Monday, July 20, 2020

Cancer New Moon: Beginnings Birthed from Endings

'Birth' by Salvador Dali

Cancer New Moon:  Beginnings Birthed from Endings
Moon conjunct Sun-  7/20/2020 @ 12:32pm CDT

This New Moon (the beginning of the Corn Moon cycle here in the Heartland) is the second in the water sign of Cancer this year, as the first was on June Solstice.  This indicates that initiations this season are focused in on the Cardinal Water themes of Home, Family, Ancestors, Roots, Emotional Bonds, Privacy, and Protection.  For two lunar cycles, we begin here in the watery realm of our feelings…in the womb of the Mother…in the memory of our past.

And opposite this conjunction of our luminaries is Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn.  Moon is strong in her domicile of Cancer, and Saturn is strong in his domicile of Capricorn.  This is a formidable opposition…if your goal is to predominantly favor one side or the other at this time, it can be a heavy battle.  However, the cosmic lesson is to find balance between these two.  On one hand, we have the luminaries bringing the focus of our Feelings (Moon) and Consciousness (Sun) to private matters at home and with those closest to us.  And on the other hand, Saturn Rx (at its brightest and orbiting closest to Earth now) has some big re-structuring plans to orchestrate with the rest of the Capricorn Council in the societal, public sphere…a much more gradual process, but an important one for this year.  Both will have our focus not in one area of our lives, but two. 

Look to your natal chart to see where 28 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn are…what houses are they in, what natal planets are they interacting with?  This can give you an indication of the areas of life where your intention for this lunation can bring some balance.  For example, these degrees are right at the beginning of my 4th and 10th Houses (house cusps we refer to as the nadir and the midheaven)…so balancing between home/family contribution and public/world contribution is particularly highlighted at this time for me (story of my life, really). 

The Sabian Symbol for this 29th degree of Cancer where Moon and Sun conjoin is ‘a muse weighing newborn twins on golden scales’.  This, again, alludes to balancing the scales between two things that are so very similar but hold different expressions.  We enter this lunar cycle feeling some pressure to soon arrive at a choice between opposites.  We are weighing options and alternatives, trying to find some balancing force that can address the concerns of both sides of the thing in question.  The Muse in this symbol indicates that forces beyond the intellect are involved in this decision.  If we are to resolve anything within this lunar cycle, intuition is key. 

'La Discordia'
But it’s not going to be easy (really, has any decision been easy this year?).  On this same day of the New Moon, Eris stations retrograde.  Unseen and unacknowledged as she often is, the Great Warrioress who has no qualms creating strife and chaos as a means to teach purposeful lessons has been a key player this year.  Her square with Pluto is an enduring one, a featured dynamic of the times we are in.  This year, the Pluto-Eris square has been exact 2 times already (in January and then again in June) and will be exact again in December.  However, because both planets (or dwarf planets, if you prefer…which I don’t) move so slowly through the degrees of the zodiac…the dynamics of their square hold throughout the years surrounding these exactions and continue to be an underlying theme of necessary action.  Essentially chaos pushing transformation, and transformation pushing chaos…a battle that urges us all to take action in no superficial manner. 

Apple of Discord:  "To the Fairest"
If you have natal planets around 22-26 Aries or Capricorn, the call to action may be stressing you in a very personal way.  But for all of us, as a collective, Eris has thrown her ‘Apple of Discord’ into the mix this year because we all need to accept this inevitable death and regeneration that means to transform us on the deepest levels.  It is no accident that structures are crumbling before our eyes…especially those that are unsustainable for the future of our planet.  There is great purpose behind what appears to be large-scale chaos this year.  The call is to keep our integrity through self-reliance (Eris in Aries) so that corrupt, unsustainable structures can fall away to make way for rebirth (Pluto in Capricorn).  And as she stations retrograde, these Aries themes of integrity and self-reliance will be unavoidably in focus and ready to shift into an alternative direction.

The Yod aspect pattern:
'Finger of Gaia'
This alternative direction for our Collective Soul purpose has some recent past to uncover in a new light.  Adding to the imperative tone of this gradual shift in direction is an aspect pattern with this lunation called a Yod (also called ‘Finger of God’ by many Astrologers, but called ‘Finger of Gaia’ by this Astrologer).  At the base of this Yod is a sextile between our luminaries in Cancer and Sedna in Taurus.  Sedna is a planet (also called a ‘dwarf planet’) that is named after the Inuit Goddess of the Ocean.  Her vibration is deeply connected to the Unconscious realms and all the life that swims within it.  In sextile with our luminaries, it is an opportunity to work harmoniously with both our conscious feelings (Sun-Moon) and the unconscious, underlying feelings…especially those that involve abusive power dynamics and trauma (as that is part of Sedna’s mythical storyline).

