Friday, February 22, 2013

Chakra Centers, Part Five: Healing the Voice

5th Chakra:  Throat Chakra
Center of Communication

The throat chakra, located at the bottom of the neck, is the seat of self-expression and verbal communication.  The throat stores your ability to speak the truth, verbalize ideas, speak needs, stand up for yourself, assert will, and express creativity.  When you speak falsely, either from lying or omission or gossip, you create an energetic imbalance.  Essentially, what you communicate is what you get.

When the voice center is open, you will have a powerful desire to talk about what you are experiencing.  When you do this, some of your old friends may fall away but your true friends will always be there for you.  So, let go of the ones who are uncomfortable with the new person you are becoming.  You are not meant to be who they expect you to be.  You are meant to be your true self.  You will find that there are many new and wonderful friends who will be magnetically drawn to you as your own energy changes.

When you have a conversation with another person, without the desire for dominating each other, the light of the throat chakras mix which creates a brilliant blue aura.  If the energy or intent of the conversation is negative…the light grows dark and can create a block.  When this happens, one or both may feel unable to express clearly what they mean to say, or the words to resolve the tension, and the result can be more negativity being expressed which makes matters worse.

Speaking through the heart can mend these broken lines of communication…but can be difficult when dealing with a block.  Humor can protect against this kind of darkness…as it is disarming and can add brightness to the heaviness surrounding a darkening discussion.  Often, when you feel your true voice blocked, it is a good idea to take some time to clear it before saying anything more. 

To balance this chakra, sing!  There are always people who don’t think they have a good enough voice to sing…and just that thought alone can weaken the energy of this chakra.  Nobody said you have to be the best singer, or even very good.  It doesn’t matter how you or others may rank the sound of your voice.  Your voice is perfect because it is yours.  So, let it sing without being crushed by judgment.  Other ways to balance this chakra are humming, chanting, speaking positive affirmations, communicating humor and love, laughing, smiling often, speaking your truth, talking with trusted friends and loved ones, etc.  The throat chakra is connected to the sense of hearing…so listening to something that speaks truth to you can also help to open this chakra.  Listen to music (and create some yourself), listen to a guided meditation on chakra opening, listen to the sounds of children playing or birds singing, listen to the wind and all the sounds of nature, listen to the quiet voice within you that knows your truth.  Focusing on the color blue (the brighter, the better) can also help to soothe and heal the throat and its energy.  In the information below, you can find crystals and healing sounds to aid the healing of the throat chakra.

Balanced throat energy:

Honest, trustworthy, makes good choices, self-expressive, laughs often, not afraid to speak their heart and mind, social, congenial, contented, centered, can live in the present, good sense of timing, good speaker, creative, can meditate and experience Divine Energy.

Excessive throat energy:

Arrogant, boastful, self-righteous, talks too much, chatty, tactless, speaking without thinking, gossiping, know-it-all, lying, obnoxious, sharp and hurtful tongue, dominates conversations, endless lecturing, loud booming voice, dogmatic, addictive, sexual energy may be macho/aggressive, prefers partners who can be dominated.

Deficient throat energy:

Scared, timid, holds back, quiet, inconsistent, unreliable, weak, devious, manipulative, inability to voice opinions, won’t speak up, easily deceived, high anxiety, shy, fear of public speaking, indecision, stutters, can't express thoughts and feelings, can’t relax during sex, feels conflict with their religious upbringing, may be afraid of sex.

Illnesses associated with the throat chakra:

Communication and/or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment, thyroid and immune system problems.  Inflamed throat, swollen glands, convulsions, allergies, tonsillitis, laryngitis, hoarseness, muteness, mouth and teeth issues, speech impediments, colds, coughs (including nervous coughs).

Glands/organs/body parts associated with the throat chakra:

Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, mouth, teeth.

Stones/crystals/minerals to aid the healing of the throat chakra:

Turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, aquamarine, blue tourmaline, blue obsidian, aqua aura.
Healing the throat chakra with sound:

The Temple of Sacred Sound is an interactive site by Jonathan Goldman which my friend, Dan Furst, introduced to me years ago.  Here is the link: Temple of Sacred Sound

This is a short video of sound healing with a crystal singing bowl for the 5th chakra.

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