Sunday, June 02, 2019

New Moon in Gemini: The Boundless Voice

'Free Your Mind' by Catrin Welz-Stein

New Moon in Gemini: The Boundless Voice
Moon conjunct Sun- June 3rd, 2019 @ 4:59am CDT

The New Moon in Gemini this year begins what can be an inspiring adventure. The mind will be active, and we may even feel more social and communicative...but the seed of this adventure is best planted in silence before it starts growing in the strengthening Sun. The key is to really consider what it is you want to communicate this month and how it can inspire growth around you.

The Moon in June engages with the Sun at its most powerful, especially at the Full this lunar month is called the Strong Sun Moon in the Northern Hemisphere. Other names for this Moon are Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, or Oak Moon. This is a Solstice Moon, so if you are in the North it is Midsummer’s Moon (Strong Sun Moon)...while in the South it is Midwinter’s Moon (Long Nights Moon).

As we build up to our Solstice, we are illuminating a turning point in our year. How we engage with others and our environment at this time will greatly impact the experience of the next half of the year. And because this Moon-Sun meeting is in the Mutable Air of Gemini, it is important to be aware of how we are using the medicine of language.

A good reminder from my friend Sonja Richard
(aka Essence Ka tha'ras)

Mercury Out-of-Bounds
(5-27 to 6-17)

Fleet-footed Mercury, Guide of the Gemini Mysteries and Messenger of the Gods, has recently gone ‘out of bounds’ from the ecliptic path in this week before the New Moon. So the ruler of this New Moon in Gemini is sending us all a message that emanates from beyond the boundaries of our dominant culture’s patterns of thought and language. During these times, Mercury most delights in the Trickster archetype...where the opposite of what you expect to be true reveals itself, thus showing you a deeper layer of truth by reflection.

Mercury is currently at his most playful in this out-of-bounds Gemini expression...though there is definitely two sides to this playful nature. One is often guided by curiosity, fascination, and a sense of wonder, while the other side can be like a game of manipulative messaging. Whichever you experience more of has to do with how you choose to interact with your environment.

'Alice Through the Looking Glass'- Artist Unknown
I like to tell stories of the Gemini Mysteries to my daughter with the theme and archetypes of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alice follows her curiosity, which leads her down a rabbit hole into a fascinating (though often confusing) world of wonder. There are many levels for her to choose from in her interaction. And reason only gets her so far before cognitive dissonance takes hold and she’s having a bad trip. She knows the rules...but she’s learning to test the boundaries of them by seeing them flipped on their heads (or, ‘off with their heads’ completely). And that’s where this out-of-bounds Mercury comes into play (currently in Gemini, but soon to be in Cancer for an extended stay and revisit). Mercury is guiding this initiation after all...shape-shifting Puckishly through all the many insightful, delightful, and challenging characters of Wonderland. And now Alice can interact beyond the boundaries of accepted reason and learn something new.

This New Moon, guided by Mercury, has everything to do with how you use your voice. There will be much talking and writing and performing and sharing...but there is also a boundless space for listening in silence. Tap in to the quiet voice within, and gather your wisdom in its essence. By the Full Moon, this wisdom will have the opportunity to fully shine.

New Moon conjunct Magdalena
Gemini 13- ‘a famous pianist giving a concert performance’

'Mary Magdalene with Alabaster Jar'
by Esoterica Zosimoto
At a time when the Feminine Mysteries are being outwardly and harshly skewed by fear, judgment, shame, and blame...the asteroid Magdalena, the “Hidden” Goddess of the Christian culture, infuses this New Moon with Feminine Christ Consciousness. She facilitates this New Moon initiation by inviting us to release our many expressions of Woman from the bonds of fear and release any shame or guilt that has denied us freedom...and to love the rising Feminine within all of us, unconditionally.

This is much more difficult for some than others. Magdalena is not well seen in our patriarchal culture, even after being revealed for her true gifts by the church not long ago. She is veiled behind many man-made illusions. Priestesses around the world have been singing her song for a while now...but not everyone can hear it. There is a deafness to the patriarchal culture that cannot understand the Wisdom of Womanity. And many of us have been conditioned to misunderstand this very wisdom, whether in our past or still.

In the quiet darkness of this New Moon, Magdalena takes the stage. She plays the song that only those listening can hear. And she inspires us with her inspired performance. Liberated from our past, we are able to be a source of inspiration for others. When you receive such a divine gift, it raises your vibration. When you interact with others after receiving such a gift is when you have the opportunity to show your work.

Now is the point in this lunar cycle when we listen to the boundlessness of the voice that most resonates with our soul. As Moon waxes to full in the next two weeks, the interactions inspired by this New Moon initiation will allow us to spread our part of the message coming through us.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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