Through quincunx aspects (150 degrees apart), this sextile points the ‘Finger of Gaia’ directly toward the South Lunar Node in Sagittarius at Galactic Center.  The Goddess (our Earth, her Oceans, and her Moon that moves them) is urging us to take this opportunity, right now as we begin this lunar month, to understand that this recent past we are meaning to correct (the nature of the retrograde focus of this season) carries a much longer past with it…the Collective Soul’s past of the South Node and the greater story of our cosmos.  When we connect through the sacred aperture we call Galactic Center, we receive important information from multi-universes (The Star Nations).  In this internet age, we often refer to such receptions as ‘downloads’.  With the Moon’s South Node here, while she points with Sun and Sedna to it, there is an open channel…a line of communication exchange…between our galaxy and that which is beyond us.   

The following is something I have written about Galactic Center in a previous post (from 2019, at the time my beloved feline familiar, Ani, passed away):

“Many cultures around the world have a similar cosmovision of the black hole at the center of our galaxy, even thousands of years before it was scientifically proven that it exists. To try to sum up many sacred stories into one idea (for brevity), there exists the opening of a portal at Galactic Center where souls go when the physical body dies. Through this portal, they are reborn again into the Land of the Ancestors (much like through a wormhole, out a white hole, and into another dimension).  It is also said that light information, often described in deified form, emanates from this place to communicate with us...teaching us in individual transmissions our own pieces of the vast cosmic wisdom.

My understanding of this cosmic wisdom is that the more we share our own pieces of it with others, the more we integrate and connect our Collective Consciousness to the greater story of the Universe. Having Neptune (Retrograde, in my case) at Galactic Center when I was born is a spiritual inclination that is specific to my generation, an unseen and extrasensory inclination to transmit Cosmic Wisdom through Universal Love.

Others have different cosmic associations with Galactic Center, such as Uranus in the last degrees of Sagittarius for those born several years after me...which connects them to GC through awakenings of the Higher Mind. Many people alive today have connections to this Cosmic Passageway in different expressions, all of them part of the transmission of Universal Knowledge. We don’t all express it astrologically, of course, but our many ways are like the colors that come through a prism when light enters it. Each is an expression of our Spiritual Source through the Prism of our Matter, transformed through the colors of our Soul’s Expression.”

I always feel connected to the greater story in times when GC is activated.  That last time, I was saying goodbye to Ani.  This time, I am celebrating what would have been the 80th birthday of my dear friend who passed away last month from complications with Covid19.  The Soul’s Departure can be quite literal for me in these times…but there are also collective transformations connected to these personal experiences.  The collective symbolism of this Finger of Gaia illuminating our South Lunar Node connection to Galactic Center speaks to the acceptance that death (or any commitment to transformation) is as beautiful as it is necessary. Such acceptance encourages us to embody the earthly role our Soul urges us to take in this life and move onward...trusting that we are in right alignment by following the direction of the Soul. We are always connected, no matter the physical onward never means ‘without’. But it does mean progressing with new expression.

Image of Neowise by Miloslav Druckmuller
You may ask yourself as the New Moon shows herself in a few days time, ‘how can my release of the past transform into New Wisdom?’  It seems likely that Comet Neowise has something to share in relation to that ‘New Wisdom’.  Nobody quite knows what to expect when a comet appears…their expressions vary wildly.  However, what I’ve observed from nearly everyone who has shared their own experience of this comet with me is that people are often met with an earthly messenger at that same time, to ground that new wisdom into a personal expression.  Because of the animal medicine connected to Neowise…I am personally referring to this tailed messenger as Comet Kitsune, as fox medicine is what arises for me personally.  If you haven’t already, I recommend connecting with your own personal experience of this comet…without expectation, just an openness to whatever wisdom it may share with you.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  In honor of my dear friend, Judy, on the birthday she wanted to celebrate with her friends and loved ones…a song called ‘Saturn’ by Sleeping At Last.

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