Monday, January 01, 2018

Full Moon in Cancer: The Wisdom of Love Beyond Measure

Full Moon in Cancer:  The Wisdom of Love Beyond Measure
Moon opposite Sun @ 8:24pm CST on 1-1-18

“The notion that somehow science and spirituality are mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”- Carl Sagan

Welcome to the Full Wolf Moon on New Year’s Day 2018, an aperture to initiate all we’ve learned from last year!  We are all learning as we go along…so thank you for supporting and encouraging my own musings as we cross paths in this Earthdance.  I support and encourage yours as well!

Speaking of dancing, my family and I have much to celebrate each New Year’s Day now because of our own ‘tiny dancer’, Felix Fawkes Kavi.  It’s his third birthday on the day of this Full Moon!  And like every New Year’s baby, he also holds that ‘old soul’ quality of Father Time…so he teaches us to ‘keep in time’ with the Now, while simultaneously looking to the Past for how we’ve grown and looking forward to the Future for its encouraging potentials.  A Full Moon birthday (which I just had in April 2017) is a solar return year that is integral in a person’s development.  It is one where we look for ways to come into balance with what may at first appear to be two opposite energies.  Our intentions to integrate new wisdom we’ve learned in the previous cycle are amplified, illuminating the fertile ground of the path before us.  And while this is very personally true for our son this year (and all others born on January 1st), a similar feeling is palpable in the air of our Collective Consciousness.  This year is an opportunity for all of humanity to shine, illuminating each of our integral roles within this web of life. 

Many of us use this time to make resolutions each year…sometimes we stick with the goal we set, and other times we veer off on a necessary sidetrack.  Either way, we have an opportunity to learn something new.  This year, though, begins with a ‘super moon’ (Perigee Full Moon)…so resolutions and intentions for 2018 will be energized in this light. 

Kite configuration on a chart wheel
There’s a theme of bridging the things we, as a collective, hold separate.  Spiritual and scientific exploration as a search for truth and meaning is the main theme of the symbols of this full moon, but it stems from how we integrate our experiences of the outer world with the experiences of our inner world. We are balancing within and without, above and below, the transpersonal and the personal, what is beyond our capacity to explain and what we can understand through the measurements of the senses, and the metaphysical interconnectedness of spirit with our own physical action.  These themes are amplified by the trine (harmonious aspect of 120 degrees) between Neptune and Mars…both connected to the luminaries in an aspect pattern called a ‘kite’.  Kite configurations combine the flowing creativity of a Grand Trine (Moon, Mars, and Neptune in the 3 water signs) and the grounding of an oppositional anchor (Sun in earthy Capricorn).  This provides an opportunity (through 60 degree sextiles) to channel that creative flow into a practical outlet. 

Sun in Capricorn 12:  Scientific Evolution into Ecocentricism

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘a student of nature lecturing reveals little-known aspects of life’.  This is the year where we evolve beyond the anthropocentric worldview that has for far too long made the collective mind of humanity consider themselves more important than all else on this planet.  We’re evolving into a more ecocentric worldview where the Earth herself is honored as a living being and we humans are a part of her system along with everything else. Of course, the way I word this makes literal thinkers cringe…but most of us know there is scientific backing to a lot of what is considered ‘woo’.  It does take some research, or perhaps listening to a lecture about it.  One of the most groundbreaking TED talks from the last decade that gives solid reasoning for an ecocentric worldview is from Paul Stammets on the power of mycelium (included below).  Another great mind of the last few decades on the subject of spirituality and science is Fritjof Capra (author of ‘The Tao of Physics’).  You can read more about his ideas in this article, The Relationship Between Science and Spirituality.  

In this year ahead, look for those scientific minds who are taking a middle-ground approach to reaching out to others…as they are the front-runners of the shift we’ll be needing in these next couple of years.  Keep sharing their findings, as well as your own.  Revelations about the wonders of nature, whether coming from a scientific point of view or a spiritual one (or both), have the opportunity to reach more people this year.  One of the main reasons why both of these ‘searches for truth’ are overlooked…besides the obvious distractibility of our culture…is that Science and Spirituality both have to break free of some of the trappings of ‘religion’.  For example, if you listen to the TED talk below…notice how many times you feel a bit lost because you don’t know what this term or that term means, or the graphs used don’t make much sense because you haven’t studied them your whole life as he has.  I know many of you have a similar feeling when reading my blog (if you’re like my husband, you’ve likely grown accustomed to skimming over the technical jargon anyway).  The point of both sharings is to connect on some level so that the reader or listener gets something that is useful knowledge to them and helps them to expand their mind and worldview.  Not everyone is going to get everything, that’s not the point.  And the point is not that one person has superior knowledge over the other either.  The point is, in both cases, to provide some practical applications of whatever revelations have come to you through your own search for truth…something that others can use in their own life.  Often, the best way to do this is to be a living example.

