Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Full Moon in Pisces: Opportunities for Inspired Work


Art by George H. Lewis
Painting by George H. Lewis

Full Moon in Pisces:  Opportunities for Inspired Work

Moon opposite Sun- 9/2/20 @ 12:21am CDT


Welcome to the Harvest Moon, Northern Earthlings!  Welcome to the Seed Moon, Southern Earthlings!  This is the time where, no matter the hemisphere we call home, Luna illuminates the sacred in the work we are doing for our Earth. 

At the New Moon of this cycle, we were kissed by the Muse but unable to see around the barriers for a direct outlet to shine.  Now we have a clear opportunity to use the inspiration that has been building…even with those barriers still present.  It’s tricky, but perhaps we’ve learned a trick or two while attempting to integrate our ‘needs’ with our ‘musts’ through the waxing moon.

'Out of the Box' by Reuben Howard

The opportunity illuminated now, which can set us up well for the waning phase to come, is from Uranus Retrograde in Taurus.  This planet of sudden innovation, moving with an alternative perspective in the Venusian fixed earth, is inviting us to step out of the box.  In good rapport with the luminary opposition, Uranus can provide the nudge we need to get our inspiration flowing.  From Pisces Moon to Virgo Sun, the illumination is about service and how we marry the details of our mundane efforts with the larger story. 

Virgo Sun reminds us that even the minutia of our mundane lives holds the sacred within it.  When woven with care and conscious attention, the tapestry of what we are creating in each day reflects the cosmic order of all things.  Pisces Moon reflects that earthen wisdom with a mystical and watery flow.  Moon whispers, ‘remember the symbiosis between the microcosm and the macrocosm…dream your inspiration into being.’

Of course, many may be ambivalent to this call.  Even with Uranus bringing a jolt of opportunity, it’s still more subtle than the cardinal square energy of this time.  Venus, Mars, and Saturn Retrograde are in a dynamic T-Square now…and a somewhat ‘punchy’ Mars in Aries is at the apex, activated to respond to the tension.  That’s not a dynamic we can ignore…and it feels more necessary to address. 

But what Uranus Retrograde is suggesting is, ‘let’s address these oppositions with something we haven’t tried yet.’  The whole theme of this lunation seems to be pointing to the urge to ‘get creative’.  And the Uranian version of that is often something unconventional.  The conventional use of Mars in Aries dynamics is to get angry and burn through something quickly.  It’s an unchecked reaction that is pretty common for humans to employ when things get frustrating.  It inevitably leads to burnout at best…and battle-hunger at worst.  But Mars is also approaching a retrograde station…with the imperative looming to slow down to a halt and shift gears by September 9th.  How can we, too, slow down when everything seems so pressing?  Well, what haven’t you tried yet?  There is an alternative route awaiting our response…one that gives an option for our creativity to shine.

What’s the subtle call that awakens the dream for you?

'Awakening Gaia' by Minjae Lee


Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

1 comment:

Tanya Risnes said...

Lovely insight....time to paint my Mars