Friday, October 11, 2019

Full Moon in Aries: Illuminating Identity

Art by Alex Grey

Full Moon in Aries: Illuminating Identity
Moon opposite Sun- 10/13/19 @ 4:07pm CDT

Luminary Grand Cross with Pluto and Artemis

In the fullness of this Hunter’s Moon, we may find ourselves pulled in four directions of identity: The assertions of self-identity (activated by fiery Aries Moon), the feelings of emotional identity (activated by watery Cancer Artemis), the relating of social identity (activated by airy Libra Sun), and the contributions of physical identity (activated by earthy Capricorn Pluto).

If you have natal planets, points, or asteroids close to the 21st degree of those 4 Cardinal signs, you will feel the pull of this Full Moon as an active force for centering in the middle of your natal Medicine Wheel. It won’t be easy to center unless you get yourself grounded in your own identity as an Earthling of many complimentary facets, but it will be necessary.

For those with anything in their natal chart in the 21st degree of other signs, there may be other parts of you aiding the creativity of this time with opportunities, talents, or even some subtle but uncomfortable growth. Jupiter is currently in the 21st degree of Sagittarius, providing expanded horizons,visionary awareness, and growth potential for this Full Moon if there’s something in your natal chart near where Jupiter is now, opportunities to expand on those talents are in your reach.

This Aries Moon is highlighting my Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 22nd degree of Aries within my own Cardinal Grand Cross. With Moon and Sun on the Aries-Libra axis right now, the theme of Self and Other is strong. Self-knowledge and knowledge of others go hand in hand. In every interaction, one can learn more about both. The squares give a pressing need to these interactions of identity...and with Pluto in the mix, power dynamics are in full force as we (the collective) are pushed to let die what we once identified with so that a necessary rebirth can happen.

When grounding in the center of an active Grand Cross, it helps to balance two sets of opposites rather than focusing on the clash of four squares.

The Aries-Libra Axis (Fire and Air)

Moon in Aries 21
Sabian Symbol: “A pugilist enters the ring”

Moon is in a position of confidence and bravery...reflecting our talents to the world. There is an energy of steely determination and iron resolve here, illuminating the confidence to defend what it is we believe. Though it is a very spotlighting energy, it is also very grounding. The pugilist is strong and ready to exert powerful energy. We can feel this surge of self-reliance and integrity from this Aries Full Moon...or we can feel it as a need to fight. If you feel poised to fight...ask yourself ‘What am I fighting FOR?’ This Hunter’s Moon brings the initiative to take a fortified and active stance on something important to us. Our self-identity is ready to activate...can you feel the powerful pulse of an awakened heart? It’s time to make an entrance, to show yourself as a strong presence. Moon commences the Hunt with her call: “We must initiate.”

Sun in Libra 21
Sabian Symbol: “A crowd enjoying the beach”

'Beach Crowd' by Martin Packford
Sun illuminates how our social identity interacts with others. In this degree, there is a sense of shared enjoyment through collective experience. The crowd on the beach is exhilarated by close contact with nature and the collective unconscious symbolized by the sea...and they become interconnected in their experience by this proximity. Attuned to the rhythms of our planet, we can feel the vibration of our unity and enjoy life. For some, it takes some inner work to even bring themselves to a crowd or let go of themselves enough to enjoy it. Yet every degree of this Cardinal Grand Cross, as you’ll see, implies connecting with a crowd in some way (as in the crowd cheering the Pugilist’s entrance). The Sun in Libra illuminates the way to connect socially so that we can do what we came here to bravely do, and enjoy support as we explore those liminal spaces between One and All. There is a bit of a paradox inherent in this degree of Libra (which seeks balance). There is a necessity for some amount of self-restraint and healthy boundaries in the group so everyone can have an enjoyable experience, but there is also a necessity to let go of what separates us so that we can reconnect with something larger than ourselves. Sun greets us at the beach and says: “We must share.”

The Cancer-Capricorn Axis (Water and Earth)

Artemis in Cancer 21
Sabian Symbol: “A famous singer is proving her virtuosity during an operatic performance”

Photo by Johanna Austin from Joseph Keckler's amalgamation of operatic death sequences
called 'Let Me Die', recently performed at Philadelphia's Fringe Art Festival.
This is my friend (and fellow Astrologer), Natalie Levin, as Azucena
singing the aria 'Stride La Vampa' from Verdi's 'Il Trovatore'...a heart-wrenching
aria where Azucena recounts the scene where her mother was burned at the stake.
If we were only looking at luminaries and planets, we would be looking at a T-square pattern where Pluto was feeling the stress at the apex. When we see a T-square, it is wise to look opposite of the apex to see how to alleviate some of that stress. And there, opposite Pluto, is Artemis...asteroid of the Lunar Huntress. How fitting for the Hunter’s Moon! In this degree, the Maiden of the Crescent Moon aims her bow and arrow for success...piercing the heart with both care and precision. Goddess of the Wild Forest, she is connected to all of her animals...especially those she hunts. In Cancer, that bond between the Hunter and the Hunted is powerful...there is an unconditional love to it and Artemis is as much of a Protectress as she is a Huntress. The opera singer in this symbolism shares a deeply emotional connection with both her audience as well as the song. The feeling carries through to the hearts of those listening, and inspires them toward emotional breakthroughs as well. Artemis is sending a clear message for our collective emotional identity...and she sings it like a brilliant song: “We must care.”

Pluto in Capricorn 21
Sabian Symbol: “A relay race”

'Relay Race' by Ernie Barnes
Pluto adds to our efforts the necessity for transformative teamwork in the degree of dynamic interchange. The opposite symbol features the singular singer striving for excellence (similar to the Moon’s symbol of the pugilist), and Pluto’s symbol features the necessity of the group to reach the goal together efficiently (similar to the Sun’s symbol of the beach crowd). In the tangible contributions of our physical may feel like the performance is a race. We’re not getting any younger, after all. And our bio-inheritance does have a time limit. Pluto often brings up such things that are beyond our control...and things that have us face our own edges and mortality. The soul urge that Pluto brings here then is a necessity to contribute something powerful to the collective while merging together as a united force. The physical actions of our identity, then, must reach deep down to transform exertion into gold with the support of others. Pluto is the powerful breath of the runner that says: “We must move.”

The Personal Experience Reflects the Transpersonal Experience

Pluto, Saturn, and the South Lunar Node have been preparing us for a powerful Capricorn initiation this whole year...and it’s growing in intensity as we approach the end of this decade. All manner of confronting shadows of our patriarchal past, breaking down unsustainable structures, and releasing what we do not need has been going on for a while now. The turning point of this Capricorn transformation is when Saturn joins Pluto on January 12th, 2020.

'Hunter's Moon' by Knamil
This Full Moon square Pluto does bring a sense of urgency to activate what is needed for the transitions ahead of us. We will each feel this in our own personal ways that relate to our own expression of identity...but you may notice the collective need to activate humanity’s identity as well. The collective identity of what humanity brings to our Mother Earth is shifting in response to Her call for change. At this Hunter’s Moon, the Wild Hunt begins as we are called together to bring the light of humanity to stalk the darkness that stalks us. Moon in Aries emboldens our individual light to join the Hunt. This allows us to band together with others to expand the power of our collective light so we can stand up to the growing darkness of a past that challenges our future. May we all find our own personal way of taking action that contributes something powerful to the collective experience of these necessary changes.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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