Friday, March 28, 2014

The Dragon's Flight into the Libra-Aries Axis

On the Saturday following the Spring Equinox, the Moon’s nodes shifted from our last lessons of the Scorpio/Taurus plane to the lessons of Libra/Aries. The Lunar nodes, in scientific terms, are the points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic. The astrological implications of the lunar nodes are about karmic lessons, and the necessary balance between what we’ve already learned and no longer need to focus on (The Dragon's Tail:  South Node in Aries) and what we must learn now, however uncomfortable and uncharted the territory, for the growth of our souls (The Dragon's Head:  North Node in Libra).

Each of us has our own natal nodes and lessons, which tend to answer the age-old questions, ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘What is my soul’s purpose?’ For example, I (and those around the same age as me) have the lessons of North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn…our soul’s growth comes from spiritual nurturance and caretaking, learning the value of emotional fulfillment as we move away from our engrained urges to acquire fame, recognition, and materialistic pursuits.

But the positions the Nodes are in at the present moment affect the collective soul’s growth of our entire global community…so while we are each having our own soul’s intentions directing us one way, those lessons are also being influenced on a global scale by the current position of the Nodes.

And it’s that shift that I’m talking about now…the one we’re all feeling. Now that the South Node is in Aries, we’re being introduced to the lesson of self-centered behavior and the consequences of making rash decisions without consideration for others.  We’re currently so intent on pushing forward and impatient in the pursuit of our own individual discoveries, that we end up narrowly-focused on what we want rather than allowing others to have a voice in the outcome. The North Node in Libra directs our paths toward the benefits of partnership, finding a compromise with others that could actually improve our situations in the long term. Being overly-aggressive becomes problematic during this time because we may just push others away to the point of having little support when we really need it…and while we may be more comfortable working alone during this time, we may find ourselves constantly hitting impediments that could be eased by others. Our powers of patience and cooperation need to be cultivated now instead of aggressively seeking what will get us ahead.

This axis can be very frustrating, making it difficult to prioritize and commit to a single fail-safe strategy that has everyone’s best interests in mind.  Self-sacrifice instead of focusing only on what we want for ourselves is where we move past the old ways of thinking and come into our collective ability to diplomatically work together in making our lives more harmonious. One of the things you’ll see during this transit is a greater tendency to be bossy, aggressively exercising authority without concern for how it effects the productivity and well being of everyone else. Our own authority figures are already skilled in this, yet now is the time they will be faced with its negative implications as more and more people will be seeking out more harmonious environments where the atmosphere is friendlier and more conducive to accomplishing goals toward the greater good. This is the time we learn the lesson that relating is creating…and that putting ourselves above others, bullying, fighting, or any other manner of creating distance between others is destructive to everyone involved.  Balance, reciprocity, and healthy relationships on every level are the underlying goals for the next 18 months.

There will be a lot of competitive behavior and rushing into battle with little consideration for those involved during this time, as well as more heated arguments that only further separate us from the compromise we desire to achieve. As we go through these lessons, we learn that peace is priority…not self-interest.  The balance of give and take, amongst our human race as well as between us and our whole planet, is a necessity that can no longer be ignored.  Life is not a competition, it is a gradual unfolding of our interconnectedness.  All life requires some type of partnership in order to grow, after all.  Now is the time to realize which of those partnerships are the most important to our survival as well as our collective ability to thrive.

To see in what areas of life this shift affects you personally, look to the houses in your natal chart where Libra and Aries begin. The last time the nodes were in this axis was between August 1995 and January 1997. Try to remember what was going on in your life at that time to get an idea of what is to come now, after maturing since then. Astrology follows patterns, and recognizing those patterns can help you to work with the energies when they come around again.

Here are some ideas on how to make the best of this ingress: Reach out to others, both to help as well as to ask for help.  Rediscover your identity by relating with others, not by distancing yourself from them.  Share.  “Make love, not war.”  Agree to disagree. Negotiate.  Compromise.  Slow down and think things through before you act.  Talk it out.  Cultivate patience.  Work together toward a common goal.  Get involved with those around you in more meaningful ways.  Learn to commit whole-heartedly to something, or someone, other than yourself.  Create beauty.  Connect.  Be tactful.  Live in harmony.  Try yoga.  Socialize in other ways besides online.  Create positive friendships.  And most importantly, strive for equality in all relations.
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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