Friday, May 24, 2013

Full Flower Moon Eclipse: Roots, Branches, and Blossoms of Change

Sagittarius Full Moon of May 2013
Flower Moon/Planting Moon/Milk Moon
Friday, May 24th @ 11:25 pm CDT

Tonight is the lunar eclipse that brings the culmination of energies began a month ago at the beginning of this ‘eclipse cauldron’.  The ingredients have all been added during the first lunar eclipse, stirred up with intention during the solar eclipse, and transformed during this lunar eclipse.  Whatever it is you’ve been ‘cooking up’ in this time will set in motion some fortunate beginnings that will start to show in June with major implications for the latter part of July.

This full moon activates a mutable T-square with Neptune in Pisces at the apex.  All the pressure of trying to balance the opposition of the luminaries falls on the mystical planet of Group Ascension.  The pressure at this apex can often bring up feelings of confusion, deception, illusion, addiction, or escapism.  However, to heighten the best of Neptune, some of the pressure can be taken off by adding elements of the sign opposite the apex, which is Mercury-ruled Virgo.  Some discerning attention to detail, careful analysis, and healthy purification by ‘separating the wheat from the chaff’ will help to bring out the best of the creative imagination, compassion, and intuitive sensitivity of spiritually-attuned Neptune in Pisces. 

Another T-square is highlighted tonight with the opposition between Pluto and Vesta which are both squaring Uranus.  In my last post, I focused on the Uranus-Pluto square which is actually part of a much bigger (138-year long) synodic cycle that began in the mid-60s during the height of the Vietnam War and the emergence of the Flower Power Political Movement.  But now, Vesta is re-activating this square during the eclipse to add an element of dedication to a sacred cause.  This Cardinal T-square focuses its energy on the rebellious Uranus in Aries at the apex…pointing to surprising revolutionary forces.  When Uranus, the innovative planet of Group Awakening, is shouldering all the stress…it can sometimes result in shocking upsets, unexpected surprises, eccentric action, or anger-fueled rebellion.  Again, you look to the sign opposite this apex, the Venus-ruled sign of Libra, to balance the energy and take the pressure off.  Some diplomatic peace-making, fair-minded sharing, and creative cooperation will help to bring out the ingenuity, originality, and creative genius of freedom-focused Uranus in Aries.

The Grand Water Trine between Moon, Neptune, and Ceres of last month’s lunar eclipse has now shifted to a more stressful aspect configuration between the three that is sometimes referred to as ‘Thor’s Hammer’ (also known as a ‘boomerang’).  This time, the square between Moon and Neptune forms two sesqui-squares to Ceres.  This aspect configuration is similar to the previously-mentioned T-square…but in this one, it’s the pressure of the square that gets pounded (like a hammer) into the point across from it (Ceres).  The resulting effect is not a pooling of stress at the apex, but a reverberation back and forth between Ceres in Cancer and the Moon-Neptune square.  Fortunately, Ceres is making some harmonious aspects to the lunar nodes which can be a good outlet for this energy.  With Ceres here at the focus, our attention is on matters of nurturance and the cyclical balance of nature.  All things related to sustenance and the health and well-being of our planet are in the hot-seat.  As I’ve mentioned previously this month, there is no shortage of synchronicity backing up this weekend’s March Against Monsanto rallies.

Let’s take a closer look at the positions of the luminaries this time.

Sun in the 5th degree of Gemini:  An Old Owl on the Branch of an Oak Tree

“A wise old owl sat on an oak;  The more he saw the less he spoke;  The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?”  -Charles M Schulz

This is the degree that Uranus was in when I was born, and it’s also the degree that Mercury began it’s retrograde in last year on U.S. Election Day.  Similar themes will resurface from last November.  The image of the owl in a tree represents a double-shot of wisdom, as the Owl totem and Oak totem are well known for wisdom medicine.  Here, the Sun gets us to view our situation from all sides, piercing through the shadows for the truth with sharpened eyes and expanding our perspective during this eclipse.  Here and now, we have the opportunity to allow our self-expression (Sun) as a human race to branch out from the solid roots of wisdom from which we came and grow to its highest expression.  Like Wise Old Owl, we should be fearless and vigilant, deliberate and wise.

