Sunday, November 29, 2020

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini: The North Node Calling


'The Magician' by Graciela Bello

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini:  The North Node Calling

Moon opposite Sun - 11/30/2020 @ 3:29am CST


At this Full Moon in Gemini, our Moon is close enough to her North Node that the penumbral shadow of our Earth reveals itself upon Lady Luna’s face.  This shadow may be subtle, but it carries a long history and a hint of where we are headed as a collective. 

There is often some kind of world crisis involved within the lessons of Eclipse Season.  Depending on how each eclipse interacts with your own natal makeup, the personal crisis can also be apparent to varying degrees.  When we navigate through crisis, we are being invited to respond with necessary change and transformation.  Crisis has taken on a rather negative connotation…because there is an edge to it, a transition from known to unknown…where faith can either falter or become our strongest ally.  When we come to these critical turning points in our year, we are faced with what of the past can no longer continue as it was…and faced with potential choices we want to dream into our future. 

There is great opportunity within crises, and much experiential wisdom born from them.  Yet such rewards cannot be reached without entering through that Eclipse Portal and crossing beyond that shadowy threshold.  You are certainly not alone if you are being faced with your fears, the roots of your insecurities, and many of the untruths that have clouded your own truth.  This year, the eclipses have held the added imperative of Neptune squaring the Lunar Nodes.  All these transformations feel a bit hazier and indescribable this year…like we can’t quite put our finger on any of it, really.  And yet, we are inspired to create a new dream within this mystical haze.  We are challenged to take those leaps of faith, not knowing where we will land.  And we are drawn to integrate all the disparate parts of our Collective Soul into wholeness…all without the definition and clear guidelines of ‘How’.

The strongest opportunity we are blessed with during this time, which is still rather subtle, is from Mercury (the Messenger planet and the guide of this Gemini lunation) in harmonious rapport with our social planets, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn.  Both Jupiter and Saturn are now in the last leg of their journey through Cardinal Earth, where they have been joining with Pluto all year for the massive renovations of our societal structures.  On December Solstice, they meet in the 1st degree of Aquarius for their Great Conjunction…ushering in an era of elemental air conjunctions after a long stretch of earth focus.  But we’re not quite in the Era of Air just yet.  The Mercury sextile provides us with some useful information from the depths of Scorpio waters.  Something that has been hidden in the subconscious realms of our Collective Mind is coming to the surface to be worked out before we move on from these Capricorn lessons.  A helpful way to tap into this sextile is to communicate your observations with others.  Also, the Capricorn-Scorpio sextile can be helpful in moving one step at a time with a thought or idea.  In a Neptunian fog, this can be very useful.

Another subtle sextile opportunity arising at this time is that Mars in Aries is inspiring us to move forward again.  Because this is an applying sextile and trine to the Lunar Nodes, our inspiration to work with the Collective Soul’s needs will grow over the next couple weeks.  In this Full Moon, we may catch a glimpse of what we are building toward. 

The harmonious sextile and trine from Chiron Rx to the luminaries is also a helpful healing influence during this eclipse.  The Chiron aspects to the luminaries are fleeting, and already on the wane, but are still accessible in the Full Moon opening of this Eclipse Portal.  Wounding from the past may find healing in the future if its cast into the eclipse cauldron to transform. 

But aside from the very apparent dynamic of Neptune’s mystification, and the subtle harmonies offering opportunity for relief, there is also a waning Venus-Uranus Rx opposition still working seemingly unrelated and strange magic behind the scenes during this eclipse.  And though we may not currently see how the inconjunct aspects to our luminaries apply to this aperture of Eclipse magic, their Strangelove vibration is part of the integration of these lessons.  The exaction of this Venus-Uranus Rx opposition was a few days ago…and whatever new, out-of-the-box observation about love or finances came up this past week will want to be integrated (however uncomfortable, it brings unexpected growth).

'Psyche Opening
the Golden Box'
by John William Waterhouse

It is good to keep in mind the way of Gemini in this Sagittarius Season, not just because this is a Gemini Full Moon (though that’s a very good reason) but also because her North Node has been and will continue to be in Gemini for many months to come.  North Node represents the Collective Soul’s evolutionary needs…what we are taking in for our growth though it is not what we’re used to.  The North Node journey through Gemini asks us to follow our curiosity and fascination.  We may be taking in a lot of new information (Gemini North Node) as we release some old reasons and beliefs (Sagittarius South Node).  As we do this, we feel drawn to communicate with fellow souls when our paths cross.  Because this Lunar Eclipse takes place near the North Node, what is calling us now is to allow Psyche to speak through curiosity.  The asteroid Psyche is conjunct the North Node and strengthening in influence right now.  Her Heroine’s Journey is guiding our Collective Soul Journey throughout this Eclipse Season. 


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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