Wednesday, October 18, 2017

New Moon in Libra: Heightened Perspective and Community Support

New Moon in Libra:  Heightened Perspective and Community Support
Moon conjunct Sun @ 2:11pm on 10-19-17

"When the wind of change blows, some people build walls while others build windmills."
-Chinese Proverb

The Mourning Moon cycle begins with our luminaries in opposition to Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  Balance between each unique individual and the relationships in our social sphere is paramount.  And this balance is supported by Uranus’s involvement in a Grand Fire Trine with Saturn and the North Lunar Node.  The Lunar Nodes have been bringing fortunate relationships with our community for a few months already...with the South Node anchoring all that sacred creative fire into Aquarian re-connections.  This aspect pattern, with a Grand Trine and sextiles to form a diamond shape, is called a Kite.  The energy of the kite is one of manifesting the creative potential of the trines by providing opportunities from the sextiles. 

While this kite is still soaring, the Sun and Moon join in Libra to provide another sextiled anchor to the Grand Fire Trine…and more opportunities to create balance in our lives.  This aspect pattern is a beneficial one to focus on, but it’s not the only energy coming through right now.  Saturn is also at the 90 degree apex (stress point) of a T-Square pattern with the Mars-Chiron opposition.  This T-square is a heavy hitter…where limitations and hard knocks arise from woundedness, anger, stress, and even violence.  Its influence is starting to wane as Mars approaches its Libra ingress on the 22nd.  But this week, it’s what most of the world has been and will continue to be feeling like a ton of bricks.  When such a dynamic configuration of planets is pulling our focus, it can be difficult to connect to the flow of creative opportunity that the Kites hold.  So let’s take a closer look at the Sabian Symbols highlighted by the opposition in the “kite of the luminaries”.  These symbols hold clues about how best to tap into these opportunities in the month ahead.

Moon and Sun in 27 Libra: An Airplane Sails High in the Clear Sky

With the luminaries navigating us to a new cycle, a heightened perspective can be reached.  Aboard this plane is a community of different people, from different backgrounds, all on the same stretch of this journey but with different destinations once the plane lands and the moon begins waxing to fullness.  There is a clear feeling of unity with all involved, as the luminaries bring us higher and give us a bird’s eye view of the earth below.  In meditative silence while looking out our windows during takeoff, inspiration hits.  We see a bigger picture.  Our fears, our stresses, the problems that demand to be solved in our lives and in our world (so many of them at a fever pitch this year)…suddenly we can look at them objectively.  Looking outside of the box, we find the connection of it all and reveal a common thread that has been unravelling throughout the collective.  Over the intercom, the pilots play “The Mind is a bright blue sky…” and all passengers aboard this flight have a few moments of transcendent realization.   

Uranus Retrograde in 27 Aries:  Through Imagination, a Lost Opportunity is Regained

Lost opportunities happen, but occasionally they come back around (especially when they are crucial for our soul’s growth as well as our collective needs).  This New Moon presents a recurring opportunity…one that will help us through the changes ahead.  Uranus is that spark of genius that activates our imagination out of the box and aids us in realizing our ability to manifest a better outcome this time around.  You may have felt some regret lately for not having activated your full potential when you could have.  This is another chance.  Learn from the disappointment, rather than dwelling in it.  It’s nothing more than an aid to discovering what you really want and need in your life.  Often we get wrapped up in thinking of what we don’t want in our lives…thoughts that attract more heavy energies and manifestations of the same.  But at this new moon, from this vantage point we’re now blessed with, we have an opportunity to clear out what is weighing us down.  It doesn’t mean we ignore it…it means we see it differently now.  It’s an alchemical transformation happening within, if we let it.  And with a clear view, we can imagine possibilities…even miracles.  We re-connect to that Inner Child that believes in those things…and we create what we want most in our lives.

The Gift Within the Wound

It is important to note that Chiron, the Wounded Healer of the Cosmos, is being triggered into action now.  In the 26th degree of Pisces, Chiron illuminates the Sabian Symbol of “a new moon divides its influences”…which is exactly what we will see happening at this New Moon.  Some will focus on the stress of the T-Square, while others will focus on the opportunity of the Kite.  It often depends on how your natal planets are being transited…but where your focus leans is also dependent upon how open or closed off you are to embracing change.  Under Chiron’s influence, people are realizing that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects now.  And tapping into the Kite energy is more conducive to success than if we’re staying stuck in the immovable feeling of Saturn’s current, but waning, T-Square with Mars and Chiron.  If we have gotten stuck there this week, it is helpful to remember that whatever stress arose from these squares is a wake up call for the necessary changes that must be made now.

Chiron is in an inconjunct with the luminaries at this time…and along with an inconjunct aspect to the North Lunar Node, Chiron is the focus of an aspect pattern called a Yod (also known as ‘the finger of God’…which points to this Wounded Healer energy).  Together with the support of the collective (North Lunar Node) as well as our heightened consciousness of feeling (Sun and Moon), we are being called to call out our wounds together.  The ‘Me Too’ movement that began this week on social media, calling out sexual harassment and assault by speaking up about how many of us have been affected, is a manifestation of this Chiron Yod.  It is a collective healing…and the process has started in this dark moon transition.  Unfolding from that is deeper, Scorpionic, discussion (highlighted by Jupiter and then Mercury moving into this sign of transformational healing) where even those who have been perpetrators in the past are confessing “I did” and vowing to not only change but encourage the change in others. 

We are releasing what does not work for us; clearing out what impedes true healing.  All of this is well timed as we step into the Mourning Moon phase this Thursday.  While it is the month each year that we mourn losses, release the past, and break away from what no longer serves our soul’s growth…it also stands out as a climactic point of this year of active change.  The solar eclipse in August ushered in some amazing energy…and we’ve been integrating it ever since.  Now we are at the point where those of us doing this integral work become the support system for others undergoing the most difficult of transformations.  In midwifing these changes for others, we too are transformed.  Suddenly, our purpose is clear:  every one of us is a healer.  Our unique medicines are different, but we are all here to heal humanity…which is the first step in humanity being empowered to heal the world.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  For those of you who would like an in-flight video to aid your widening perspective on this New Moon energy, my friend Dan Furst (Captain Aquarius) of “Aquarian Airlines” has some additional information for you.  He and I met 7 and a half years ago and he was staying with us while on his book tour for “Surfing Aquarius” which was during my Saturn Return in 2011.  While we have much in common as astrologers, actors, and ceremonial artists…we each put forth very different, though complimentary, viewpoints on the energies of each lunation.  World traveler that he is, he shares a very interesting perspective on what is happening on our world stage.  If you’re interested, he has a video on YouTube for this lunation called “The Libra Black Moon”.


Kristi V. said...

Thank you for this compelling accounting of these transformative energies.

Demfatale said...

Felina, you are fast becoming a must-read for me. What an amazing astrologer and soul guide you are! Your perceptions are clear and grounded, yet they expand the known edges of spiritual awareness with a boldness and depth beyond your years. I marvel at how you lead us into uncharted territory with calm assurances that everybody's going to be okay, even though we are certain that we'll never see earth again the same way ... embodying the promise of that Zen proverb that says, "Leap, and the net will appear."

I'm so happy to have found you.

Felina Lune Kavi said...

Thank you both for your encouraging comments! Much love to you both!