Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Totem Tuesday: Owl Medicine

Owl Medicine
by Felina Lune Kavi

“A Wise Old Owl sat on an Oak.  The more he saw, the less he spoke.  The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?” –Author Unknown

Keywords:  Wisdom, Prophecy, Intuition, Vision, Discernment, Silence, Solitude, Secrets, Enlightenment, Death/Transformation, Feminine Power, Vigilance, Dreams, Stealth, Observation, Insight, Guidance, Patience, Adaptability, Occult Knowledge

Of all my personal totems, Owl has been the most prevalent throughout the years when I have needed guidance through dark times.  Owl is my ‘left’ totem, which connects me to feminine power.  From this medicine, I have learned to navigate the dark and use what I have learned to help others do the same.

With the ability to turn their heads around 270 degrees and even upside down, and their field of vision being about 110 degrees, Owls have a unique ability to see the world from many angles.  Their eyes are perhaps their most distinguishing feature and are protected by three sets of eyelids…the upper one for blinking, the lower one for sleeping, and one that closes from the inside out to keep the eyes clean.  

People with this totem have powerful insight and the ability to see more than most.  Just as an owl sees very well in the darkness, owl people have the ability to look into the depths of a soul and see them more clearly than that person may see themselves.  Much of their wisdom comes from this type of penetrating vision.  Because of this they are often able to see what has yet to reveal itself.  There is usually no hiding a secret from an Owl person because of their keen powers of observation and intuition.  They can detect subtleties in voices and mannerisms and hear what is not being spoken or what is being hidden.

The owl stomach is in two parts to help them digest food.  What they can’t digest is formed into pellets that they regurgitate.  People with Owl as their totem often take in information this way as well.  They have the ability to extract the truth from information and discard the rest with great skill and discernment.  They are also aware of what is not useful to them and go through periods of purging those things in order to move on.  Some cultures believe the Owl to be an omen of death…but Owl people know that death is a transformation, one in which the bones are discarded (as they are in owl pellets) but the energy of that life transfers to new life and lives on.

Female owls are about 25% larger than the males, which is uncommon with birds.  Because of this, they are associated with feminine power.  Their association with the moon and with the night also alludes to feminine mysteries and occult knowledge. 

An Owl person often gives the appearance of being wise beyond their years…and while they often act as guides and teachers in some way, they tend to do more listening than talking.  They know that silence often holds more information than words, and often appear quite stoic and a bit guarded.  

Owl is a silent predator.  Their large wings, made up of five different types of feathers, not only serve to protect them and allow them to feel their surroundings…but also allow them to fly without making a sound.  Owl people tend to go after what they want in a quiet, imperceptible manner.  Unless opposite animal energies are also dominant, they don’t usually call attention to themselves and often prefer to blend into their surroundings and work behind the scenes of things.

Owls are versatile and adaptable creatures.  Because of this, they can be found anywhere (except Antarctica) and in a variety of habitats…from forests, prairies, or tundra to man-made structures like barns and churches.  Most owls don’t migrate.  As long as they have food and shelter, they will stay in their home location.  

The same can be true for those with this totem.  They can live anywhere and adapt well to their surroundings…often preferring to stay in one location and get to know it well rather than moving to new places often.   Though if they do move to a new home, they can easily adapt.  Many owl people might be considered homebodies, and tend to prefer staying up late (even proudly calling themselves a 'Night Owl').

Owls are also very solitary animals.  They are content to be alone and often work better this way.  However, many species of Owl will mate for life, and both are fiercely protective of their offspring.  Though people with this totem may need plenty of alone time, they are very loyal to their partners and care deeply for their children.

If Owl is one of your totems, these and many other lessons will be prevalent in your life.  Owl will urge you to refine your mastery of this medicine.  If you see an owl, but it is not one of your totems, respect it as a messenger for that time.  You may need its medicine for what is happening then or what is coming up in the near future.  Accept and appreciate the wisdom the owl gives you.  It may be that you need to face your fears, rid yourself of something that no longer serves you, or take time out to enjoy some quiet time alone.  Either way, Owl is a patient guide…and while it may take time to impart all of its wisdom, it is likely to be persistent.

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