Saturday, November 24, 2018

Neptune Station Direct

Pisces Symbol:  two fish swimming in different directions, united together

Neptune Station Direct

by Felina Lune Kavi


We are floating.
Close your weary eyes,
they’ve seen enough for now.
Open the eye within to see.

Time is No Time.
Keep floating in the womb of the Void.
Tap in your intuitive sense
and feel Her loving embrace.

What arises?
A vision, a sound, a feeling, a knowing?
Move forward, now, along this dream journey.
A story unfolds from the waters.

I hear a song.
It carries us through Mama Ocean.
A mermaid singing wisdom
about what we don’t know.

One vast ocean,
enveloping the land and her creatures.
And humans know very little
of the depths of water’s magic.

Enchanting tale
about exchanging her tail for four legs.
Running on land in fox fur,
she watched how many had forgotten their feelings.

Neptune’s journey,
backwards through Piscean waves,
reconnected us all to uncharted senses
and to our water within.

What happens now?
Neptune stationed direct, she sings,
We don’t have to know it…
we just have to Be in it.

'Fox Maiden' by Susan Seddon Boulet
Sabian Symbol for Neptune Station in Pisces 14:  'a lady in fox fur'

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