Thursday, June 24, 2021

Full Moon in Capricorn: Whistle While We Work


Full Moon in Capricorn: Whistle While We Work

Moon opposite Sun- 6/24/21 @ 1:39pm CDT


On Solstice Day, Jupiter stationed retrograde in Pisces.  This Full Moon in Capricorn, coming just a few days after Solstice, is in a beneficial sextile with retrograde Jupiter.  With JupiterRx in Pisces re-envisioning the parental axis of Capricorn-Cancer where the luminaries reside, this Mead Moon is illuminating how to bring back more joy (JupiterRx) into how we nurture (Cancer) and structure (Capricorn) our lives. 

The opposition between Cancer Venus and Capricorn PlutoRx is still weighing on the heart and soul at this time.  Their opposition colors the feeling of this axis with a heavy dose of value and depth.  We’re digging under the surface of what we care about…finding some hidden gems and maybe even some shadowy feelings to address.

A Full Moon in Capricorn does bring up our responsibilities, as well as a need for practical action.  It can be weighty, even without the influence of Venus opposite Pluto weighing in.  It is because it illuminates Saturn’s nocturnal domicile, which is opposite the Moon’s domicile of Cancer.  So it’s not really about feeling comfortable…it’s about doing what needs to be done. 

Fortunately, we have that big jovial influence of JupiterRx in Pisces to help keep us afloat.  There’s a big-picture optimism that brings a bit of ‘whistle while we work’ into the mix…if we choose to engage with it.  And if we do, we’ll find some creative inspiration to make what feels hard seem a little easier. 

With Saturn in Aquarius guiding this Full Moon, we’re prepared to do the work that Saturn’s square with Uranus requires of us (even if we don’t like it).  This square is the theme of our year, and we’re still in the 2nd of 3 phases of it this year.  Essentially, it is the long process of grueling change that follows a hard year bookended by Saturn conjunctions.  In one way, it requires us to make difficult changes after better understanding the gravity of a pandemic…but it is much deeper than that.  2020 brought us face-to-face with so many more of humanity’s collective fears and systemic issues than we could ever acknowledge otherwise.  And 2021 is in response to that…because it’s all out there now to be dealt with.  There’s no sweeping it all back under the rug.  The rug was pulled out from underneath us, as you may remember.

And at the same time as we’re all collectively feeling that square, each individual is feeling it on a personal level in some way that relates to our own responsibilities as human beings.  This Full Moon shines a bright light on providing for our own needs and how that can reflect on the needs of those we provide for. 

So those ‘shoulds’ that have been building up on your shoulders lately…like a parental voice within cutting through all of our excuses for procrastinating…yeah, they’re only going to grow in intensity if we keep ignoring them.  Mars in Leo is building toward an opposition with Saturn and a square to Uranus by the last quarter of this Mead Moon cycle.  There’s really no hiding from the imperative energy of this season.  Can we, maybe, just try to access some of the Brightside of the practical efforts we’re putting forth? 

Not everyone will, of course.  Jupiter’s sextile and trine to our luminaries are much more subtle influences than the squares and oppositions we’re all feeling loud and clear.  But it really is the key to working well right now with these harder activations pressing us to change.  I hope we can all find that silver lining in the bigger picture of things. 


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi


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