Friday, January 04, 2019

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: What it Takes to Move Mountains

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: 
 What it Takes to Move Mountains
Moon conjunct Sun- 1/5/2019 @ 7:28pm CST

Welcome to the Cold Moon (also known as the Moon after Yule or, sometimes, the Wolf Moon), our first New Moon of the New Year and the opening of another Eclipse Portal! Now is the time to set solid intentions while we do the shadow work that is often called for during Eclipse Season. I refer to the two week window in between eclipses as the Eclipse Cauldron (because of the unique elements brewing each time). The luminaries, lunar nodes, planets, and asteroids all add their own elements into the brew that will become the elixir we’ll need in the months ahead. The stronger ingredients come from Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in conjunction with the luminaries, dropping some weighty responsibilities into the mix. There is also a supportive sextile to the New Moon from Neptune in Pisces, a subtle hint that can bring in some creative communication opportunities.

New Moon in Capricorn 16
Sabian Symbol: Children in gym suits

What is active at the center of your being this weekend? What moves you? Yes, many important people in our lives will be inspiring us to activate in this energy...but what is that inner motivation whispering of your truth? Now is the time to align it with your outward expression and create something tangible from the tools provided in this gymnasium of possibilities. Mars in Aries energy is stoking that fire in each of us, and the planet party in Capricorn gives us the structure to build upon. We could do anything with this active Mars energy in an open gym...but put an obstacle course in front of us and we’ll learn specialized strategies while imagining each goal. This is the kind of gym we are walking into. Some of us are ready for anything...some of us may feel a bit apprehensive about challenges and even some awkwardness as we get used to a gym suit that doesn’t quite ‘suit’ our individuality. The point is to explore the possibilities...have some fun while doing the work that is being called for now...but don’t be afraid of the shadow of disappointment. It will want to be addressed in this eclipse window we’ll be opening. But whatever shadows may arise that want us to examine our beliefs of failure...know they hold valuable wisdom for our success. Maybe the monkey bars aren’t an inherent strength of yours...but practice makes progress.

New Moon conjunct Vega

The symbol for the fixed star, Vega
I don’t usually include details about the fixed stars, but Vega is a particularly familiar star for me (and for my daughter, Alyrica, whose nickname is ‘Lyra’...the constellation of the harp that Vega is in). There is an abundance of creativity in this Vega New so many kids bursting through the gym doors to engage in creative play. Ah, an outlet for all this learning we do! Time to release some physical energy! This is innovative energy that thrives in the structure that Earth provides us. It creates from within and then releases that energy with others...growing something tangible and sustainable for all to enjoy. Alyrica and I find this particularly suitable to creative endeavors such as storytelling, visual art, or musical expression. But the energy can be channeled into anything, really. What makes you shine, even in the shadows? This is where Vega will be guiding us as we begin another eclipse season.

Partial Solar Eclipse (Saros Series- 122): The Anarchy

12th Century Knights depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry
Each eclipse is part of a long-running series, and the Saros 122 solar eclipses were at their longest duration of totality in 1135 and 1153. These years marked a historical period of civil war in England and Normandy which has been called ‘The Anarchy’. Looking into the history of when a Saros cycle is strongest can give clues to the shadow energies at play when this series comes up again. This eclipse is only a moderate partial eclipse now...with 71% of the sun covered for viewers closest to the center. Most of us won’t get to see this one...unless you live in north-east China, Japan, or eastern Russia. And still, the eclipses have a palpable effect upon the world...even when mostly unseen. England and Normandy never saw the total eclipses in 1135 and 1153 either...but King Stephen’s reign between those total eclipses (from the death of King Henry I to Stephen’s own death and the succession of King Henry II) was full of conflict and a widespread breakdown of law and order. And all because the oaths King Henry made his court take about his successor being his daughter, Empress Matilda, were not upheld after his death in 1135. This eclipse series holds the shadow of contested, unsupported, and unfit leadership. And while the implications may be very obvious on the world stage, how might it translate on the individual level? In some part of your life (which the New Moon can clue you into if you know which house of your natal chart it is transiting), your authority may be challenged (either by your inner saboteur or by others). As mentioned before, feelings of failure and/or disappointment may arise in the shadow of something you are trying to accomplish. And yet, you still have to do your best. Maybe others are relying upon you to provide some sense of stability, safety, or even fulfillment at this time. How do you rise to the challenge of being under pressure to perform? In this New Moon, you’ll have to get creative with the obstacle course before you. And if you feel overwhelmed, look to others who can provide some support. Mars in Aries may be pushing for self-reliance...but there is no shortage of support from the current Capricorn Council of Wise Ones.

