Wednesday, October 18, 2017

New Moon in Libra: Heightened Perspective and Community Support

New Moon in Libra:  Heightened Perspective and Community Support
Moon conjunct Sun @ 2:11pm on 10-19-17

"When the wind of change blows, some people build walls while others build windmills."
-Chinese Proverb

The Mourning Moon cycle begins with our luminaries in opposition to Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  Balance between each unique individual and the relationships in our social sphere is paramount.  And this balance is supported by Uranus’s involvement in a Grand Fire Trine with Saturn and the North Lunar Node.  The Lunar Nodes have been bringing fortunate relationships with our community for a few months already...with the South Node anchoring all that sacred creative fire into Aquarian re-connections.  This aspect pattern, with a Grand Trine and sextiles to form a diamond shape, is called a Kite.  The energy of the kite is one of manifesting the creative potential of the trines by providing opportunities from the sextiles. 

While this kite is still soaring, the Sun and Moon join in Libra to provide another sextiled anchor to the Grand Fire Trine…and more opportunities to create balance in our lives.  This aspect pattern is a beneficial one to focus on, but it’s not the only energy coming through right now.  Saturn is also at the 90 degree apex (stress point) of a T-Square pattern with the Mars-Chiron opposition.  This T-square is a heavy hitter…where limitations and hard knocks arise from woundedness, anger, stress, and even violence.  Its influence is starting to wane as Mars approaches its Libra ingress on the 22nd.  But this week, it’s what most of the world has been and will continue to be feeling like a ton of bricks.  When such a dynamic configuration of planets is pulling our focus, it can be difficult to connect to the flow of creative opportunity that the Kites hold.  So let’s take a closer look at the Sabian Symbols highlighted by the opposition in the “kite of the luminaries”.  These symbols hold clues about how best to tap into these opportunities in the month ahead.

Moon and Sun in 27 Libra: An Airplane Sails High in the Clear Sky

With the luminaries navigating us to a new cycle, a heightened perspective can be reached.  Aboard this plane is a community of different people, from different backgrounds, all on the same stretch of this journey but with different destinations once the plane lands and the moon begins waxing to fullness.  There is a clear feeling of unity with all involved, as the luminaries bring us higher and give us a bird’s eye view of the earth below.  In meditative silence while looking out our windows during takeoff, inspiration hits.  We see a bigger picture.  Our fears, our stresses, the problems that demand to be solved in our lives and in our world (so many of them at a fever pitch this year)…suddenly we can look at them objectively.  Looking outside of the box, we find the connection of it all and reveal a common thread that has been unravelling throughout the collective.  Over the intercom, the pilots play “The Mind is a bright blue sky…” and all passengers aboard this flight have a few moments of transcendent realization.   

Uranus Retrograde in 27 Aries:  Through Imagination, a Lost Opportunity is Regained

Lost opportunities happen, but occasionally they come back around (especially when they are crucial for our soul’s growth as well as our collective needs).  This New Moon presents a recurring opportunity…one that will help us through the changes ahead.  Uranus is that spark of genius that activates our imagination out of the box and aids us in realizing our ability to manifest a better outcome this time around.  You may have felt some regret lately for not having activated your full potential when you could have.  This is another chance.  Learn from the disappointment, rather than dwelling in it.  It’s nothing more than an aid to discovering what you really want and need in your life.  Often we get wrapped up in thinking of what we don’t want in our lives…thoughts that attract more heavy energies and manifestations of the same.  But at this new moon, from this vantage point we’re now blessed with, we have an opportunity to clear out what is weighing us down.  It doesn’t mean we ignore it…it means we see it differently now.  It’s an alchemical transformation happening within, if we let it.  And with a clear view, we can imagine possibilities…even miracles.  We re-connect to that Inner Child that believes in those things…and we create what we want most in our lives.

The Gift Within the Wound

It is important to note that Chiron, the Wounded Healer of the Cosmos, is being triggered into action now.  In the 26th degree of Pisces, Chiron illuminates the Sabian Symbol of “a new moon divides its influences”…which is exactly what we will see happening at this New Moon.  Some will focus on the stress of the T-Square, while others will focus on the opportunity of the Kite.  It often depends on how your natal planets are being transited…but where your focus leans is also dependent upon how open or closed off you are to embracing change.  Under Chiron’s influence, people are realizing that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects now.  And tapping into the Kite energy is more conducive to success than if we’re staying stuck in the immovable feeling of Saturn’s current, but waning, T-Square with Mars and Chiron.  If we have gotten stuck there this week, it is helpful to remember that whatever stress arose from these squares is a wake up call for the necessary changes that must be made now.

