Saturday, August 07, 2021

New Moon in Leo: Awakening the Heart


Art by Helena Nelson-Reed

New Moon in Leo:  Awakening the Heart

Moon conjunct Sun- 8/8/21 @ 8:49am CDT


“In Peace…Awaken, my heart.

In Power…Awaken, my heart.

In Truth…Awaken, my heart.”

(Translation of the Scots Gaelic fonn (chant), ‘Duisg, mo Chridhe’ 

recorded by the Ceile De)


In the Dog Days of the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer, in between celebrating the Lughnasadh Cross-Quarter Holiday (August 7th this year, when Sun is at 15 degrees of Leo) and witnessing the heliacal rising of Sirius (the ‘dog star’ will be visible here sometime after August 11th this year)…we welcome in the Corn Moon cycle. 

And this is no ordinary Corn Moon, as it will grow from this seed in Leo into the Blue Corn Moon in Aquarius.  Our previous Full Moon (the Blessing Moon) was also in Aquarius.  So the Full Moon of this lunar cycle seed will be an astrological and a seasonal Blue Moon…a cycle of amplified wisdom. 

There are a few types of Blue Moons: 

The Societal Blue Moon (2nd full moon in a calendar month)-  which we last experienced on Halloween/Samhain 2020.  These Blue Moons tend to have more of a social significance…where societal groups of people experience the time as something very different than what they have gotten used to.

The Seasonal Blue Moon (3rd of 4 full moons in one season)-  as we have coming up on August 22nd 2021, between Solstice and Equinox (Summer to Autumn for Northern Hemisphere, Winter to Spring for Southern Hemisphere).  These Blue Moons reconnect us to deeper wisdom from our Living Earth…where Mother Nature reveals the kind of wisdom that only comes along ‘once in a Blue Moon’.

The Astrological Blue Moon (2nd full moon in an Astrological sign, tropical zodiac)-  as is also true of August 22nd, in the sign of Aquarius.  These Blue Moons amplify a message from our Living Sky…where we receive a double dose of the Cosmic Medicine needed for our times (which is Aquarius Medicine this year). 

And what we are building toward now is a combination of the last two, so this New Moon in Leo is where we sow the seed for something extraordinary. 


New Moon square Uranus

'Uranus' by Michael Whelan

If there’s anyone in our Cosmic Neighborhood that knows about the extraordinary, it’s the planet Uranus.  Uranus was our first planetary introduction into the eccentricities of things beyond the established order of our world view (Saturn).  It’s a planet that flips the script on what we think we know, and introduces us to sudden change through surprises and awakenings.  Uranus, like Prometheus, brings an enlightening fire to Humanity that lets us see ourselves in a new light. 

And as this New Moon squares Uranus, it is a potent seed for unexpected awakenings.  Uranus is currently in Taurus (2018 through 2025), sending a generation of shock waves through solid earth throughout this 7-year cycle.  But our luminaries at this time, conjunct Mercury, are in Leo.  Leo, the sign of our Sun, is the way of heart-centered leadership and creative self-expression.  This Leo Stellium shows us something much more personal at this New Moon, it shows us a way to be as we open this lunar cycle.  The combination of these energies awakens the Heart of Humanity to respond to the extraordinary events of this year…a year where the pressure of Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus (the Old vs. the New) defines our time. 


Moon and Sun in Leo 17

(Sabian Symbol- ‘a non-vested church choir’)

'Choir of the Blue Song Turns to Joy' by Randy Burns

In these Aquarian times, where we are invited to join with others for a common goal, this New Moon degree shows us the wisdom of willing participation and engagement with the group while shining our individual passion and authenticity.  The choir in this symbol is full of what we might call ordinary people in their individual attire (non-vested).  But together, and connecting to each other through heartfelt harmony, ‘ordinary’ people can create extraordinary things.  As each voice sings or chants from this heart-centered place within, spiritual communion is amplified with acoustic resonance.  And whether we’re ‘singing our heart out’ or just witnessing, those ordinary people doing extraordinary things can send inspiration to the hearts of others.  We may feel inspired by a moving performance at this time, or we may just feel it as a collective vibration that moves us to respond.  But what is being seeded now encourages us all to shine our brilliance from the heart.


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi






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