Monday, July 01, 2019

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer: The Blessing in Disguise

Solar Eclipse painting by Sue Halstenberg

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer: 
 The Blessing in Disguise
Moon conjunct Sun @ 2:16pm CDT on July 2nd, 2019

This piece is dedicated to my friend and teacher, Dan Furst, who passed away on June 23rd. He would have had a brilliant piece of wisdom to share through video on this Solar Eclipse, as he embodied the medicine of the Sacred Clown/Thunder Shaman well.

Dan Furst in Japan playing Kaminari, The Thunder God (1988)

The Eclipse Cauldron opens at the start of this Blessing Moon cycle. Other names for this lunar month are the Buck Moon or the Thunder Moon. This New Moon will be a potent one to bring forth your intentions and drop them into the cauldron to brew. The Thunder Shaman and the Deer Medicine of this cycle give power to this mix of energies and provide their blessings toward pure intent.

During Eclipse Season, what we encounter continues to be a theme that plays out for another half year until the next eclipse. However, it also carries a theme that returns every 18 years. Each time, we have an opportunity to learn something new of this energy.

What is the blessing in what may appear to be a curse in this greater cycle? A brief look into some of the stories of this eclipse series may enlighten us to a larger theme, while focusing in on the degree of this eclipse can show the more specific medicine that can help us move through our collective karma.

Saros 127 Eclipse: A Tale of Two Brothers

If we go back to the last total eclipse in this series, in 2001, many of us will remember a tale of two towers that followed. If we go back to the eclipse in this series with the longest duration, in 1532, there is a tale of two brothers that lead up to the disintegration of the Inca Empire that year. The Inca Civil War, a war between brothers Huascar and Atahualpa, was a precursor to this eclipse in 1532. By the end of it, each were captured and killed. That is simplifying a very important story, but I encourage you to read other accounts of it if you haven’t already. It holds many clues to our current return of this eclipse, and the disintegration of power that is happening now.

In this eclipse energy, there is an underlying theme of separational extremes...often pulling at the roots of family and homeland with fear and hostility (the shadow of Cancer energy, where this and the previous 127 eclipse took place). In each opportunity to face this shadow, we have a choice. The more we choose to tune into the balance of power that togetherness brings us, the more we will see it reflected in our outside world. Of course, it is difficult to hold that frequency of love and compassion while faced with this shadow. It is much easier to fall into the traps that divide us and disintegrate our own power.

This Saros 127 Series brings us to the Ascending Node of the Moon, the North Node. Here, the Collective Soul has an opportunity to take in the very medicine that heals the greatest rifts of our time...and to learn something new and integral to our Soul Story. North Node medicine is not comfortable to swallow. Often, it appears as something we’re most afraid of...our fears of the unknown. And yet it’s actually the thing we need most to move the karmic entanglement out through the Descending Node. During this eclipse we have Saturn Retrograde, Lord of Karma, at the South (Descending) Node of the Moon. We may be dealing with some heavy restrictions in our ability to let go of what is blocking us. Saturn provides us some of our hardest work in his lessons, but it is always in effort to guide us to the most sustainable rewards.

Because shadow themes will reveal themselves from past 18-year cycles, we can anticipate a personal theme before we encounter the new lesson. In the window of converging timelines with this eclipse, what reveals itself in your awareness will be calling your soul to recapitulate.

Moon and Sun in Cancer 11

George Carlin, one of my favorite comedians...
one of Dan's favorites too.
The Sabian Symbol of this Solar Eclipse is ‘a clown caricaturing well-known personalities’. In a time of such seriousness and drama, Sacred Clown medicine is key. This is Heyoka bringing in the lessons of Great Spirit through humor and opposites. This is the Trickster showing us how we trick ourselves. In Tibetan Buddhism, this is the Crazy Wisdom the guru adopts to shock students out of fixed cultural and psychological patterns. This degree highlights the path of the Thunder Shaman, who teaches through contrary humor and exaggerated extremes of order vs. chaos.

Take a moment to check in with your perception of current matters so serious it stresses you out? Or are you wearing the guise of the clown too often in a way that hides your true feelings behind smiles?

Either way, the Sacred Clown medicine of this Solar Eclipse will provide the opposite balance for us...and a deep belly laugh at what is revealed can open us to great medicine. Try not to get too frustrated by the opposition to your current state of is best greeted as an honor to have yourself revealed as part of the Cosmic Joke. It shakes us awake and reveals our truth...allowing for authentic action through compassion.

This Blessing Moon begins with a watery, intuitive connection that involves past feelings as well as new encounters. Our choices bring lasting effect throughout the next half of our year. There is a helpful sextile to the asteroid Vesta in Taurus, which brings an opportunity to have good rapport with the Cosmic Priestess of Hearth and Home at this time. Vesta’s wisdom is one of focus and dedication, which meets the Sacred Clown wisdom to illuminate the vitality of Community.

There is also a Cardinal Grand Cross with our luminaries and the asteroids, which inclines a crisis that requires a balancing act. In opposition to this Solar Eclipse is Persephone retrograde in Capricorn. In squares to this axis is Ophelia in Aries opposing Eros-Iris together in Libra. If any planets in your natal chart are in 8-12 degrees of Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), you’ll be feeling these energies play out more strongly than others. It may pull you to all four corners as a call to balance the opposites and center.

With all of these mythic storylines of the asteroids at play, there may be a lot of drama pulling us to our extremes and pushing us to take the luminaries advise tapping into some comedy to balance the drama.

Felix Fawkes Kavi today on his half-birthday,
sitting in our Green Man Tree.
Felix is our own little Contrary Clown.
Ask him to smile, and he'll give you a funny face.
Ask him for a funny face, though, and he'll give you his most serious look.

"Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom." ~Taki

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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