Friday, July 21, 2017

New Moon in Leo: Emanating the Sacred Fire into Conscious Creation

New Moon in Leo:  Emanating the Sacred Fire into Conscious Creation

Moon conjunct Sun @ 4:46am CDT, 7-23-17

Coming in like a lion, this New Moon begins in conjunction with Mars, planet of action and desire, at the beginning of Leo.  Leo is the sign of solar energy, generously generating life on Earth through its warmth and illumination.  The Sacred Masculine is spotlighting where we, as a collective, need to focus our healing fire.  Mars is the Warrior aspect of the Divine Masculine, and this archetype can range from the Peaceful Warrior to the Destroyer.  With this energy ushering us into a new lunar month (The Green Corn Moon), it may start off with a bang in many ways.  To begin this phase, issues may arise that illuminate our expressions of anger, where we draw the line with our boundaries, and how we conquer whatever seeks to destroy us.

It is becoming more and more prevalent in modern spiritual communities to polarize anger into the ‘negative’ or ‘dark’ category of energies.  This is misguided, as it leads only to repression and eventual, unconscious eruption.  Let me be clear, feeling angry does not make you less spiritual.  What you do with anger is important.  Anger is not meant to be the action, but the inspiration.  Whatever pushes our rage buttons or triggers an angry outburst, look closer.  It is the key in the ignition of positive action.  Channel that fire into an inner drive to create better outcomes, and you’ve got the solar power to get to your next destination. 

With such fiery energy guiding us into this new phase, we must remember that there is as much creative energy to this element as there is destructive energy…and that, as the story of life and death goes, creativity and destruction are a symbiotic partnership.  Tap into what you can now create, and consciously put your inner fire to work.  Channel the Sun’s projective power into creative outlets and projects.  Rather than react to distractions, act on attraction.

Sun/Moon in Leo 1:  “Blood rushes to a man’s head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition”

In this first degree of Leo, the Sabian Symbol refers to the individual experience of energy rising from the heart to the head.  Essentially, in a creative sense, our heart’s desire comes to mind and seeks conscious manifestation.  Or, in a destructive sense, the wrath that arises from a wounded heart starts a wildfire within…and the heat rises to the mind, creating a chain reaction of destructive thoughts.  The original wording of this symbol gives more clues into the destructive aspect of this energy:  “a case of apoplexy”.  Apoplexy is unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from cerebral hemorrhage or stroke.  But apoplexy also has a more informal definition as an incapacity or speechlessness caused by extreme anger.  In either definition, the result is incapacity in some form if we’re not careful with this energy.  The different descriptions of this symbol present a choice.  Will we intentionally focus this trailblazing force of bio-psychic energy into ambitious creative pursuits, or will we leave it unattended…resulting in a conflagration of disastrous effects?

The way this New Moon energy manifests in our individual lives will largely depend on what energy we are currently holding in our hearts before it rushes to our heads.  Are we holding space for love and gratitude in our heart center?  Or are we holding onto damaging feelings of fear, lack, jealousy, rage, revenge, or hatred?  Let the healing fire within purify your heart center during this dark moon transition...and release.  No matter how broken you may feel, that sacred flame is eternal.  Whatever you hold in your heart right now (be it radiant love or a towering inferno)…it is bound to spread…first to the mind, then out into the world around us.  As within, so without.

Mars in Leo 2:  “An epidemic of mumps”

And so along comes Mars, named after the God of War, to spread the individual experience to the collective.  Interestingly, there quite literally has been (in the past couple of years) an epidemic of mumps resurfacing.  The vast majority of those individuals infected were vaccinated with the live attenuated virus vaccine (which can both mutate and shed to others)…raising the question of the MMR vaccine’s effectiveness, and reigniting the fight over whether it does more harm than good.  And in that question, there is a war…and it is likely that each of you reading this is on one side or the other…though there are many who have little idea there is a battle going on at all.  Paul “For Profit” Offit, one of the people most feverishly promoting mandatory vaccinations in the U.S., told FOX Business this year, “Could you make a better mumps vaccine which has no side effects and has better protection? I think that you could, but it would probably be a two-decade long effort and it would mean a company like Merck, which is the sole manufacturer in the United States, will essentially be competing against themselves -- so I don’t see that happening. I think the more likely scenario is that you give out a third dose of the current vaccine at 11 or 13 years of age.”  Of course, that third dose has been tried and failed…so the unanswered questions continue to fly.

