Friday, October 05, 2018

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio: The Crisis and Catharsis of Emotional Renewal

"Venus" photo art by Terence Arpino

Venus stationed retrograde in Scorpio today, and the Divine Feminine pauses to recapitulate the wisdom of her journey which began in Aries in March 2017. In what ways has the Divine Feminine within each of us (no matter our gender identity) grown since then? This was the journey of the Dauntless Warrioress...instinctually guided to protect and lead. We have seen this archetype emboldened on the world stage in female-initiated movements, speeches, and projects. And now Venus asks us each to look within to find how this journey has transformed you as an individual. What trail did you blaze with the spark of Aries fire? In what ways were you emboldened to take action in this time? And as we reach the end of this Venus cycle and begin anew in Scorpio (when Sun and Venus Rx meet in the 4th degree of Scorpio on 10-26)...what transformations in your own understanding of the feminine principle have occurred?

Scorpio is a deep dive into the unknown to explore beyond our usual boundaries and into the shadows that must come to light. For almost a year now, it has been Jupiter in Scorpio enlightening us through the dark underbelly of society. But last month, Venus joined in this Scorpio experience to light up the darkness in an even more personal way.

The shadow of this Venus Retrograde began on September 3rd, when Venus entered 25.14 degrees of Libra (where Venus will station direct on 11-16). Since Kavanaugh has been a disturbing focus in the U.S. might remember that his Supreme Court confirmation hearings began in that first week of Venus’s retrograde shadow. The shadow period of retrogrades (especially for the inner planets) are often a time when important things to do with the theme of that planet are being overlooked. When we go through the retrograde period, then, we have an opportunity for a closer look as well as an opportunity to pick up those pieces we may have missed while we were trying to forge ahead. Though these things are often easy to see play out on the world stage, it is also important to look at our individual experience of these energies and movements. Key points from our own experience between Labor Day and now will be revisited twice more between now and 12-16 (once through the lens of Venus Rx, and once more after she moves direct again). Venus’s retrograde lasts from now until she stations direct on 11-16...and the post-shadow period lasts another month after that.

Here is a list of some of the main events of the transition from the end of Venus’s Evening Star phase to the beginning of Venus’s Morning Star phase. I have included the Sabain Symbols to highlight the story within the story, as well as my own keynote about what we can expect from each part of this journey.

Botticelli's 'The Birth of Venus'

9/3- Venus in Rx shadow (Libra 26: ‘an eagle and a large white dove change into each other’)
The appearance of balance between opposites, but something is overlooked.

9/8- Venus square Mars (Libra 30: ‘three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher’s head’ and Capricorn 30: ‘a secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs’)
Clash between what the Feminine Principle knows and what the Masculine Principle wants.

9/9- Venus enters Scorpio
The Divine Feminine investigates the truth under the surface.

10/5- Venus stations Retrograde (Scorpio 11: ‘a drowning man is being rescued’)
Venus Rx to the rescue, the pause we all need

10/10- Venus Rx square Mars, 2nd pass (Scorpio 11: ‘a drowning man is being rescued’ and Aquarius 11: ‘a man who had become, for a time, the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that, as a person, he is not this ideal’)
Humanity, drowning in a focus on desperation, is humbled by a saving grace.

10/15- Venus Rx conjunct Mercury (Scorpio 9: ‘a dentist at work’)
Repair after decay.

10/26- Venus Rx Cazimi (Interior Conjunction with Sun)/Venus becomes Morning Star (Scorpio 4: ‘a youth carries a lighted candle in a devotional ritual’)
The light of hope and renewal in the darkness. The phoenix reborn. New cycle of Scorpio Venus- The Shamaness.

10/30-10/31- Venus Rx in height of Fixed Grand Cross with Moon’s Nodes and Uranus Rx in the 1st degrees of Fixed Signs (Venus Rx in Scorpio 1: ‘a crowded sightseeing bus on a city street’, North Node in Leo 1: ‘blood rushes to a man’s head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition’, Uranus Rx in Taurus 1: ‘a clear mountain stream’, and South Node in Aquarius 1: ‘an old adobe mission in California’)
A forceful period of challenges to activate necessary change through resistance.

10/31- Venus Rx re-enters Libra
Reviewing equality in relationships

11/6- Nodes enter Cancer/Capricorn axis, Uranus Rx re-enters Aries
Dramatic shifts in world perspective, reviewing self-improvements.

11/16- Venus stations direct (Libra 26: ‘an eagle and a large white dove change into each other’)
Retrieval of the missing piece to achieve greater balance in opposites.

11/28-11/30- Venus in height of Cardinal Grand Cross with Uranus Rx and Moon’s Nodes (Venus in Libra 29: ‘humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge’, North Node in Cancer 29: ‘a muse weighing twins on golden scales’, South Node in Capricorn 29: ‘a woman reading tea leaves’, Uranus Rx in Aries 30: ‘a pond, a duck, and ducklings’, and Venus in Libra 30: ‘three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher’s head’)
Key period in the process of integrating Venus’s medicine, a collective identity crisis where we must pull ourselves back to center to implement necessary changes.

12/2- Venus re-enters Scorpio
The Shamaness returns to heal

12/17- Venus moves out of Rx shadow (Scorpio 11: ‘a drowning man is being rescued’)
One more rescue effort

1/7/19- Venus moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius
Divine Feminine Vision Quest

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi


Geekmeow said...

Well. The pieces fall, don't they.

Felina Lune Kavi said...

And then, we rebuild.