Tuesday, December 24, 2019

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: The War Dance Eclipse

Covering 97% of the Sun, this Annular Eclipse can be seen in Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
the UAE, and Oman, across southern India and Sri Lanka, to Indonesia and Malaysia

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: The War Dance Eclipse
Moon conjunct Sun- 12/25/2019 @ 11:16pm CST

The Wolf Moon cycle begins with something to howl about. Leading up to this time, Sun square Chiron may have inflamed some old wounds...while Sun trine Uranus is bringing some surprises into our awareness. Just one degree away from Jupiter, this New Moon is linked to abundance. However, it is also a South Node eclipse...so we’ll also be seeing an abundance of shadows. With Venus inconjunct the Lunar Nodes, ‘love and light’ may seem like a distant whisper to what’s coming up across the world. It’s time to address the elephant in the room.

Moon and Sun in Capricorn 5
Sabian Symbol: ‘Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance’

'Birch Bark Canoe' by Alfred Jacob Miller
The image for this New Moon symbol brings up the necessity for preventative action toward a threat. The Cardinal Earth of Capricorn in this degree activates the mobilization of resources and synchronized values with a purpose to protect the generations to come. In each of our individual lives, our awareness is growing about what it is we need to take action against. Something destructive needs to face our own power to destroy it. And since this New Moon is conjunct both Jupiter and the South Node, those shadows from our karmic past are growing too big to ignore...it’s time to sever our ties to something we don’t want infecting our well-being in this next decade. It could be anything...you’ll know it as a blatant threat at this point. With Jupiter in the mix, it may be a belief you’ve been carrying that is showing you its lie. It’s time to stand up to it and give it your battle cry.

Saros Series 132

Almost 450 years ago, the eclipses in this series started being Annular Solar Eclipses. This was at the time of the Battle of Jarnac between Catholic forces and the Huguenots in the French Wars of Religion (the second deadliest religious war in European history). The most recent of these Annular Eclipses was in 2001 after the ‘War on Terror’ was launched as an international military campaign by the U.S. government, focused on Islamic extremists throughout the Muslim world. Yes, the shadows of war...especially wars of beliefs...are returning in this eclipse. How we address these shadows during the course of this eclipsed lunar cycle will have a lasting effect, as it did last time too.

Peaceful as many of us want to be, there is no denying that war is still tearing us apart...not just from each other but also from the Earth herself whom we wage our countless battles on. Even those of us who are Peaceful Warriors combining our efforts to protect our planet and all life...we are Sacred Activists at war against war.

In the midst of so many other armed conflicts across the world, there are growing threats for more conflict...more destructive use of power...as we approach the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th. Even as I write this, news of North Korea’s taunt of a ‘Christmas Gift’ for the U.S. is coming forth...as if on cue.

All this discussion of war is not to fan the flames of fear, but to address them with our awareness...and, if necessary, with our power to act. At the very least, we will be facing our shadows from this eclipse for the next 6 months. Whatever comes of it, Capricorn energy urges us to look at it with an objective view and take measured steps to deal with it.

So yes, what’s happening on the world stage is alarming. It’s also mirroring something happening personally for each one of us. There is shadow work to address within, and this is the lunar cycle to call it out and see it for what it is...then do something about it.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Full Moon in Gemini: Pandora's Gifts

Full Moon in Gemini: Pandora’s Gifts
Moon opposite Sun- 12/11/2019 @ 11:12pm CST

This Long Nights Moon brings many fascinating gifts to pique our curiosity in true Gemini fashion. Information is coming in from all sides. There may even be a feeling of too many choices, which can create some confusion. Coming in soon after the Venus-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, this information overload is likely to feel more restrictive than expansive. Venus-Saturn is asking us to commit to something we love.  This energy wants to reign in a lot of the mutable energy surrounding this time and make solid plans.  And yet...Moon conjunct the asteroid Pandora in Gemini may be bringing in more feelings and ideas than we know what to do with. The two energies, in quincunx (150 degrees), don’t exactly mesh well.  But integrating both brings growth, however uncomfortable.

