Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jupiter in Scorpio: Enlightenment in the Deep

Jupiter in Scorpio:  Enlightenment in the Deep
Jupiter’s Scorpio ingress @ 8:20am CDT on 10-10-17

Taking roughly a year to travel through each zodiac sign, Jupiter has finished up his year of lessons on Enlightenment in Relating (Libra) and begins a new year of lessons on Enlightenment in the Deep (Scorpio) today.  As mentioned before, Jupiter and Saturn are the middle planets between the inner and the outer planets…and they can be likened to professors of higher learning in matters of society.  The social planets, between the personal planets and the transpersonal planets, teach in very different ways.  Saturn can be serious and stern, demanding that rules be followed or you’ll face very limiting consequences.  Nose to the books, kids…and take detailed notes because everything will be on the test.  But Jupiter is expansive, jovial, and allows for his students to have more freedom of thought in a very open atmosphere.  Jupiter’s emphasis is on expanding the mind beyond what the standard teacher-student relationship allows.  He encourages experimentation, as there is more than one path toward enlightenment.

This year, we move away from experimenting in the realm of social relationships and plunge into the depths of the mysteries of Scorpio.  These lessons take us to the edge of what we are used to exploring and uncover the many secrets of what has been bubbling under the surface of our society. 

Born while Jupiter was retrograde in Scorpio 35.5 years ago, I can tell you that this influence is like always being able to carry a light in the dark.  The unexplored depths of feeling, the mysteries of the occult, the unexamined taboos of a culture, the shadowy places, the scary unknowns…with Jupiter’s influence as a Guide, one learns quickly to be fearless in such explorations…diving further in to uncover hidden gems of wisdom for the rest of the tribe.  It is optimism in the face of destruction, despair, death, and darkness…as Jupiter in Scorpio natives know that the quest for truth extends deep within the ruins. 

Deepak Chopra has a prominent Jupiter in Scorpio influence in his natal chart…and these teachings can be found throughout his books.  In “The Return of Merlin”, he writes “I was very afraid in the beginning, until Master told me that pain isn’t the truth; it’s what you have to get through in order to find the truth.” This quote is very similar to what the experience is like being taught by Jupiter in Scorpio.  Other Jupiter in Scorpio natives that exemplify the illumination of the mysterious would be David Bowie, Stephen King, and Aleister Crowley (to name a few).  Fearlessly strange, we tend to walk the edges of what society deems acceptable or ‘normal’…walking between worlds in many cases…and express what is hidden just beyond the established view of what it means to be alive.

Jupiter was last in Scorpio between October 25th, 2005 and November 24th, 2006.  We were in the aftermath of multiple natural disasters throughout the globe (two very prominent ones that were much like what we went through recently were Hurricane Katrina out of the Gulf of Mexico and the Maharashtra floods in Mumbai).  Looking back to that time can give you clues as to what we might expect in this year of Jupiter in Scorpio.  Rebirth after death and destruction is often a worldwide theme, but on a personal level…other rebirths are often happening within.  12 years ago, I was 6 months pregnant with my first child and had just moved back to Omaha to be closer to family.  This was a huge turning point in my life…transitioning from maiden to mother.  It was precisely the rebirth I needed then…though it was pretty scary for me at the time (as I was having to discard an old belief that motherhood was not for me, and accept that my younger self was in denial of my soul’s path).  While pregnant, I re-met the man I am now married to (the love of my life, though we were just friends then).  And Alyrica Rayven was born in January of 2006 (making her a Jupiter in Scorpio native just like Mama).  A few months later, Alyrica’s biological father cheated on me (we weren’t married, thank Goddess, as I was still under the impression that I was also not meant to marry…another untrue belief held by my younger self which kept me safe until I was actually ready a few years later).  And the rest of that Jupiter in Scorpio year was spent rolling in the deep of a dark depression; the saving grace of that time being my beautiful daughter.  With a focus on exploring the mysteries of motherhood though a deep connection with my baby, I was able to transform all of that heavy energy into something pure and meaningful. 

This past full moon, I was blessed to be able to learn from Juan Nunez del Prado (a teacher of the Inka traditions).  One of the things he discussed was how, in the cosmovision of the Inka, energy is not viewed as negative or positive…but as heavy or light.  In describing sending our heavy energy (hucha) to Mother Earth (Pachamama) to be transmuted to light, he said something that resonated with me as a mother.  He said we humans are like babies.  Our systems can’t tolerate and digest heavy ‘foods’ (energies).  So Pachamama eats the heavy foods we can’t and turns it into milk for us.  She purifies what we can’t process and transforms it into the sustenance we need in order to live. 

As we may be dealing even more deeply with the heavy energies of our social systems during this year, we may find ourselves needing to purify what has been eroding our life force and weighing us down for some time.  A deep healing is needed, and it begins within all of us.  As Jupiter illuminates the darkness we need to explore now, keep in mind that the goal is a necessary rebirth.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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