Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mercury in Cancer, Part Two: The Retrograde Storyline

'Wonder' by Alex Grey

Mercury in Cancer
May 28 – August 4

Part 2 – The Retrograde Storyline (June 18 – July 12)

As mentioned at the end of May, Mercury in Cancer brings us to the watery realms of our feelings.  The Collective Mind has already journeyed through half of this cardinal water sign, connecting us with the limbic functions of our mental processes. 

The limbic system of the brain, like Cancer, is concerned with our psychological responses to emotional stimuli.  It controls memory and guides us toward emotional bonding and the comforts of what is familiar (ie. the mammalian understanding of ‘family’).  During this time, we are more likely to engage with our past, especially now as Mercury shifts into a retrograde perspective.  We have already been challenged to work through some emotional behaviors that come from our early conditioning (especially familial or ancestral habits that have been passed on through generations)…and that work continues, now in even more personal ways. 

Previously, in the first direct pass, we were all emotionally stirred by outside events calling for outward shifts toward more compassionate and caring responses.  And now Mercury moves even closer in…shifting the perspective to what is happening within each of us.


Below, I have included the vibrational flow of this part of Mercury’s voyage through watery Cancer.  Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, she will be guiding the flow of these lessons.  So I have also included her interactions with Mercury.  Moon moves quickly through the signs, so each Moon-Mercury aspect is like a momentary mood that passes through on the day that is listed.  However, momentary as those aspects are, these moods are key to Mercury’s journey through this sign.

6/18:  Mercury stations Retrograde, conjunct Sirius-  Mercury pauses here in the 15th degree of Cancer to prepare us to retrace our steps.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘in a sumptuous dining hall, guests relax after partaking of a huge banquet’.  Conjunct Sirius (the ‘Spiritual Sun’), the lesson here is about spiritual abundance.  And yet, as the Collective Mind pauses to ponder the meaning of abundance, we realize we are in a process of revising these ideas.  Abundance has so often been considered a concept that splits the whole of the human family apart into ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’.  Overindulgence and greed, which are choices so often applied in the reception of abundance, are what furthers such a divide…but abundance itself is not the problem.  Truly, abundance is meant to be generously shared…creating not a lack but even more instances of abundance.  This is not a concept we are collectively, or even largely, in agreement about right now.  And so Mercury pauses here to turn backwards…we’ll return to this degree later (July 26th) to integrate the true wisdom of abundance, satiety, and satisfaction.  Our perspective must first shift back to some lessons that Mercury has already covered…though we didn’t quite grasp fully yet.  There is something important to discover from our recent past before we can move our minds forward again. 

6/22:  Moon-Mercury Rx-Sirius conjunction-  Moon joining in this conjunction (on that same 15th degree) guides us to consider parts of our past that are emotionally connected to the concept of abundance.  This is likely to include the resurfacing of memories from our distant past…particularly early childhood experiences that are connected to home and family.  The mood of the day is nostalgic…but there is good reason for it.  There is something familiar there that wants to return to our understanding. 

6/26:  Moon-Mercury Rx opening sextile-  Virgo Moon provides an opportunity to clean up something that has been clouding the mind.  Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception (Moon in Mercury’s sign, Mercury in Moon’s sign), so there is a solid understanding between the mental functions of feeling and reasoning.  Make use of this good rapport by getting your thoughts, and priorities, in order.

6/28:  Moon-Mercury Rx opening square-  Libra Moon may have us feeling wide open to the emotional states of others…while Mercury Rx in Cancer already has us wrapped up in our own private and personal feelings.  This dynamic can create some frustration…be mindful of your own ways of communicating how you feel, and try not to take it too personally what others might say.  The initial instinct will be, of course, to take it personally.  Acknowledge where and why it hurts…but don’t cling so tightly to it that it causes you to react from that hurt.

6/30:  Moon-Mercury Rx opening trine-  Scorpio Moon is not usually known to lighten things up…however, in this trine (in combination with the other Mercurial aspects of this day), it just might.  This water trine provides an easy flow of emotional release.  Maybe we’ll cry…or maybe we’ll laugh…or maybe a bit of both. 