With Neptune square our luminaries, ‘not knowing’ is part of the activation taking place. The Neptunian fog sets in and all those many choices we’re presented with have a lot less definition. When Neptune is square the luminaries, there is often a strong pull toward escapism. However, the higher vibration of this Neptunian T-Square pattern is to use that tension we’d rather escape from and channel it into actions that are either creative or spiritual.

Seven of Cups, Rider-Waite Tarot

A theme this whole month, where the Capricorn energies are beginning to heighten in preparation for what is coming in January, is about decisiveness. It’s also about objective awareness of the goal and reigning in our energy so that it’s not unnecessarily dispersed through too many avenues. And yet, this Full Moon highlights an energy that opposes that preparatory feeling...and there may be a feeling of overwhelm (heightened for those of us trying to prepare for the holiday season). Neptune’s square reminds us that we actually have no idea what is coming...and that it’s okay to not know right now. This is a time where adaptability to whatever arises now is key. There will be plenty of opportunity to get back into the measured steps of Capricorn’s Cosmic Council soon enough. Right now, why not celebrate that we have more choices than answers? For some, that’s a big leap...definitive answers being a comfort zone. For others, that’s life.

Chiron, the Cosmic Shaman, is stationed now in Aries and will once again return to a direct path soon after this Full Moon. During stationary shifts, the themes of that celestial archetype are more prevalent. So, Chiron’s mythic storyline of the wounded healer may pervade this Full Moon time. While in Aries, Chiron teaches us about integrity and self-reliance while we find the healing path from the wound of ‘Who am I?’ The wound of the individuated self is often the hardest to process, which is why Chiron spends much more time in Aries.  But the Sabian Symbol that Chiron's been pausing on lately is 'a comedian reveals human nature'.  He teaches the medicine of the Sacred Clown...often through humor and opposites...so that we may see ourselves more objectively, maybe even having a laugh at how much self-involvement our healing path has taken lately.  

'Pandora's Box' by Wisnu Tan
Perhaps the strongest unseen element in this Full Moon is coming from the conjunction to the asteroid Pandora. Pandora is an interesting figure in myth. Before Hesiod transformed her story into an anti-feminist fable which was later mixed with the storyline of Eve (the ‘first woman’ in Christian myth), Pandora was an ancient Goddess similar to Gaia or Demeter. Her name (Pan meaning ‘all’ and Dora meaning ‘gift’) was originally a reflection of her ‘all-giving’ nature. Hesiod’s version was a twist on her gifts.  He painted her as ‘all-gifted’ from the blessings of the Gods, created by Zeus as a punishment to man for Prometheus’s theft of fire. Coming in with so many god-given gifts, she was irresistible to Epimetheus...who took this ‘first woman’ as his wife, despite his brother’s warnings. Along with her, she carried a vessel which she was told to never open. However, Hermes also gave her his own trickster gift of curiosity...so she just couldn’t resist finding out what was in the vessel (which was similar to a storage jar, though it later became known as ‘Pandora’s Box’). From it, she unwittingly released all the evils of the world...only able to hold onto Hope (or, more specifically in translation ‘Anticipation’).  Or so the story goes, however socio-political the agenda.

'Seven of Cups', an oil painting by Lacey Bryant
for 'The Slow Tarot' at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco.
Notice the apple and snake suspended from the tree?

Sound similar to Eve’s bite of the apple? Yeah, there was a definite shift happening in Hesiod’s time from matriarchy to patriarchy...and who better to blame for all of our troubles than the ‘first woman’? And even though Pandora’s somewhat splintered mythic storyline begins with the gifts of the nurturing ‘Great Goddess’ and ends with a more patriarchal undertone...both parts are infused into this one archetype. So, the Moon with Pandora does bring many gifts...but the many gifts may be more than we were hoping for. Curiosity, which is strong with Gemini energy, is heightened now with Pandora’s influence. We may be more inclined to follow our fascinations down a rabbit hole, not knowing where it may lead, than to make more reserved (Capricorn) choices in what we do with this energy.