Chiron is in an inconjunct with the luminaries at this time…and along with an inconjunct aspect to the North Lunar Node, Chiron is the focus of an aspect pattern called a Yod (also known as ‘the finger of God’…which points to this Wounded Healer energy).  Together with the support of the collective (North Lunar Node) as well as our heightened consciousness of feeling (Sun and Moon), we are being called to call out our wounds together.  The ‘Me Too’ movement that began this week on social media, calling out sexual harassment and assault by speaking up about how many of us have been affected, is a manifestation of this Chiron Yod.  It is a collective healing…and the process has started in this dark moon transition.  Unfolding from that is deeper, Scorpionic, discussion (highlighted by Jupiter and then Mercury moving into this sign of transformational healing) where even those who have been perpetrators in the past are confessing “I did” and vowing to not only change but encourage the change in others. 

We are releasing what does not work for us; clearing out what impedes true healing.  All of this is well timed as we step into the Mourning Moon phase this Thursday.  While it is the month each year that we mourn losses, release the past, and break away from what no longer serves our soul’s growth…it also stands out as a climactic point of this year of active change.  The solar eclipse in August ushered in some amazing energy…and we’ve been integrating it ever since.  Now we are at the point where those of us doing this integral work become the support system for others undergoing the most difficult of transformations.  In midwifing these changes for others, we too are transformed.  Suddenly, our purpose is clear:  every one of us is a healer.  Our unique medicines are different, but we are all here to heal humanity…which is the first step in humanity being empowered to heal the world.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

P.S.  For those of you who would like an in-flight video to aid your widening perspective on this New Moon energy, my friend Dan Furst (Captain Aquarius) of “Aquarian Airlines” has some additional information for you.  He and I met 7 and a half years ago and he was staying with us while on his book tour for “Surfing Aquarius” which was during my Saturn Return in 2011.  While we have much in common as astrologers, actors, and ceremonial artists…we each put forth very different, though complimentary, viewpoints on the energies of each lunation.  World traveler that he is, he shares a very interesting perspective on what is happening on our world stage.  If you’re interested, he has a video on YouTube for this lunation called “The Libra Black Moon”.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jupiter in Scorpio: Enlightenment in the Deep

Jupiter in Scorpio:  Enlightenment in the Deep
Jupiter’s Scorpio ingress @ 8:20am CDT on 10-10-17

Taking roughly a year to travel through each zodiac sign, Jupiter has finished up his year of lessons on Enlightenment in Relating (Libra) and begins a new year of lessons on Enlightenment in the Deep (Scorpio) today.  As mentioned before, Jupiter and Saturn are the middle planets between the inner and the outer planets…and they can be likened to professors of higher learning in matters of society.  The social planets, between the personal planets and the transpersonal planets, teach in very different ways.  Saturn can be serious and stern, demanding that rules be followed or you’ll face very limiting consequences.  Nose to the books, kids…and take detailed notes because everything will be on the test.  But Jupiter is expansive, jovial, and allows for his students to have more freedom of thought in a very open atmosphere.  Jupiter’s emphasis is on expanding the mind beyond what the standard teacher-student relationship allows.  He encourages experimentation, as there is more than one path toward enlightenment.

This year, we move away from experimenting in the realm of social relationships and plunge into the depths of the mysteries of Scorpio.  These lessons take us to the edge of what we are used to exploring and uncover the many secrets of what has been bubbling under the surface of our society. 

Born while Jupiter was retrograde in Scorpio 35.5 years ago, I can tell you that this influence is like always being able to carry a light in the dark.  The unexplored depths of feeling, the mysteries of the occult, the unexamined taboos of a culture, the shadowy places, the scary unknowns…with Jupiter’s influence as a Guide, one learns quickly to be fearless in such explorations…diving further in to uncover hidden gems of wisdom for the rest of the tribe.  It is optimism in the face of destruction, despair, death, and darkness…as Jupiter in Scorpio natives know that the quest for truth extends deep within the ruins. 

Deepak Chopra has a prominent Jupiter in Scorpio influence in his natal chart…and these teachings can be found throughout his books.  In “The Return of Merlin”, he writes “I was very afraid in the beginning, until Master told me that pain isn’t the truth; it’s what you have to get through in order to find the truth.” This quote is very similar to what the experience is like being taught by Jupiter in Scorpio.  Other Jupiter in Scorpio natives that exemplify the illumination of the mysterious would be David Bowie, Stephen King, and Aleister Crowley (to name a few).  Fearlessly strange, we tend to walk the edges of what society deems acceptable or ‘normal’…walking between worlds in many cases…and express what is hidden just beyond the established view of what it means to be alive.