Moon in Cancer 12:  Spiritual Revelation of Integral Consciousness

'Nursing' by Alex Grey
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘a woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher’.  There is a symbolic nod, here, to how each new Dalai Lama is found…but there is something beyond religion about this degree that is often overlooked.  It is the bond of connection between mother and child.  The tendency is to focus on the child who is born with so much potential, but the woman represents the creative shakti.  This is the divine feminine energy from which everything comes, the dynamic source in all life that Ram Dass explains as ‘finer than quanta of energy in physical, scientific realms’.  The baby is nursing directly from that source through his mother…but there is even more beyond this great mental potential of the baby and the great physical power of the mother that makes this spiritual revelation so powerful.  It is, as my title suggests, a love beyond measure that creates the peak experience in this symbol.  A great mind and a powerful body need a third aspect that bridges them into balance…an open heart.  I have brought up the amazing power of the heart before…with energetic fields that can expand well beyond our bodies and brain capacity.  For more information on this, the Heartmath Institute is doing some amazing studies.  

If we respond to any part of the energetic messages of this New Year’s Super Moon of 2018…may we do it with an open heart, a sound mind, and a healthy body.  Keep in mind that Eris and Uranus are a powerful dynamic in Aries right now, both stationing to shift directions to start up January with a bang.  Exciting new things come along with this energy, and the surprises can go either way (both planetary energies have a way of ‘shocking the squares’, as the late great Hippie Bill “The Truth” Hertz used to say…a nod to our friend who passed away on New Years Day of 2012). 

So if some chaos is coming up for you right now in any form, it’s not some cosmic joke being played on you…it’s downright purposeful to graduate you to a higher expression of Self.  Purpose is integral now…and everyone’s either searching for it or activating it.  The key is to trust that your purpose is actually your guiding force this year, and for years to come.  You don’t have to define it…there’s no scientific equation that can measure it for you.  Just love YOU as you go along…cultivate a love that is beyond measure…and follow where your heart takes you on this Earthdance.  May your mind find peace, may your body become healthier, and may your love radiate from an open heart in everything you do this year!

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

PS- I wanted to include some specific examples of Spirituality and Science working in tandem, so I asked the lovely Sandra Ingerman for more information on some of the shamanic healing experiments she has been doing with groups over the years.  The scientific results of what we can do with our love and intentions are amazing.  You can find her experiments through this link to Sandra Ingerman's webpage.


Demfatale said...

Felina this is a beautifully written and profoundly insightful report, thank you! I know just enough astrology to recognize good stuff and this is excellent.

However, I'm a little freaked out by this lineup as it is so very personal. I have Sun at 12 Cancer and a grand tribe with Mars, Moon and Neptune in air, part of a kite formation: Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo opposite moon in Aquarius making the top of the kite.

The astrology has been hitting my angles and major planets for a couple of years but this is just .crazy. Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for riding this rather personal and terribly compelling wave?

Felina Lune Kavi said...

Demfatale, I love that your comment was sent right as the Full Moon was exact. Thank you for reading and for striking up this conversation. From what you mentioned, I see you were born into the Neptune in Libra generation (October 1942-October 1956)...a generation that knows the sacrifices necessary in keeping peace and balance. Knowing which houses your personal kite are activating in your birth chart will help to better understand how this pattern plays out for you personally. However, from what I do know, I can tell you that this is an integral year for you. Not only did you start out with a Super Full Moon illuminating your Sun and activating opportunities for you to shine...but the North Node in Leo is transiting your Saturn/Pluto conjunction and activating your own kite pattern as well! Saturn and Pluto together at that anchor point of the kite would say, as the meme above says, 'Keep Calm and Embrace Change'. This is a transformative time in your in which dedicated, deliberate efforts toward making significant changes is the medicine needed. Mars trine Neptune energy is heightened for you right now...bridging the personal with the transpersonal...possibly an activation that makes good use of your creative and/or spiritual talents. Finding ways to channel this energy into practical uses is not only transformative for you, but can be so for the world as well. So much potential you are holding! Let go of fear this year...let your unique gifts shine in this world because we need you! Love and Gratitude, Felina