Wednesday, August 19, 2020

New Moon in Leo: The Fire’s Flow and the Blindspot of Societal Timing


'Kiss of the Muse' by Alex Grey

New Moon in Leo:  The Fire’s Flow and the Blindspot of Societal Timing

Moon conjunct Sun- 8/18/20 @ 9:41pm CDT


“Every creative act inspires every other creative act.” -Alex Grey


In the seed phase of this Harvest Moon cycle (which would be the seed of the Seed Moon for our Southern Hemisphere family), there is a fiery undercurrent of creativity flowing within this beginning.  Since we are starting this Harvest cycle with a grand trine in fire signs, the fire will be prominent and subdued all at once.  It’s not so much a raging fire, more like the first cracklings of a campfire…the first feelings of warmth in the dark. 

'Sacred Flame' by Jia Lu
The Grand Trine holds some interesting players in harmonic flow: 

Moon-Sun-Mercury in Leo

Mars-Eris Rx in Aries

South Lunar Node-Galactic Center-Osiris-Isis Rx in Sagittarius

Each point of the fire triangle is connected to harmonious mythic pairings through the celestial bodies at play.  The Moon and Sun, our luminaries.  Mars and Eris, warrior siblings in the Greco-Roman pantheon.  Osiris and Isis, married siblings of the Egyptian pantheon.  There is something there about partnership in all forms being supportive of the creativity being birthed in this cycle.

Trines are easy flowing vibrations…sometimes overlooked because there is often something more dynamic gripping our attention.  The key to making good use of this creative Fire is in the Gemini North Lunar Node, which makes a ‘Kite’ pattern with this Grand Trine.  In Gemini, North Node is the directive of the Collective Soul to take in nourishment through absorbing new information with a willingness to learn.  For more about this, see ‘The Dragon’s Flight into the Gemini-Sagittarius Axis’.

And still…even with this creative, soaring Kite aspect pattern…this New Moon highlights a blindspot (quincunx aspect of 150 degrees) with Saturn Rx in Capricorn.  This same blindspot is growing into a dynamic square with Mars, adding to the discomfort steering our attention away from the flow.

To me, it felt like an overwhelming ‘not enough time to create right now’ vibe…which has an irritating (but not an ‘emergency’) feel.  It’s like when you have a lot you meant to do, but you didn’t get any sleep (which was true in my case).  Saturn is the Roman name of Kronos, the Greek God of Time (where we get words like ‘chronology’ and ‘chronic’).  Instead of flowing in the creativity of this time, many of us felt like we had to work on and monitor the structure of things set up for us by outside forces instead.  Of course, it was likely it was so apparent to me in this way because transiting Saturn is conjunct my Midheaven (high noon of my natal chart).

But yes, we should discuss the ‘blindspot’ of the quincunx aspect to unpack what was going on here at the start of this new cycle…because we’ll be working with it throughout too.  The quincunx is considered a ‘non-aspect’ in Astrology.  Because the word ‘aspect’ refers to how the planets see each other…a non-aspect means they don’t see each other.  So, when New Moon is in a quincunx with Saturn…they don’t work so well together because they can’t see each other’s point-of-view.  There’s little in common between the fixed fire sign of Leo and the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn.  They express in very different ways.  So, the tendency with a quincunx is to feel like we need to compartmentalize the two because they aren’t working together.  And yet, the very thing we need to do is integrate both in efforts to bring growth from that discomfort. 

So, the Leo energy wants us to create…to play…to enjoy and celebrate life.  It’s the Sun’s sign…a time to shine.  And the Capricorn energy wants us to do the work needed…to be mature and responsible…to achieve something substantial.  It’s Saturn’s sign…an influence of wise restraint, endurance through obstacles, and sustainability.

This ‘uncomfortable growth’ aspect was never more apparent than today…when my son had his first day of Remote Learning with his Kindergarten class.  In the living room he is used to covering in train tracks, legos, and various other toys for his amusement…a desk, a chair, an Ipad, and school materials were set up as an attempt at a structured learning environment.  The first day felt like quincunx energy, as both teachers and students (and let’s be honest, the parents too) tried to be patient with figuring out how to do this effectively.  There were fails…but irritating as they may have been, they were also learning experiences for all involved. 

And here, we also had this Kite with a Fire Trine tugging gently at us…coaxing the kids to play instead of sit and wait for things that were largely too advanced to be interesting to them.  Imagine 20 kids learning basic conference call courtesy like keeping themselves muted so the teacher can be heard and understood.  Yeah, they weren’t all going to get it on the first day.  During Library time, the Librarian read a few stories that nobody heard because multiple kids were unmuted.  Instead, Felix sat bored while listening to the dissonant sounds of many households (and one daycare) having multiple things going on at once.  One parent was working from home at the same time, on a phone call.  One kid was sitting next to her older sibling who was on her own Ipad…so we heard a bit of her teacher explaining something.  A few kids were just playing with their toys, talking to themselves.  What we couldn’t hear was the librarian…we couldn’t even see her book on the video.  It was a bit chaotic (thank you, Eris).

That’s the quincunx.  Saturn, the Librarian, trying to read us a story and help us learn something while the kids (the luminaries and the fire trine) just wanted to play and draw.  Beyond the slight irritation of it…there was some humor in it, which is often important to lean on in times of ‘everything is slightly off’.  The creative teachings of humor are both sustainable in trying times (Capricorn) and playful (Leo).  Perhaps this is how we can best integrate things that don’t quite see each other in the month ahead. 

Whatever your experience with this New Moon, give it a couple of weeks for the light within it to grow. It will be worth it.


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi



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