Monday, January 08, 2018

Capricorn Stellium:  Wise Woman in the Heart of the Sun

This phenomenal woman is one of my favorite writers.

As January 8th moves into the 9th (CST), a rare stellium (conjunction of multiple celestial bodies) reaches exaction in Capricorn.  First, just before midnight tonight, Venus makes a superior conjunction to the Sun.  This conjunction is known as Venus Cazimi (Venus ‘in the heart of the Sun’).  When the inner planets are cazimi, their energy is more powerful and very beneficial (though cazimi doesn’t last too long).  I was born with Mercury Cazimi in Aries…and with Mercury being the planet of communication, you might see that writing is almost a necessity for my self-expression.  An example of someone born with Venus Cazimi would be Oprah Winfrey, who has become an extraordinary star among women.  Last night, my daughter and I watched her give a powerful speech at the Golden Globe Awards as she became the first black woman to receive the Cecil B. DeMille award.  The timing of this moving speech infused these words from a Cazimi Venus powerhouse with the current Cazimi Venus energy we are now feeling.  And a vast audience of people who respect her heart-centered wisdom were listening intently, far and wide.  It’s no wonder that the buzz began almost immediately that she should run for president in 2020.  So many in this country have been hoping for a Woman of Wisdom to step forward as a leader among women who can truly represent them and accurately uphold the voice of the people in our country…and that’s something that Oprah has been doing for decades in her own unique way. 

This current Capricorn energy is the energy of the Wise Woman…the protectress of our next seven generations…the Circle of Grandmothers.  Both Venus and the Sun are meeting up with Pluto in Capricorn on the 9th to create this powerful stellium and begin a new cycle.  With Pluto in the mix, this stellium energy is deeply transformative.  In Capricorn, Pluto has been transforming the structures of our society for a decade now…breaking down what is no longer working so that more sustainable structures may replace it.  This is a slow process, like composting…but it is marked by many instances of drastic transformations (especially during the Uranus-Pluto squares between 2012-2015).  And now, Venus Cazimi is infusing this transformative process with a powerful dose of heart-centered Goddess energy.  She is initiating this Plutonian energy closer to home for us…so close, in fact, that it resonates right in the heart.

Collectively, this is a much-needed maturation point for us…where we have the opportunity to step out of our ‘infancy’ as a human race and start taking on more responsibility together.  The Sabian Symbol for the 19th degree of Capricorn (where Venus Cazimi takes place) is ‘a young child carrying a huge shopping bag’.  This is an energy of accelerated growth…where the child is carrying out responsibilities, even before fully developing, in effort to help out.  Personally, you may not feel ready to be of service in the way that you want to…but situations will still arise to prove to you that you are ready to grow quickly into whatever role is calling you.  Don’t hold yourself back because you don’t have degrees and experience…take on the experience as it comes.  Maybe it’s that you’re afraid to do something on your own.  The truth is, you can.  This is not a time to stay comfortably where we’ve always been operating…it’s a time to break out of routine and try something new.

The Sabian Symbol for Capricorn 20 (where Venus and the Sun meet up with Pluto on the 9th) is ‘a hidden choir singing’.  In many great cathedrals, the choir is hidden behind the altar or above the nave.  It is symbolic of the connection with heaven and the music of the spheres.  Even when we can’t see where the music is coming from that guides us to unity of above and below…we can hear it and, especially, feel it.  As if mirroring this ‘hidden choir’, Venus and Pluto are hidden behind the bright sun at this time…yet still able to move us with powerful music, even more so really.  Sun, Venus, and Pluto in this degree help us to transform from the personal, ego state…through the heart center… into trans-personal harmony, connecting together with voice and breath, in order to find unity and resolution.  Our abilities to ‘listen’ are heightened in this transit…and can clue us in to where we can be a harmonizing influence in a world that has been suffering from the dissonance that follows a disconnection from humanity.

This stellium, on a personal level, may have much to do with transformations within relationships.  Leading up to this cazimi point may have been a bit rocky on the relationship front for many people.  But this cazimi point is an opportunity to make positive transformations of the heart.  It may have little to do with relationships with others…and more to do with your relationship with yourself.  Where ever the energy is directed…welcome the change.  Following this, there may be another few weeks of stumbling integration of this energy…but it will even out and you’ll start noticing how necessary the transformation was, even if it didn’t come easily. 

I’ve been focusing in on this Capricorn Wise Woman energy since Saturn moved into this sign last month…with good reason.  The next two years will be featuring this ‘Circle of Grandmothers’ energy very prominently as we build to conjunctions in 2020 between Pluto and the social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, during that time.  The pillars of our society can benefit greatly from this kind of structural boost that will last for many generations to come…that is, if we tap into these opportunities arising and make good use of them.  Wise Women know you must be prepared to put in great effort to overcome the kind of corrupting influences that have plagued our society for far too long.  Such weeds take methodical, hands-in-the-dirt, dedication to uproot…quick fixes aren’t sustainable.  The results of such efforts are the very foundations of healthy growth and prosperity.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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