Moon in the 5th degree of Sagittarius:  A Revolutionary Magazine Asking for Action

“Every movement stressing one direction calls forth in time an equally extreme movement in the opposite direction.”  -Dane Rudhyar

The radical magazine of this symbol expresses views that defy convention and get right to the root of a matter to inspire us to take action.  Essentially, as a human race, we are calling out for a change…as we always have been in many ways.  Sometimes the change is successful, sometimes not.  But regardless of how difficult the struggle to arrive at that transformation, we would be remiss not to try, and keep trying.  This Full Moon energy calls forth another attempt, and a remarkable one.  This one is hard to deny, even though something may try to eclipse it…spinning it in a shadowy light.  But this symbol suggests that we express our feelings (Moon) without any spin…just the straight-up truth.  More people will hear the truth now, and have the wisdom to discern it, but only if we give it a voice.

So on an individual level, be the change.  On a collective level, be the change in order to make the change.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Monday, May 20, 2013

Square Three of the Fool's Tower: Commitment to Change

Square Three:  Commitment to Change
5-20-2013 (Uranus Square Pluto in the 12th degree of Aries and Capricorn) @ 3:33pm

Uranus and Pluto are two of the three Generational Outer Planets that allude to the collective experience of our global community.  These planets take much longer to move through our solar system, and so their energies have an enduring effect when triggered by alignment.  Though I am writing this series as they approach each of the seven exact square alignments, the powerful effects can be felt months before and after (as they gradually approach and recede from the alignment).

Uranus in the 12th degree of Aries

The Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Aries is ‘a flock of wild geese in flight’.  The wild goose is the mystical bird, ‘hamsa’, of Hindu tradition.  This is a symbol of the transcendent soul of humanity, as well as the breath of life (prana).  The goose, and other aquatic birds, transcends the limitations of its surroundings.  It can walk on earth, fly in the sky, and swim in the water.  As it swims on the water, its feathers are not wetted by water; similarly we live in this material world, but try to stay unsoiled by its illusionary nature.

This symbol has an undertone of integration at an expansionistic level, spiritual or economic.  The flight of these birds is seasonal and therefore attuned to planetary rhythms.  It symbolizes cosmic order, in contrast to socio-political order.

Uranus here shows the need for soul-consciousness.  The conflict of the square arises between cosmic and social principles of order.  The reliance on the social concept of law and order separates us from the principle of cosmic order, as we see in this symbol.

The symbol of the geese is also about trust and loyalty within a group.  This is a totem of bravery, determination, commitment, teamwork, and communication.  The goose never leaves one of its own behind.  Should a goose become injured during migration, another goose will leave the flock to stay with its fallen companion.  That goose will stay with the injured one until it has recovered or until its final breath.  This totem has much to teach us, as a human race, on how we should care for each other and work as an efficient team all at once. 

Geese are gifted navigators, clear communicators, true-blue defenders and compassionate keepers of the community.  Uranus in this degree reminds us to honor our roots, follow our instincts, communicate our needs, and protect that which is most valuable.  This degree is rich with symbolism, but overall, what Uranus the Revolutionary is here to say is that we must realign our priorities and take brave action to shift toward a healthier environment for all. 

Pluto in the 12th degree of Capricorn

The Sabian Symbol for the 12th degree of Capricorn is ‘a student of nature lecturing reveals little-known aspects of life’.  Consider a graduate student taking over for an absent professor at a lecture.  The material may be the same but the way of presenting can open entirely new understanding and revelation.  This symbol alludes to the wealth of knowledge that has always been available to us…but it needs to be revealed to more people through fresh eyes and a new understanding and emphasis. 

It is humanity’s essential function to become fully conscious of all life forms and processes on this earth.  Humankind is the conscious mind of the planet, after all.  Still, so many take what they are taught by whatever authority they believe has power over them…and they don’t question it or listen to their own instinctual knowledge.  They refuse to look deeper.  So many disregard the destruction on our planet from corporate profit-seeking…even when they are being negatively affected by it themselves, down to the very food they are blindly consuming.

But Pluto the Transformer here unearths the necessary information.  Whatever has been swept under the rug by this handshake or that payoff is bound to be revealed in a light that is unavoidable now. 

It is no surprise that the March Against Monsanto rallies are gearing up this week to gather information and people together by the next full moon eclipse at the end of the week.  More and more people are coming to recognize the implications of what is happening in our society.  But it’s not because of this or that official…it’s because of average citizens who are speaking out and sharing information in a way that is accessible to all and speaks to the heart of the issue and what our priorities, as human beings, really are.  It is because true concern for the well-being of our families and our environment resonates above the din of lies we’ve been fed by those whose top priority is power and control.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  If you haven’t read the information I posted in June 2012 about the first of these squares as well as the general information about what these alignments mean, please check out this article.  Here you will find the overview of the squares and their relation to the Fool’s Tower of the tarot.  If you also want a refresher on the themes of the previous square from last September, here is the link.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

New Flower Moon in Taurus: Sunflower Eclipse

Tonight is the New Moon in Taurus (7:27pm CDT), followed by an annular 'ring of fire' solar eclipse (9:55pm CDT).  At this New Moon, there is a stellium of celestial bodies in Taurus conjunct the luminaries.  Mars, Mercury, and Pallas all within about 5 degrees of each other in the middle of Taurus suggests that the warrior within has a message for us tonight.  There are three other major aspect configurations, but I won't bore you with the math...instead I'll write the meanings in between the lines.

In the midst of this eclipse cauldron, we reach the boiling point of transmutation.  Our shadows resurfaced at the end of last month during the lunar eclipse of the Seed Moon, and now bubble up to the surface again at the start of the Flower Moon phase.  This time, the luminaries are conjunct the South Lunar Node, signaling the necessity to let go of what we have clung to in the past.  The South Node shows what we are comfortable with, what we already know, and what we often use as a crutch in our lives.  This eclipse will highlight those things for us all, individually and collectively, in a Taurean way that points out our stubbornness to change and our most self-sabotaging creature-comforts.

Within us awakens the warrior spirit which lives each day as if it were the last.  The combination of Mars with Pallas in this stellium suggests that this is not just a battle for dominance between the mind and spirit, but one that will involve a good amount of strategy and attention to detail in order for enlightenment to triumph over physical desires.  We are going to have to face ourselves, and cleverly fight our own ego-attachments in order to change the unhealthy patterns we've been following against all higher reasoning.

There are some helpful forces at work that can quicken our progress.  Look for the sacred within the mundane, the spiritual inspiration in our closest surroundings and loved ones, as well as the stern teacher who uncovers the serious issues we often avoid.  These are the things that will allow an easier flow in the transformation.

But there is a good amount of stressful forces at work as well, and they will often distract you from the easy route.  Nurturance and transformation are at odds, with all of the stress of that opposition putting the pressure on our inner rebel.  Shocking surprises are likely to happen.  Let them be creative ones...give yourself an outlet.  Also, communication within our primary partnerships will feel the stress in the battle between our clinging to the past and our discomfort with the unknown future.  Remember that those closest to you are struggling with similar battles.  Communicate with them constructively to make it easier for everyone to step away from the ruins and rebuild a more solid foundation.

We are learning to be more self-sufficient and confident in who we are, and in that lesson lies a battle with the parts of ourselves that must work for us rather than against us.  You don't kill the shadow, it is part of you.  You pierce through its darkness and uncover its true purpose, and you work with it constructively.  Otherwise, your fear and denial overtakes your life...and the same old destructive patterns cycle again and again.

By the Full Flower Moon Eclipse on May 25th, the seeds we planted at the last Full Moon and the attention we gave them in between (especially now) will be ready to bloom and give back to us as much as we gave to them.  Life is all about reciprocity.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi