Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Dragon’s Flight into the Gemini/Sagittarius Axis

'Mind' by Mythka

The Dragon’s Flight into the Gemini/Sagittarius Axis
5/5/2020 – 1/18/2022

Recently, the Moon’s nodes shifted from our last lessons of the Cancer/Capricorn plane to the lessons of Gemini/Sagittarius. The Lunar nodes, in scientific terms, are the points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic. The astrological implications of the lunar nodes are about karmic lessons, the relationship between the outmoded past and the creative future, and the necessary balance between what we’ve already learned and no longer need to focus on (The Dragon's Tail: South Node in Sagittarius) and what we must learn now, however uncomfortable and uncharted the territory, for the growth of our souls (The Dragon's Head: North Node in Gemini).

Each of us has our own natal nodes and lessons, which are a significant part of the answer to the age-old questions, ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘What is my soul’s purpose?’ But the positions the Nodes are in at the present moment affect the collective soul’s growth of our entire global community.  So while we are each having our own soul’s intentions directing us one way, those lessons are also being influenced on a global scale by the current position of the Nodes. Those who were born with North Node in Gemini will be having a Nodal Return during this transit, which happens approximately every 18-19 years. At these initiations, the soul work that arises brings us back to re-alignment with our soul’s path and offers us significant growth in our journey.

One of the ways this shift will play out collectively for the Soul of Humanity is in what we are learning.  The South Node in Sagittarius will provide the transformative fire for many karmic beliefs around religion, politics, and philosophies.  The smoke from that purifying fire then rises to the air of the North Node in Gemini for us to take in as new information:  a dispatch/message from our past for the nourishment of our future.  The Soul Medicine now is in networking ideas through communicating in our local environments.

At the beginning of this shift from watery Cancer lessons to airy Gemini lessons, many of us are learning how to make these exchanges from home…while others are in the local scene working to support their neighbors during this crucial stage of our collective experience.  The Gemini network of support is there to help, and it’s coming from the people…not the crumbling structures of control (Capricorn shadow) or broken belief systems (Sagittarius shadow) we’re moving beyond now.  From the mother’s womb of Cancer’s familiar and emotional bonds, Gemini soul lessons arise.  We’re being asked to open up our minds so that new fascinating ideas can feed our souls. 

Immediate Lessons through Mind, Heart, and Shadow

'Gemini' by Ciro Marchetti
As we learn how to better communicate through the Mind of the Soul (Psyche), Venus slows down to station retrograde in Gemini this week (May 13th).  In this Venusian pause and shift (a reconsideration of values for the Collective Heart), we’ll be re-discovering some valuable gems of knowledge in this mutable air sign.  The teacher of Gemini Mysteries is Mercury, who has just entered this sign on May 11th…leading up to Venus’s retrograde station.  Mercury knows well how to navigate and communicate messages through Gemini air channels.  And Venus will be re-tracing some steps to meet up with Mercury (May 22nd)…just after her return (May 20th) to that dynamic square with Neptune we’ve recently experienced (May 3rd) in Round One of her Gemini travels. 

Toward the end of Mercury’s quick journey through Gemini this year, this messenger planet of the Collective Mind will meet up with the North Node (May 27-28) and clarify a soul message we’ll be working with in the next couple of years.  Then, at the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (June 5th), we come to a turning point of this year as we move through some shadows of Sagittarius past.  With Moon eclipsed on the South Lunar Node, the shadows of our karmic beliefs will surface and we’ll experience our first release of those which need to transmute in the fire.

The Broader Scope of the Nodal Dragon’s Journey in Mutable Air and Fire

"If we can stay with the tension of opposites long enough - sustain it, be true to it - we can sometimes become vessels within which the divine opposites come together and give birth to a new reality."  
~Marie-Louise von Franz

Our overall lessons for the Collective Soul now have to do with the relational axis between Mind (Gemini) and Higher Mind (Sagittarius). Here are some keywords and phrases to describe this new soul directive:

Nourishment to ingest through the Dragon’s Head (North Node in Gemini):  curiosity, communication, articulation, language, the written word, conscious socialization, versatility, open-mindedness, an inquisitive approach to information, healthy skepticism, understanding the facts, intellect, cleverness, the Sacred Clown wisdom of humor and opposites, the two sides of every coin, brotherhood/sisterhood, playful platonic connection, listening, cooperation, people before politics, Humanity’s voice, support network of the Anima Loci (local spirits), neighborhood support, local engagement, short-distance travel, mental discoveries, exchange of new ideas, new neuro-pathways, fascinating thoughts, soul-enhancing discussions/writings/speeches.

Past knowledge, karma, or shadow material to release and transmute through the Dragon’s Tail (South Node in Sagittarius):  beliefs and philosophies that created karmic blocks in our Collective Soul’s “digestive system”, fear of commitment, fear of loss of freedom, ‘flight mode’ when things get heavy, spiritual bypassing (ie. ‘good vibes only’), excessive and unrealistic optimism, what is too often preached but not practiced, dogmatic opinions, politics above people, religious fundamentalism, educational elitism, ‘ivory tower’ separateness, ‘high horse’ diatribes, ‘I know’ assertions, supercilious opinion, judgmental mindset, unsolicited advice, tactlessness, abstraction of truth, blowing things out of proportion, exaggeration, sensationalism, condescension, escaping consciousness, excessive far-away travel, ‘grass is greener’ outlook, reliance on luck, risky business ventures, need for adventure or adrenaline rush, ‘bigger, better, faster, stronger’, expansion beyond immediate needs, outward quest for answers, the shadows of globalized society.

Now, I think we all know that the above list of karmic entanglements and shadows of Sagittarius are not the essence of this fire sign.  They are simply what we need to address now, together, to remove some blockages we’ve accumulated as a Collective.  The essence of Sagittarian mutable fire is what this purifying release can become, like the lift of smoke from the ash.

'Wisdom' by Arborithm
What this digestive process of information gives to our world:  joy of life, freedom of thought, spiritual expansion through learning and teaching, enthusiastic curiosity, connection with the network of our natural world, balance between our intellectual awareness and our instinctual wisdom, visionary inspiration, a ‘think globally, act locally’ consciousness, the spread of thought-seeds ‘on the wind’, diversity and variety, the birth of new philosophies within the mindscapes of our generations, revelations of reason and logic (especially in things that are suffixed with ‘-logy’, such as theology, biology, psychology, mythology, and astrology), the knowledge needed to boldly go forth and explore an uncharted future.

The Personal Journey of the Soul

While we’ll all be feeling into these new lessons now, only some of us were born to hold this frequency on our soul path throughout life.  Many of the rest of us have our nodes in other signs, which is what we’re here to work with and learn throughout our lives.  And yet, when we are connecting with the Collective Soul directive of this time, our individual soul path is supported by working with these Gemini-Sagittarius lessons. 

To see in what areas of life this shift affects you personally, look to the houses in your natal chart where Gemini and Sagittarius are. The last time the nodes were in this axis was between 2001 and 2003. Try to remember what was going on in your life at that time to get an idea of what is to come now, after maturing since then. Astrology follows patterns, and recognizing those patterns can help you to work with the energies when they come around again.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

'Mind Dragon (Draco Animus)' from The Dragon Handbook

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is fabulous. I'm not sure that Iearned all that i needed to during my own nodal period of Cancer and Capricorn but I find this new lesson material very exciting. Perhaps I'll be able to put my Mercury and Gemini to good use! Thanks