Saturday, February 08, 2020

Full Moon in Leo: Awakening Courage

'Lion' by Susan Seddon Boulet

Full Moon in Leo:  Awakening Courage
Moon opposite Sun- 2/9/2020 @ 1:33am CST

Welcome to the Full Quickening Moon!  This Moon is full of dedicated strength to heart-centered expression.  The Aquarius season can get pretty chilly where I live, and this Full Moon in Leo always brings some warmth from her fire.  Moon in Leo can be a very creative influence, often reflecting a boost of courage to fuel our heart’s desire. 

Photo by my husband, Michael Kavi

'Hades and Persephone' by Sandara
Sun is conjunct Persephone while opposing this Moon, so the luminaries are illuminating themes of change (of seasons, of life, of heart) as well as the Heroine’s Journey of empowerment through the Queen of the Underworld.  At this time of year, Persephone is either preparing to leave the Underworld to reunite with her mother for half a year (Northern Hemisphere quickening to Spring) or preparing to leave her mother to reunite with her husband in the Underworld for half a year (Southern Hemisphere quickening to Autumn).  In either case, Persephone prepares her heart for the changes she must make, leaving one life behind for another.  We, too, may be feeling this shifting in our life.  Persephone teaches the courage it takes to make meaningful choices in the turning points of our lives.

Art by Pamela Matthews
At the apex of a T-square to Leo Moon and Aquarius Sun-Persephone is Vesta in Taurus (Priestess of the Sacred Flame, Goddess of Hearth and Home).  This activates the kind of dedication needed to create necessary change and see it through daily, just as the priestess tends to the communal hearth fire.  The apex of a T-square pools a lot of focus…which is a word related to Vesta, as focus is Latin for ‘Hearth’.  This is also a fixed T-square…bringing that focus to the fixed earth of Taurus.  Taurus tends to put great focus into that which is productive and tangible to the senses.  Vesta’s dedication in Taurus is deliberate, dependable, and steady…even under the stress of a Full Moon T-square that demands some necessary action.  Tap into Taurus Vesta’s ability to bring a focus to earthly growth in your life.  What is unfolding in this Full Moon can be quite beautiful.

At this time, there is also an opposition from Eris in Aries to Juno in Libra (which just stationed retrograde before this Full Moon).  This opposition from the Goddess of Discord to the Goddess of Committed Partnership may bring up some opposing feelings within our primary relationships, but the thread that links the two archetypes is one of feminine empowerment (which is a prevalent theme during this time).  Eris is a Warrioress who always has a purpose for what she does, and when her purpose is in any way disrespected…you can bet that chaos will ensue.  In Aries, her purpose has to do with self-reliance and integrity…so it is when we ignore such things that we may feel the heat of her chaotic nature.  Juno is committed to her role as Queen of the Heavens, the Bona Dea (‘Good Goddess’).  She is also committed to her husband…though in their mythic storyline, he is not as committed to her.  Each breach upon that marital commitment inspires her wrath…a quality that she and Eris share (disrespect our best efforts to be who we are meant to be, and there will be retaliation).  You may feel similar feelings if slighted in some way.  Though hopefully you won’t let the spirit of retaliation run amok!

For those of us who grew up watching 'Hocus Pocus'...

So, wrath or chaos may ensue on the world stage when things are out of integrity or balance isn’t maintained in relationships.  However, this is not the full expression of this vibration…only a possible side-effect if we let our hurt feelings turn vengeful.  The beauty of this opposition is highlighted by beneficial aspects (trines and sextiles) to our luminaries now.  Moon, Sun-Persephone, Eris, and Juno Rx create an aspect pattern called a Mystic Rectangle…which provides creative opportunities to balance these oppositions and bring out the best of each energy in mutually beneficial ways.  Again, empowerment is key…and there will be opportunity in this Full Moon to do something empowering and purposeful. 

So, in this time, awaken the courage and strength within your heart.  Express yourself with integrity, purpose, commitment, dedication, and the ability to transform yourself from one state of being to another.  Leo Full Moon light illuminates the spirit of enjoyment and celebration of life.  It is best met with an understanding that your own courage to be yourself encourages others to do the same.  That is the stuff that inspires true leaders to step forth when needed. 

Luna Lovegood (very Aquarian) wearing her Lion hat (very Leo)
in support of Gryffindor from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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