Jupiter was last in Scorpio between October 25th, 2005 and November 24th, 2006.  We were in the aftermath of multiple natural disasters throughout the globe (two very prominent ones that were much like what we went through recently were Hurricane Katrina out of the Gulf of Mexico and the Maharashtra floods in Mumbai).  Looking back to that time can give you clues as to what we might expect in this year of Jupiter in Scorpio.  Rebirth after death and destruction is often a worldwide theme, but on a personal level…other rebirths are often happening within.  12 years ago, I was 6 months pregnant with my first child and had just moved back to Omaha to be closer to family.  This was a huge turning point in my life…transitioning from maiden to mother.  It was precisely the rebirth I needed then…though it was pretty scary for me at the time (as I was having to discard an old belief that motherhood was not for me, and accept that my younger self was in denial of my soul’s path).  While pregnant, I re-met the man I am now married to (the love of my life, though we were just friends then).  And Alyrica Rayven was born in January of 2006 (making her a Jupiter in Scorpio native just like Mama).  A few months later, Alyrica’s biological father cheated on me (we weren’t married, thank Goddess, as I was still under the impression that I was also not meant to marry…another untrue belief held by my younger self which kept me safe until I was actually ready a few years later).  And the rest of that Jupiter in Scorpio year was spent rolling in the deep of a dark depression; the saving grace of that time being my beautiful daughter.  With a focus on exploring the mysteries of motherhood though a deep connection with my baby, I was able to transform all of that heavy energy into something pure and meaningful. 

This past full moon, I was blessed to be able to learn from Juan Nunez del Prado (a teacher of the Inka traditions).  One of the things he discussed was how, in the cosmovision of the Inka, energy is not viewed as negative or positive…but as heavy or light.  In describing sending our heavy energy (hucha) to Mother Earth (Pachamama) to be transmuted to light, he said something that resonated with me as a mother.  He said we humans are like babies.  Our systems can’t tolerate and digest heavy ‘foods’ (energies).  So Pachamama eats the heavy foods we can’t and turns it into milk for us.  She purifies what we can’t process and transforms it into the sustenance we need in order to live. 

As we may be dealing even more deeply with the heavy energies of our social systems during this year, we may find ourselves needing to purify what has been eroding our life force and weighing us down for some time.  A deep healing is needed, and it begins within all of us.  As Jupiter illuminates the darkness we need to explore now, keep in mind that the goal is a necessary rebirth.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Full Moon in Aries: Heart's Desire in Action

Full Moon in Aries:  Heart’s Desire in Action
Moon opposite Sun @ 1:39pm CDT on 10-5-17

A couple hours before this Blood Moon reaches its peak of fullness, Venus and Mars combine their energies in a conjunction.  The inner planets of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine meet as one at 11:22am CDT.  There’s a Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage) feel to this energy…inclining us to seek that balance between our own masculine and feminine energies within.  In Virgo, the Goddess of Love acts as the Priestess and the God of War acts as the Spiritual Warrior.  The degree in which they meet is Virgo 20.  The Sabian Symbol here is “an automobile caravan”, indicating a collective effort to journey toward new horizons…following the heart (Venus) and taking initiatory action (Mars).  
Before we get into the energies of this full moon, I want to focus on this conjunction because it holds a key to being able to deal with what has gone topsy-turvy in our world (this is one of those full moons with so many energies in play that even trying to address it all would be too much of a juggling act for me right now…because I’m already feeling it all).  But this conjunction is a good focal point for personal action.  This is another chance at a new beginning in male-female relations…the start of a two year synodic cycle between these planets.  What the two energies have most in common is a theme of  ‘desire’.  Looking into what you truly desire is a good starting point for this Venus-Mars infused Full Moon.  Being able to peel away the layers of thought to reveal your true feelings is not easy for us to do.  But it is key to uncovering what you truly desire.
What is our heart’s desire?  I’m not asking for the first answer that pops into your head…or mine.  I’m not even asking for an answer.  Not because I think I know the answer already.  I don’t know anything.  I just feel everything.  
Like many of you, I grew up learning the narrative that what I feel is too much for others, or too weak, or embarrassing, or not even valid.  You come to a stage within that early experience where you close yourself off, followed by a stage of angst when you get that feeling that so much you’ve learned is false.  And then eventually, through the ups and downs of experience, you come to a place of inner knowing…your own truth.  And you are once again, as the kids say, feeling all the feels.  In the end, you may realize the ability to feel and express feelings is actually a strength.  I really hope we can all realize that anyway, no matter the ridicule we may have endured.  It’s important to understand our feelings…it’s integral to that ‘inner knowing’ that becomes our moral compass.  
Where does that knowing come from?  Not from the head…the brain…the mind.  For these larger questions we ask ourselves, we’re not going to find the answer if we think about it.  It comes from heart consciousness.  The heart is not only the first organ that forms and functions in our bodies, but it is also our most powerful transmitter of feelings.  We’re often focused on the importance of our brains…but the heart’s electrical field is 40-60 times stronger than the brain’s, with a magnetic field that is 2-4 thousand times stronger.  It is not only informing our brain, but our environment as well.  It’s torus-shaped energy field is measurable 5-8 feet around us…with the non-local field extending much farther.  So how do we make positive change in a world gone mad?  We must learn to radiate healing from our heart-center.
Venus and Mars are asking you to journey along with them to this space of resonant heart consciousness.  Leave behind resentment, disappointment, anger, sadness, and fear.  To get where you are going, you must travel light.  See where this journey takes you.

