Sunday, June 21, 2020

Annular Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Cancer: An Ounce of Prevention

Annular Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Cancer:  An Ounce of Prevention
Moon conjunct Sun-  6/21/20 @ 1:41 am CDT

This New Moon at the Cancer Solstice Point is significant in many ways.  Not only does this lunation begin with a Ring of Fire eclipse in a part of our sky that is sacred to many cultures across the world, but it is also conjunct the asteroid Hygiea…named after the Goddess of Health and Prevention of Illness.

Hygiea’s name refers to the Greek concept of ‘wholeness’ as it relates to health maintenance of the body…which has been expanded to include body, mind, soul, environment, and every possible aspect of health.  Hygiea is where the word ‘hygiene’ comes from, perhaps one of the most significant preventative health measures in our human history. 

Every significant celestial event on the Solstice or Equinox points of our Living Sky are potent and signal a shift in our collective consciousness.  The Solstice Points (1st degree of Cancer and 1st degree of Capricorn) highlight the extremes of light and dark.  To add to that during this Solstice, we have an eclipse amplifying those themes of light and dark extremes. 

And everything seems to come back to the health of our world...where we have been dealing with the most extreme measures to prevent illness that most of us have seen in our lifetimes.  And how have we been faring so far?  Some countries have been doing rather well with staving off the worst of what this virus might do.  Others, such as Brazil or my own country (the U.S.) are not doing so well…largely because of the failures of politics and misguided beliefs and conditioning (the shadow realm of the Sagittarius South Node that we’re being called to release now, however resistant we may be). 

And so as the shadow of our Moon (emotions, habits, past) brings an annular eclipse to the standstill (solstice) of our Sun (consciousness), what are we being asked to shift now in our understanding of health and wholeness for the next 6 months of our year?  This eclipse takes place in the watery realms of Cancer, where home and family, roots and ancestry are key to our engagement.  It is a sign of emotional bonding and protection.  It asks, ‘how are you protecting those closest to you?’  With Hygiea’s wisdom so close at hand, we are being called to take preventative measures as we make our way through still more tough times ahead.  And though Cancer evokes the care of those closest to home…it also extends to the protection of our nations, where whole countries are called to treat each other as family and care for their well-being. 

This eclipse is also at the Moon’s North Node…an indication that we are to move forward now with a new directive for our Collective Soul’s growth.  At the North Node, which is currently in the last degree of Gemini, we are to take in the medicine of new ideas and network them in new ways throughout our immediate environments.  The combination of this Gemini-Cancer cusp brings up the communication of both our thoughts and our feelings.  It is the cusp where we merge our reasoning with our compassion.  This is what will help us to make this shift into Hygiean wholeness as the Solstice Sun starts moving back across our sky…gradually bringing in more night for our Northern Hemisphere and more day for our Southern Hemisphere. 

Moon and Sun in Cancer 1-  A Change in Direction

The Sabian Symbol for this 1st degree of Cancer is ‘on a ship, sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one’.  The Solstice degrees bring up turning points in our lives, and this particular Solstice Eclipse is one that will be felt around the world as a need for change.  We have already felt it stirred within this Triple Eclipse cauldron that was lit in the last lunar cycle of the Strong Sun.  And now as we enter the Blessing Moon cycle, we pause for a few days at the Sun’s northernmost declination in our sky, we contemplate what this shift in allegiances needs to be. 

Just as in the Cancer Full Moon hours after the December Solstice of 2018 (in this same degree), there is a palpable feeling of breaking from expectations of what we have always done and choosing a new focus that just feels more aligned to the Soul.  This is a collective choice we’ll be making together, though it all begins within each of us and blooms outward from our roots. 

It is a choice that promotes wellness and wholeness, as Hygiea reminds us.  The shift we are seeding in this New Moon can prevent the kind of illness befalling our former allegiances to failing systems from infecting more of our world.  There is a new way, and it is just forming in this Solstice pause where Moon meets Sun on her North Node.  We’re stepping into the unknown, and yet the calling of the soul of our planet assures us this shift is safer than where we have been. 

For some, this might mean starting new traditions (or reviving some that nourish the soul) at home with your family on these high holy days of our seasonal shifts.  That is part of the specific seed that was planted here with my family anyway…a personal call to our roots.  It can also be anything that involves a far-reaching decision on all things related to Cancer energy (such as home and family).  There is a feeling of ‘shifting allegiance’ in the air…where, collectively, we can come together and decide that what we were previously giving power to is unsustainable.  This is a critical choice point being illuminated now, and the shadows of our fears will certainly test us in this eclipse. 

What will become our new focus?  The collective feeling of this New Moon brings its truth to each of us on the personal level too.  Something we upheld in the past is no longer working for us.  There is an imbalance of power there, and we are not wholly embraced in it.  It’s time to replace it with something more helpful (and healthful) that embraces where we are heading now.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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