Timely as this decades-old symbol is in our modern age, it would be missing the point to take it literally (though we can’t rule out another epidemic of mumps occurring this year, since it was still going on throughout the beginning of 2017).  What this symbol means to bring to our attention is the spreading of panic fear (and, with Mars’s influence, the spreading of heated emotions, vitriol, and war-like behavior as a reaction).   Fear is what is underlying it all…fear that we, too, might succumb to the worst of the potentially harmful effects of the ‘apoplexy’ degree our luminaries are bringing to light.  Those acting (or reacting) unconsciously to perceived threats are quick to point the finger of blame at any easy target, unwittingly pointing three more fingers back at themselves.  Those who are conscious of these energetic undertones have a better chance of ‘immunity’ to the disease of fear that might seem to run rampant in their environment (or, at least, they will be asymptomatic or only mildly put out by it).  This becoming conscious of what’s spreading is the key…and it starts with inner examination.  Examining it in the light of consciousness allows us to create our ‘antibodies’ of resistance. 

Since my own medicine has much to do with finding the gifts within our wounds, this symbol draws me into the nature of viruses to recognize their strengths…so that we may recognize the mirror they hold to our own.  Little is scientifically known about the evolution of viruses, but we can recognize a co-evolutionary relationship between viruses and their living hosts.  We can easily understand that viral microbes cannot multiply on their own, but need to inject their genetic material into living cells in order to replicate and mutate.  But it is less recognized in the general population that viruses both build our immune systems and contribute to our own evolutionary change.  What can we learn from them besides fear? 

During epidemics, viruses evolve.  So must we. 

The epidemic is fear (I know, many of us are so fed up with the “idiocracy” that it would seem the epidemic is stupidity…but whoever truly benefitted from riding the high horse?  It goes deeper than ignorance…though it does mutate through many forms).  Fear seeks to evolve through replication and mutation throughout multiple hosts.  Try watching/reading mainstream news (or any current events) without feeling affected by this or that scary thing mentioned.  It’s hard to do…no matter how desensitized you’ve become.  Something will likely evoke anger in you, at least.  For many who try not to appear emotional, anger disguises itself as acceptable…it is too forceful to be ‘delicate’, so it can look like strength (and it can be, as long as it’s used properly).   I tend to see all well-directed emotions as strengths, but I might just be a ‘snowflake’.  Side note:  I really love snowflakes, so I don’t mind being called that.

Anyway, so the fear epidemic spreads in rapid fire mutations through all these other emotions, and seems to shed longest through anger because it is often well-disguised there to many.  Going back to the beginning of what I mentioned about anger though…”it is the key in the ignition of positive action”.  Anger forces us to make necessary changes.  Like the viral infection changes and adapts, so should we with regards to our various strains of fear.  Examine your own anger, and you can better fight off the inflammatory nature of the epidemic it feeds.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

P.S. While finishing up and posting this, I found that friends were posting things along the same theme.  Two in particular (Martha and Clive) posted writings that specifically examine the nature of anger and panic, respectively.  I decided to provide links, with their permission, so that anyone who needs more help diving into those feelings has some solid guidelines.

First, in examining anger, Martha Dunlop asked psychotherapist Judith Leary-Joyce for her advice in her post "Anger- The Key to Power and Drive".

And in examining panic, Clive Treadwell wrote of his own experience in both exploring and managing his panic attacks in his article for Rebelle Society called "In Praise of Panic Attacks".

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