Moon in Aries 13:  “A bomb fails to explode”
So many ways this image can go.  On the world stage, any mention of bombs brings to mind North Korea…which, as a country, has been heavily aspected by the eclipses of this summer and continues to be aspected with this full moon.   But a bomb failing to explode could be good, right?  Crisis averted, for the time being?  Hope so.  On this particular axis that the luminaries are highlighting, because of proximity to certain fixed stars, it’s like flipping a coin in every situation. Prosperity or destruction?  Especially with Pluto squaring both luminaries…transformative energy is on high.  And with all other planets in play, there is a Wheel of Fortune element to it all.  The symbolism of the luminaries does suggest, though, a sense of momentary peace and protection…or even lucking out.  Unless you’re the one trying to drop a bomb, I guess…in which case your expectations might not come to fruition.  Venus and Mars would suggest that dropping love-bombs are more reliable in this cosmic climate.  What I’ve noticed so far, while trying to preemptively schedule gatherings for this moon, is that planned out preparations are not the way of this moon at all.  There is a larger story pushing for us, the characters, to be in other situations than where we thought we’d be focusing.  The plot thickens as the Author brings even the readers to an unexpected turn of events.  Gathering with community might not work out for you, or maybe it’s just me, but it’s likely because a more pressing situation will need to be defused elsewhere in your life.  Most of us were born when Eris (named after the goddess of discord) was on or near this degree of Aries.  She is so slow moving in her orbit that she’s actually still in Aries now.  She’s not all about discord of course, but she does like to drop bombs (or golden apples, as the myth goes) to shake things up.  She’s also the archetype of the powerful female rebelling against the outdated norms of patriarchal society.  My natal Eris is being activated by this full moon in Aries.  So those somewhat younger and older than 35 are likely feeling it too, to some degree.  I wish you all luck on each crisis averted at this time.

Sun in Libra 13:  Children blowing soap bubbles
This seems like a bit of a jump in themes at first, yes?  It conjures images of laughing, playing, and being filled with joy and wonder at the magic within our ordinary world.  There is also a transitory theme weaving through the opposing symbols…and one in which the bubble inevitably bursts.  There is also a protective theme at play…also momentary…of being ‘in a bubble’.  The key here, though, is to encourage that momentary instance of awe and celebration at the little joys in life…as the other energies at play may have some more heavy-hitting things in store soon enough.  It’s not a time, not yet anyway, to burst bubbles and drop bombs on others.  If anything, that would be a personal experience (having your own bubble burst, bombs dropped on you to take care of, or things not being what you wanted in general).  Count yourself lucky if you get to spend the next few days relaxing with a bubble wand in hand…and the only bombs you’re meant to defuse are tantrums from a toddler who would rather play than eat or sleep (this is a potential for me anyway, since I’ll be with my two-year old son at the time…but I’m clearly not supposed to plan ahead so we’ll see what happens).

Like I said, every planet is at play in this Full Moon dance.  If one or more is transiting your natal chart (which is likely for most of us), that will provide the main focal point of your experience of this time.  Each of the four of us in my family have multiple transits going on individually right now.  Two of which are exact with the full moon (my husband’s Venus and our son’s Uranus are both in the full moon degree).  The Venus-Mars conjunction, I feel, is the significant key to unlocking the highest vibration of this Full Moon energy though.  The Aries-Libra axis our luminaries are highlighting is a delicate balance of both Mars (Aries) and Venus (Libra) energies.  It is the axis of relationship between self and other that is being illuminated at this time.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi