotional warmth.

Deficient solar plexus energy:

Depressed, lack of confidence, overly sensitive to critisism, need for other’s approval, worries about what others think, self-doubt, confused, aloof, pessimistic, lazy, stagnant, feels unworthy, low/no self-esteem, power issues, lack of self-assertion, needs constant confirmation of self-worth, inability to manifest, low/no ambition, fear of taking action, fear of moving forward, physically weak, poor digestion, afraid of being alone, sexual energy is insecure, needs constant reassurance, jealous, distrustful.

Illnesses associated with the solar plexus chakra:

Digestive difficulties, weight issues, eating disorders, hypoglycemia, hypochondria, ulcers, gas, food allergies, liver problems, diabetes, over-sexed, gall stones, fevers, acne, muscle cramps, spasm, depression, difficulty breathing.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the solar plexus chakra:

The diaphragm, the breath, adrenals, skin, digestive organs, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder, liver.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid solar plexus chakra healing:

Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger’s eye, golden beryl, yellow tourmaline, gold calcite, sandstone, pyrite and gold.

Visualizations to aid in solar plexus chakra healing:

In the morning when you wake up (if you do wake up in the morning), go outside and face the rising sun with bare feet planted on the ground (or from an eastern window inside if the weather isn’t ideal).  Visualize the golden light of the sun shining into your power center…connecting with and cleansing your own light.  Greet the sun with gratitude for its healing.

The following links are some videos you can use to meditate on your power center.  The main thing is to focus on yellow or golden fiery images as you connect with your sense of Self. 

Additionally, the best ways to find your power animal are through shamanic journeying or guided meditation.  You can also find them through dreams, memories of childhood experiences or animal connections, or intuitive connections made between you and an animal when encountering, watching, or visualizing that animal.  The following link is a guided meditation you could use to find your power animal, I highly recommend it if you aren’t already sure.  Whichever animal/insect/mythical beast/etc. sticks with you in your ordinary conscious awareness (as well as your dreams) afterwards…this is the totem that is stepping forth as your primary power animal whose medicine will keep your solar plexus chakra balanced.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Two: Healing the Emotions

2nd Chakra:  Sacral Chakra
Center of Emotion

The Sacral Chakra, located just below the navel, holds the desire to give and receive pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction from life.  It gives us the ability to feel emotions and vibrations from others.  This is the seat of creativity, and also the center of sexuality for women.  The Sacral Chakra is influenced by how emotions were expressed or repressed during childhood.

To balance this chakra, express your creativity.  Create love, friendship, art, music, a meal, etc.  Eat healthy foods.  Dance, move your hips, laugh and have some fun.  Focusing on the color orange can enliven your creativity and passion.  You can open this chakra by using foods and crystals as well, listed below.

When two people who truly love each other make love, the light and energy from their sacral chakras mix.  This creates a fantastic aura around them which has a vibration so powerful that a lot of negative karma can be burned away.  Expressing yourself in this way, or by any creative act, can help you to develop personally as well as spiritually.

Balanced sacral energy:

Friendly, joyful, concerned for others, sense of belonging, easy emotions, intuitive, clairsentient, good sense of humor, radiate warmth and compassion.

Excessive sacral energy:

Emotionally explosive, reactive, overly ambitious, overly helpful, manipulative, envy, vanity, selfishness, caught up in illusions, overindulgent, promiscuity, adultery, sexual energy sees people as sex objects.

Deficient sacral energy:

Shy, timid, immobilized by fear, overly sensitive, self-negating, socially awkward, creative blocks, hides emotions, burdened by guilt, sexual energy is clingy, co-dependent, feels guilty about having sex, abused, frigid or impotent.

Illnesses associated with the sacral chakra:

Kidney weakness, diabetes, liver problems related to excess, constipation, loss of weight, irregular menstruation, ovarian cysts, uterine cancer, STDs, PMS, hormone imbalances, hernias, muscle cramps, lack of energy, allergies, repression and inhibition.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the sacral chakra:

Skin, kidney, mammary glands, ovaries, testicles, prostate, spleen

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid sacral chakra healing:

Carnelian, coral, amber, orange calcite, cherry opal

Beneficial foods and drinks for the sacral chakra:

Spring or Artesian water, seeds (especially flaxseed), tropical fruits (especially coconut and coconut oil), nuts, orange colored (natural) foods.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part One: Healing the Root

As Saturn retrogrades, and so many of us are working on our internal power structures, now would be a good time to review Chakra Healing.

When you are experiencing physical illness, discomfort, or pain in your body…these things are often symptoms with a spiritual root.  Learning about your chakras can help to speed up your understanding of the illness as well as the process of healing your body.

1st Chakra:  Root Chakra
Center of Manifestation

The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the grounding force that allows us to connect to the earth energies and empower ourselves.  This is the center of physical energy and vitality and gives us the energy necessary to succeed in earthly matters such as business and financial security.  This chakra rules all forms of security, safety, survival, physical self-preservation, heredity, passion, and matters of the material world, as well as primal erotic and procreational urges.

Every other chakra is downstream of the root and can only receive the energy that the root chakra can pass through it.  So, the path to health and power goes right through the gender organs.  To understand your root chakra, you must come to a place of peace with your sexual energy.  This is where a man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a woman can learn to integrate her masculine power.

To balance this chakra, connect with the earth.  In the warm months, this is easier as you can go barefoot outside.  However, there are other things you can do year-round.  Dancing is very good for grounding.  Also, domestic tasks such as cooking or cleaning will help you to ground.  Focusing on the color red can help bring your energetic body ‘down to earth’ and in alignment with your physical body.  You can open this chakra by using scents and crystals as well, listed below.

All of the emotional, behavioral, and physical health issues listed below have to do with the ability to let go.  When we cannot release what is holding us back, we cannot move forward.  When we cannot release what is blocking our root, the energy cannot move forward through us. 

Balanced root energy:

Centered, grounded, secure, stable, healthy, fully alive, unlimited physical energy, can manifest abundance. Ability to initiate sexual encounters is comfortable and natural.  Takes good care of the body. Eliminatory system functions well.  People who have open root chakras love their lives and love their physical incarnation in their present bodies.

Excessive root energy:

Egotistic, self-indulgent, self-centered, domineering, greedy, sadistic.  Sexual energy is entirely genital. Judgment and biased opinions.

Deficient root energy:

Lack of confidence, weak, can't achieve goals, absent-minded, confusion or boredom with practical aspects of existence, problems with the home, worries about survival, overabundance of stress, suicidal, physical pain, feel unlovable, little interest in sex, masochistic.  Fear and insecurity. Blockage in this energy center of the body can result in a core sense of unworthiness and self-doubt and shame. Thought forms such as "I don't deserve love," "I'm ashamed of who I am," and "I'm always misunderstood," are common in people with a blocked Root Chakra. They try to compensate for these feelings by acquiring, keeping and controlling material possessions, by becoming addicted to material things.  The ultimate root chakra failure is suicide.

Illnesses associated with the root chakra:

Drug addictions, anemia, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, gynecological problems, Aids, herpes, candida. Decreased immune system. Lower back pain. Sciatica. Constipation. Hemorrhoids.  Colitis.  Prostrate problems.  Physical problems with the coccyx, anus and genitals.

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the root chakra:

Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid root chakra healing:

Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz

Aromatherapy for the root chakra:

Patchouli, cedar wood, lavender, musk, hyacinth, cinnamon and sandalwood