Monday, March 27, 2017

New Moon in Aries: Kundalini Awakening

New Moon in Aries:  Kundalini Awakening
Moon conjunct Sun at 9:57pm CDT, 3-27-2017

This moon phase is the Rain Moon (also known as the Awakening Moon, Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, or Growing Moon…actually there are myriad names for each moon phase, but I like Rain Moon because I am a spring-born pluviophile).  In this dark moon, the Sun and Moon meet in the 8th degree of Aries.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a woman’s hat with streamers blown by the east wind”…a degree of intellectual and spiritual awakening.  This is what I call ‘the new moon of new moons’ since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac…it’s like a double shot of pioneering energy for new beginnings.

In the balsamic phase of this past lunation, I attended a shamanic intensive where I learned more about the cosmovision, language, and healing rites of the Q’ero people of Peru.  The seeds planted during that moon phase are now sprouting forth into the next and I feel inspired to share my experience of each of the 7 main archetypes that have been awakened within my chakras from these teachings.  Though these archetypes come from a continent away, they have a lot in common with other traditions and intermingle with my own understanding of spirit to express something through me as their conduit.  I am grateful to those who came down from the Andes Mountains to share what they know, and to the teachers who learned from them and spread that knowledge far and wide in this accelerated time.

So during this waxing moon, I will be meditating on the archetype of the Serpent who resides in my root chakra.  In this post, I invoke her to tell her story through my eyes while I tell my own through hers in my own sacred space.  She will be my guide as I free write about her archetypal energies. 

'The Three Powers' by Pablo Amaringo

Sach’amama, Yakumama, Wayrumama

I am Sach’amama, Mother Jungle.  I am the tree of life, my giant serpent body coiled beneath the sacred soil.  I protect the sustenance that Pachamama provides.  When I shed my skin, I am the silent bolts of lightning in a massive storm.  I teach stillness, patience, and grounding.  My medicine is in the sacred soil, the stone people, and the plant people…they are healers, as am I. 

I am Yakumama, Mother of the Waters. I am the giant serpent who slides beneath the river; moving energy, ever flowing, that nourishes us.  When I shed my skin, it rises to form clouds in the sky…sending down a rattling renewal of rain.  I teach movement, fearlessness, and cleansing.  My medicine is in the sacred water of life: the rivers, the lakes, the oceans, the streams, the rain…they are healers, as am I.

I am Wayrumama, Mother of the Winds.  I am the flying serpent of the sky, bringer of the winds of change…spreading the seeds of new cycles and breathing life into form.  When I shed my skin, I create the drumming sound of thunder and the strong push and pull of winds to clear away the old and usher in the new.  I teach alertness, perception, and releasing.  My medicine is in the sacred breath and the wind that blows in every direction…they are healers, as am I.

We are the healing power of transmutation, shedding the layers that have been outgrown and guiding toward paths of renewal.  We are Kawsay, the primal life force deep within. We are receptive and open healers, as are you.

For more information on the 1st Gate of Manifestation, where we reclaim our life force and the healthy expression of our beingness, check out 1st Chakra: Healing the Root.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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