However, Chiron’s influence suggests that what we find may show us the gift within the wound. Instead of fighting it, which can lead to that confusion and overwhelm...perhaps we would do better to accept that, right now, our decision-making processes may be slightly skewed in this Neptunian fog. Even Mercury (our Collective Mind) quincunx Uranus (the Awakener), exact several hours before this Full Moon, suggests that we aren’t quite in the headspace to see what’s coming. Oh, it will all get much clearer, even seriously so, as we head into Capricorn season soon enough. The Stellium we’re building to now between our Capricorn planets (Saturn-Pluto with Ceres, Mercury, and Sun a month from now) will have some very specific lessons to teach us. But, in THIS time, you may just want to celebrate feeling a bit more distracted from some of the weight that awareness has been building. Tap into the creative curiosity of this time, or the mystical and dreamy elements that Neptune is bringing up. It may bring something magical to the table that could be just as useful later as a prioritized 'to do' list.

Moon in Gemini 20
Sabian Symbol: ‘a modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions’

A friend who passed away this summer often used the quote ‘moderation in all things, including moderation’. The memory came up while considering this Moon’s Sabian Symbol, and made me smile...as both of us were often trying to moderate our food intake in healthier ways than what we grew up with. This cafeteria symbol shows us the abundance of choices before us, some of which are fascinating as they aren’t things we usually have the opportunity to try. In the Full Moon’s light, the many choices can appear as an overabundance, which often leads to waste. In this symbol, it is the community that comes together to ensure that all have what they need, just as it is the community that must ensure nothing goes to waste. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis, currently being highlighted by our luminaries, is apt to share generously when a surplus of information (or food) is more than just one person can digest. With Pandora’s pre-patriarchy influence, this is a time of expressing humanity's giving nature. You have more than you know what to do with? Share with someone who’s feeling less than blessed. ‘Tis the season, as they say.

Sun in Sagittarius 20
Sabian Symbol: ‘in an old-fashioned northern village, men cut the ice of a frozen pond for use during the summer’

Opposite the cafeteria symbol, we have another image that suggests what can be done with a surplus. In this case, the image shows a scene from the cold months, where ice is most abundant. The symbol involves some foresight...an understanding of this community that what is in abundance now will likely be very necessary months from now. Cutting ice is hard work, but the rewards for this symbolic village are that they may have a means to keep their food cold when the days are longer and the temperature is much hotter. This is the Sagittarian way of seeing the bigger picture, even as the Gemini Moon is taking in the smorgasbord of curious details immediately before us. There is something in this time which will sustain us through our journey ahead. With Pallas Athene conjunct the Sun, even with that Neptune square, if we tap into the patterns arising in this time (such as knowledge of the seasonal cycles helps these men cutting ice) we will be better prepared for the big changes coming.

Like bookends to this Full Moon, Venus conjuncts Saturn before and she conjuncts Pluto after. So, ahead of time, we are feeling the need to commit to something solid, taking measured steps toward something of value. Then, we have this Full Moon where an abundance of information might confuse the goal for a time. And after, Venus meets with Pluto...which may even dramatically shift our values through a transformation of the heart. So, try not to get too down on yourself (or others) when what you thought should be solid isn’t appearing so. Big shifts are happening just beyond our awareness right now, but clarity will return.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Monday, December 02, 2019

Jupiter in Capricorn: A Year of Rewarding Responsibility

Sturdy as an oak, strong as a dragon...Jupiter in earthy Capricorn brings stability to our growth.
Like the generous King of Pentacles (depicted here in this Shadowscapes tarot card),
Jupiter in Capricorn knows that when wealth is shared...it will continue to grow.

Jupiter in Capricorn: A Year of Rewarding Responsibility

December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020

Since November of 2018, we’ve journeyed with Jupiter through a Year of Enthusiastic Envisioning as he guided our higher mind pursuits from his home-sign, Sagittarius. If you look back through that time, look for the lucky breaks you were blessed with...especially the things that restored your faith, or provided growth in your outlook. This is Jupiter’s work...and he has just spent this time widening our horizons by bringing something jovial and free-spirited to our Earthdance.