The Wisdom Keepers

At New Moon, 3 planets (Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto) and the South Lunar Node are in Capricorn with our luminaries. This is another packed Council meeting. Mercury has just begun his trek through this earth sign, but Saturn (the traditional Capricorn guide) and Pluto are close enough to the middle of Capricorn to conjunct the Sun and Moon. Not only is Saturn in his home sign, but Pluto has been a very strong teacher of this medicine for a while already...he takes his time in each lesson and makes sure we feel it at our core. All 5 of these guides are moving ever closer to meeting up with the South Lunar Node, each in their own time. Mercury starts off this moon cycle by teaching how to better use our mind power through communication, Saturn is giving an informative lecture on the laws of nature, and Pluto is backing up the New Moon gymnasium energy in the ‘relay race’ degree. This is a lesson in working together and sharing responsibility to reach group goals. And they’re all making the Capricorn climb with us to highlight the South Node in the ‘mountain top pilgrimage’ degree. We have climbed this mountain many times before...even just a year ago (New Moon in Capricorn last year was in that ‘mountain pilgrimage’ degree)...but there is something new to learn every time from the Wisdom Keepers of each Capricorn Council. This time, with South Node here, the purpose of this climb is one of release. Whatever we are collectively learning, we learn to give it back in productive and sustainable ways.

Kite with Nodes, Venus, and Chiron

Connected with South Node in Capricorn is a Grand Water Trine between the Cancer North Node, Scorpio Venus, and Pisces Chiron. Together, these four energies create an aspect pattern called a kite, where second element (Capricorn Earth, in this case) anchors the Grand Trine with sextiles and an opposition. In this, the creative current flowing easily with the trines finds a place to ground. So, all that we are learning also has this supportive flow backing creatively manifest the wisdom into new forms.

Uranus Stations Direct in Aries 29
Sabian Symbol: The Music of the Spheres

'Music of the Spheres' by Fiona Watson
The day after New Moon, when Moon reaches her South Node in Capricorn, Uranus stations direct in Aries in a dynamic square to Moon. By Sunday night, we’ll be back in that ‘all planets direct’ energy...which is so different from the ‘6 planets retrograde’ energy we felt last year. The fast-paced world doesn’t often slow down for us when all planets are direct, so we have to keep up. However, at the time of this New Moon...Uranus is at the very end of his retrograde and has paused in this degree before shifting direction (in our sky). There is a slow-down point here at the beginning of this lunation. There are a lot of ingredients at this time to stir into our Eclipse Cauldron, after all. With Uranus Retrograde medicine so focused right now, this is likely to be a strange brew we’ve never even heard of before. The contents in this cauldron are a mix of tried-and-true Capricorn earth, juicy water signs, and the unpredictable fire nature of Uranus in Aries innovations and oddities. In this degree of ‘the music of the spheres’, take a pause with Uranus to listen to what our Cosmic Neighborhood is communicating. They are guiding us, even if we don’t grasp every detail of what we just read about them here. Tap into these frequencies, and play along. The spheres aren’t the only ones meant to make music.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi


Demfatale said...

What an incredible amount of valuable, insightful, wise and deep historical dynamics, my dear! All the better to understand and navigate this tricky passage of 2019. Thank you. I love a visionary who is also rational and smart.

Luna World of Mystery and Possibilities said...

You are amazing! So much appreciation. Beautiful.

Felina Lune Kavi said...

Thank you both! I hope your New Moon weekend has been a good one!