Tuesday, February 13, 2018

New Moon in Aquarius/Partial Solar Eclipse: Release and Rebirth

Aquarius by Josephine Wall

New Moon in Aquarius/Partial Solar Eclipse:  Release and Rebirth
Moon conjunct Sun @ 3:05pm CST on 3-15-18

For many of us, this has been a difficult eclipse season.  The two week window in between eclipses, which I call the eclipse cauldron (because of the unique elements brewing each time), is rarely a joyride.  Shadow work is often inevitable.  Past can come back around…seemingly to haunt us, but ultimately to heal us.  The luminaries, planets, asteroids, and lunar nodes each add their own lessons into the brew that will become the elixir we’ll need in the coming months.  At the close of this window, the partial solar eclipse also begins the Quickening Moon phase which will peak to fullness on March 1st.  We’ve been experiencing all planets direct since early January…which is almost like another form of quickening that has nothing to do with our seasonal cycle.  On March 8th, though, Jupiter stations retrograde to give us some time to pause and review all that has transpired.  Until then, we still have some pressing work to do.  And the Sun and Moon meet at this time to wrap up some more lessons from this heavily emphasized Aquarian energy.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon Eclipse on Aquarius 28 is “a tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter.”  Tree-hugger that I unabashedly am, I can grow just as attached to a tree as I can to a family member, close friend, or beloved animal.  Think of the tree within this symbol as someone or something that you have grown close with over much time…in fact, you’ve grown together.  There was a real relationship here.  You shared space and the breath of life together for some time.  But now there is a necessity to release that attachment for a transformative rebirth to happen.  This great tree, firmly rooted in the earth, is felled and sawed into firewood…and we are grateful for the new warmth it provides as its Spirit releases into smoke and rises into the Aquarian air. 
As with every New Moon, one chapter closes as a new one begins.  The feeling of loss that one can imagine in this image may not manifest as literally for some as it will for others.  You could be needing to give up anything in order to move on.  Although there is a definite note of relationships played by the greater cosmic song throughout this eclipse cauldron that has been brewing since the end of last month…there is also a note of releasing addictions in the form of both attachments and detachments that no longer serve us.  Releasing the past, in general, is an overarching eclipse theme…and this can be releasing old patterns of behavior, crutches we no longer need to lean on, fears and thought patterns that hold us back from contributing our light to this world, or the need to solve everyone else’s problems while we struggle with our own.  Illnesses are a common expression as well, especially with this ‘flu season’.  Again, we’re meant to release.  Those unnerving feelings surging through your body?  Ground and release.  My go-to for releasing excess energy is often dancing…but you may want to find your own creative ways to do this.  Find what works for you.  The cosmic cocktail in this eclipse cauldron has been a heady mixture of spirits.  The results can be anything from exhilarating to stupefying.  So many celestial bodies have been congregating in the air sign of Aquarius since the 31st, passing over the South Lunar Node of Fate one after the other.  And now they’re reaching the end of this sign, inclining us toward a culmination of these karmic lessons.  What is it we’re learning from all of this?
In the larger sphere on our Mother Earth, we’ve been needing to release attachments and detachments that only serve to further separate us from our own humanity as well as this world that sustains us.  More and more, we are hearing the call to let go of our unhealthy attachments…but what does it mean to let go of unhealthy detachments?  They are opposite words, but both can be wrapped up into whatever we’re needing to release.  Let’s just consider social media, for example, as something we need to release in one way to repurpose it as something to better serve our evolving needs.  Many of us have some form of attachment to it…some of it may be healthy (it’s how I communicate with those who live far away), and some of it may be unhealthy (how did I just lose an hour of my life to cat videos?!?!).  But the other side of the coin is that it also brings about unhealthy detachments (less gatherings and heart-to-heart hugs…more likes, loves, and laughs that pale in comparison to the real thing).  Of course, this is just one example...but one that is distinctly Aquarian in nature.
Since this is the beginning of the Quickening Moon…so called because it begins the thaw that ushers in the spring (in our Northern Hemisphere)…making plans for gatherings in the warmer months ahead, to hold physical space for our many transformations, is good medicine at this time.  Much as some of us prefer times of introversion, we are human beings who all long for heart-to-heart connections in our lives.  Ceres and the North Node in Leo are still calling for nurturing connections with others.  Of course, if you have succumbed to the flu going around…the main guidance from Ceres is still self-care.
Though many of the same celestial ingredients are still at play from the previous eclipse…there are a few energetic shifts of note.  Immediately after the eclipse on the 31st, Mercury moved into Aquarius as well and has been speeding along through this sign over the past two weeks.  Mercury is now conjunct the Sun and Moon, just two degrees behind at the time of the Solar Eclipse.  As if so many energies in Aquarius weren’t firing off in our mental sphere enough, Mercury’s presence here adds to the mental energy already apparent and gives us the impetus to communicate what has been on our minds.  Currently, the emphasis is on communicating innovative ways to make this new phase work for us…despite, or likely because of, all the breakdowns the waning phase of the last may have brought to pass. 
Mercury in Aquarius 26 highlights the Sabian Symbol of ‘a man testing a car battery with a hydrometer’.  This symbol has much to do with maintenance.  It can be maintenance of any system we use to get us from point A to point B, including our own bodies, though this symbol refers to checking the specific  gravity of the solution within each cell of a car battery to see if it’s holding its charge.  Mercury here gives a definite nod to mechanical and technological maintenance…taking care of something like this is a way of avoiding, for example, your car battery dying in the middle of the interstate.  However, this symbolism can be applied to many other tests and check-ups as well.  Have you noticed a problem with something?  You might want to check in with it to see what you can do to fix it. 
On a larger scale, we’re at a check point as well.  The hydrometer measures the gravity of a substance suspended in another substance (as in the alcohol content of wine, for example).  If we measure the significance of our ordinary reality within the cosmic overview, we have a rather miniscule percentage floating within the larger whole.  And yet, here we are…however small, we are part of it all (at least for now).  What makes us so important?  It should be what we contribute to the whole, and not what we take from it.  In the cosmic view, we are like a floating dream…but within that bubble, we are important (at least we should be…to each other especially).  We are dynamic and creative…and we have the ability to sustain our life for many generations if we recognize that importance in positive ways.  This Aquarian ability to view our existence in an expanded light and then refocus in allows us to free ourselves from being stuck in the belief that difficult situations are insurmountable.
Another energy of note right now is that of Venus.  On the 10th, she moved into Pisces (often called the sign of her ‘exaltation’) and during this New Moon, she is in a beneficial sextile with Saturn in Capricorn…that much needed water and earth energy returning from the January New Moon to support us at the beginning of this phase too.  This sextile inclines an opportunity for us to really commit to a transformation of values.  Next week, Venus will finally be visible in the night sky again…making her transition from Morning Star to Evening Star after a long period of being hidden from our view by the Sun.  This is another energy of rebirth coming after all the release we’ve felt the need to do, or had to do, during this eclipse cauldron.
An additional, out-of-left-field, opportunity is coming from Eris and Uranus in Aries...now sextiling the luminaries, Mercury, and the asteroids still making their way through Aquarius.  Something surprising that throws us out of our comfort zones may just be the opportunity we need to jump on to make a meaningful shift.  So if you happen upon an unexpected opportunity that wasn’t initially part of your plans but might just light a fire under you to blaze a new trail…pursue it.  You’ll never know unless you take the leap.
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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