6/30:  Mercury Rx sextile Uranus (part 2 of 3)-  All sextiles provide a good rapport between planets that can lead to harmonious opportunities.  However, sextiles are subtle…and we actually have to respond to that subtle opening to reap the benefits.  Our first chance was on June 5th, when Mercury was in direct motion.  Did we catch that glimpse then of what we’re returning to now?  A new idea, an unusual perspective we hadn’t considered, or maybe even a slight shock that provided a peek into what is usually unseen?  If you missed it then, it’s coming up now in a new way.  Perhaps you’ll catch the opportunity now that Mercury is closer to Earth and getting even more personal.  And with Uranus in this sextile, it just might surprise you.  Be open to the weird. 

6/30:  Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (Interior Conjunction)- The Sabian Symbol of this 10th degree of Cancer is ‘a large uncut diamond’.  The theme of this New Mercury is that of a diamond-in-the-rough.  The thoughtseed forming in the Collective Mind is strong (diamond comes from the Greek word for ‘invincible’) but has yet to show its full brilliance.  The best way to express this energy is to recognize the value inherent in yourself, others, and the situation we find ourselves in…emerging as if a latent potential is about to be revealed.  Shake off the illusion that you need to appear perfect before stepping forward with your idea…even a rough-cut diamond is still a diamond.  As the rest of this process unfolds, we’ll be challenged to break away from self-limiting constraints and shine.

7/1:  Mercury Rx square Chiron (part 2 of 3)- This is, perhaps, the crux of that challenge.  There is a clash between the Messenger and the Wounded Healer here…one that we first encountered on June 5th as well.  This time, it may get even more personal through the retrograde perspective.  Squares are dynamic aspects that can’t be ignored…and this may come across as an internal monologue that exacerbates the wound (though it may also start with words expressed externally).  As before, the necessary action that this square means to inspire is greater awareness of how we can communicate healing rather than more wounding. 

7/4:  Moon-Mercury Rx opposition- The mood of the day is tense as we try again to find some balance between objective (Capricorn Moon) and subjective (Cancer Mercury Rx) viewpoints.  This aspect creates a dynamic pattern called a T-square with Mars and Chiron in Aries, pooling all that tension into a desire for action (Mars) and the call of the wound (Chiron).  The discomfort of ‘who am I?’ and the frustration of ‘what can I do?’ may spur us to act first and think later.  We are building toward the clarity needed…but we may not be fully ready until after Mercury starts getting some forward momentum in direct motion over a week from now. 

7/8:  Mercury Rx square Mars- This dynamic feels like a clash between what we are thinking and feeling and what we desire.  Mercury is still in a revisioning process, bringing us backwards to rediscover some important messages from our recent past.  Mars is moving forward in his own sign of Aries at this time…there is a lot of force here pushing us to move ahead and cut all ties with that which is holding us back.  Keep in mind that Mars will eventually go retrograde in this fire sign later…so it may be wise to heed Mercury’s retrograde call and slow down to consider things we may have missed.  However, squares with Mars are often the most difficult to slow down in.  Squares are much like Mars energy, making that desire to take action that much stronger.  Just try to be careful with your words (both internally and externally expressed)…otherwise the frustration of this energy may have you saying things you’ll regret.

7/9:  Moon-Mercury Rx closing trine- Pisces Moon brings the mood of this day to a more harmonious place.  You may experience a flow of creativity underlying all of these watery feelings.  This will be a welcome vibration within such a dynamic month…you may just want to play some music, relax, and recharge.  There will be some subtle healing vibrations occurring over the weekend…much needed as the harshness of squares dissipates slightly.
7/11:  Moon-Mercury Rx closing square- Aries Moon will bring up a quick version on this day of what was previously felt during the Chiron-Mars squares to Mercury Rx.  Frustrations may flare again, but this too shall pass.  You may want to find an outlet by talking it out with a trusted friend.

7/12:  Mercury stations Direct- Mercury pauses to shift back into direct motion on this day, focusing on the medicine within this 6th degree of Cancer.  The Sabian Symbol here is ‘game birds feathering their nests’.  It’s a very Cancerian degree to begin with…evoking feelings of home, family, and the preparatory protections that this water sign is known for.  In all the tumult going on at the beginning of June, when Mercury first entered this degree and began the Prologue portion of this journey, we were bound to miss some of the lessons inherent in this degree.  Now we return to them and give them a much more concentrated focus…shifting our perspective again toward what we can do to provide a better environment for new beginnings to grow.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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