Friday, November 16, 2018

Inner Planet Realignment with Venus and Mercury

Inner Planet Realignment with Venus and Mercury


Venus Stations Direct

Morning Star Venus greets us first on our Friday with a shift of perspective in matters of the heart. Throughout her retrograde, she has taken us back over Scorpio and Libra lessons of sharing and relating. As she pauses now on the 26th degree of Libra...we’re focused on the heart healing we must now integrate as we move forward again. This is the third pass of her journey through the last degrees of Libra and the first degrees of Scorpio. We’ve been here before...but did we find something valuable in that previous Inner World experience that we can now bring back to the Outer World to inspire love in others? It depends on if you were able to shift your own perspective for the past ‘40 days and 40 nights’. Most of us had no choice but to ride that Scorpio wave back to the airy realms of Libra lessons. There were some trials along the way, for sure, during this Heroine’s Journey. Did you hear Venus’s call?

For some of us, she joined us on a rescue mission to save something we value most. In September, what we thought was important may not have been as important as what we returned to since October 5th. And now that love medicine from Venus’s Retrograde is concentrated and focused...we’re preparing to put it all back into balanced alignment through our relationships with others now. Intimate partnerships are in focus, but also every exchange of relationship we encounter in the world is set to move forward with more wisdom. If you found love for yourself through the experiences you went through recently, you’ll soon feel the Green Light to let it shine and attract meaningful relationships to you.

The Sabian Symbol for Venus’s direct station is ‘an eagle and a large dove change into one another’. This is the same degree of Libra where Pluto Retrograde was when I was there is a transformational soul urge that arises here for me. The bird medicine within this image speaks to the ‘two as one’ relationship of the Higher Mind with the Resonant Heart. They are attuned to the Soul’s Alchemy, and teach us to express it through the gifts we each hold. What we’ve learned over the past 40 days is how to shapeshift into balanced power within ourselves. Now we are guided to help each other shine it out into our world.

Mercury Stations Retrograde

Several hours later, Mercury shifts in the other direction. The pre-shadow of Mercury’s retrograde began on October 28th. It stations retrograde tonight in Sagittarius. This Mercury Retrograde lasts until Mercury stations direct on December 6th, while the post-shadow period lasts until December 24th (when we integrate what we’ll be learning here).

Mercury is a neutral guide whose lessons are of the mental realm. When stationing retrograde, our thought processes pause and shift into a completely different way of thinking. An idea, a thought, or our mentality needs some revision. Something you were communicating since the end of October may need some review after a change of perspective. And, for the love of Mercury, can we please drop the hangups about Mercury Retrogrades being a terrible time where we should just avoid everything because nothing works? That mindset never helped anyone grasp the real medicine in a Mercury Retrograde. It just makes people more inclined to ignore what needs to happen thrice a year at these times. Humans NEED times of review through different perspectives. Thoughts are things, as we know, and if we’re just speeding along on one note for too long...we’re often missing the point and filling our lives with mindstuff that we don’t even need. When Mercury Retrograde comes along, it’s often time for some mental clean up.

In these times, it can be difficult to communicate how you normally would. This is because we’re not as used to this sort of loopy Wonderland perspective...we’re used to linear thought processes and rationality. Well, most people are anyway. Some people thrive in this more right-brained perspective. If you’re very intent on all things being rational, you’ll have more trouble communicating what you want to say and more trouble communicating with others going through a similar Wonderland experience where things seem opposite or illogical. You’re first clue that a change in your perspective is necessary during a retrograde, is if you’re still judging things as illogical! Perhaps it’s time to sit with the Hatter and have some tea.

Since Mercury is in Sagittarius, the collective mind is focused on exploration and expansion. You can look at this retrograde as a kind of Vision Quest, which may help you to find the wisdom medicine that will eventually move you forward next month. Limiting beliefs and thought patterns are under review. A promising idea is incubating now...and we are going within to retrieve the things that will feed it and help it grow. This process is one that means to free your mind. So allow for burning away the kind of mindstuff that’s not serving you...release it into the Sagittarian fire and purify your intent.

This Mercury Station is in the 14th degree of Sagittarius. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx’. Ancient spiritual traditions and ancestral knowledge are calling us at this time...reconnecting us to wisdom of the past that has enduring resonance. Many great achievements on our Earth, that continue to inspire us, came from ideas that were once revised during Mercury Retrogrades. It is quite possible that, with more of us tapped in at this time to this Vision Quest, a collective thought-form that holds lasting wisdom can be birthed from all of our re-considered ideas combined. This is a time of re-connecting with the Spirit within Humanity. Mercury’s calling us to seek freedom from enslavement to an unjust and broken system that has riddled our minds with things of little significance. All it takes is a shift in perspective. Perhaps, after this retrograde, something very significant will take shape that can last for many generations to come.

It is important to note that Mercury is near the part of our zodiac where the Great Attractor is. The Great Attractor is a supercluster of 100,000 galaxies, 250 million light years from our solar system. It is where we are all being pulled toward with great speed...a kind of ‘grand central sun’ for an even greater number of galaxies than our Galactic Center. Mercury is pooling our focus here now, reminding us that we are carriers of light codes from many galaxies of stars. It’s quite an expansive message from our Messenger Planet. We’ll all be receiving our own pieces of this greater message at this time. And, by the end of December, we’ll have a better understanding of how best to communicate all we’ve learned.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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