The year wasn’t a walk in the park. There has been a lot of heavy-lifting going on in Capricorn for a while, so it was a blessing to have this Jupiterian Vision Quest going on simultaneously. In this past year, it has been helpful to expand our sights to better understand the hard work we’ve been doing and will continue to do in this year ahead. We are preparing for large-scale changes ahead...and as Jupiter enters Capricorn now, the rewards will be in our tangible responses to these structural transformations.

Some might say that the expansive, larger-than-life energy of Jupiter isn’t comfortable in Capricorn’s Saturnian ways of measured growth. There is some truth in that...Jupiter is leaving his happy home in Sagittarius now so that he can go to his neighbor Saturn’s house and offer his blessings upon the Capricorn Council at work there. The vibe is always a bit different at our neighbor’s house, and now Jupiter enters Saturn’s domicile after much of the preparations have been made for the big Saturn-Pluto conjunction of next month. Still, he brings a gift to these plans being brought to form in Capricorn. Jupiter offers reward for the hard work we are putting in now and for the year ahead. It’s all about tangible manifestation of these changes we’ve envisioned. It’s time to put the vision to the test in sustainable ways now.

I have an ever-lasting love for Jupiter in Capricorn, I have to admit. It does color my view of it...so you’ll hear no doom and gloom about it from me. 12 years ago, when Jupiter was last in Capricorn, I fell in love with the man who is now my husband. It just so happens that Michael was born with Sagittarius Rising, guided by Jupiter in Capricorn in his first house. He’s taught me the blessings that Jupiter in Capricorn brings to life, and I am beyond grateful for that.

This depiction of the King of Pentacles
(by Lightseers tarot) reminds me of my husband.
His Capricorn Jupiter isn't all work and no play...
he's not a suit and tie guy.  He's a dependable father
who builds upon the structures of home and family,
taking the time to enjoy what he has built.  

What kind of blessings came into your life in 2008? You may be revisiting things of a similar nature in the year ahead. That which began in the time of Jupiter in Capricorn will have matured since then with more responsibilities and commitment to the follow-through. Whatever it is you’re building upon this year, give it your best and commit to the continual effort it will take. Jupiter in Capricorn rewards endurance, especially the kind of endurance it takes to face the massive changes ahead of us.

It’s time to get grounded in our growth. I look forward to working with you all on these changes in our year ahead. Thanks for showing up with your work gloves on.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New Moon in Sagittarius: Medicine of the Visionary Owl

'Night Vision' by Simon Haiduk

New Moon in Sagittarius: Medicine of the Visionary Owl
Moon conjunct Sun: 11/26/19 @ 9:05am CST

Moon and Sun in Sagittarius 5
Sabian Symbol: ‘an owl sits on the branch of a large tree’

'Lofty Vision' by Nancy A. Carter
Our Luminaries guide us now to the wisdom within Owl Medicine. There is something softly silent about this New Moon where we seed our intentions for this Long Nights Moon cycle. Observation is key in the days ahead. It can reflect a new light on our aspirations as the Long Nights Moon crescent waxes to full in the coming weeks, then wanes as we approach December Solstice.

With the ability to turn their heads around 270 degrees and even upside down, and their field of vision being about 110 degrees, Owls have a unique ability to see the world from many angles.” -excerpt from my post about Owl Medicine from the Totem Tuesday series

The Wise Old Owl of this New Moon can see more than most. The Moon, in the unseen realms of our daytime sky, sees us when we can’t see her. But intuitively, we feel her presence as she begins her new cycle. Together, Moon and Sun illuminate the archetype of the Sage who imparts wisdom along this Earthwalk and the Visionary who sees the world from inspiring angles. The Luminaries are also conjunct the asteroids Sophia and Pallas, who both hold this Owl Wisdom as well.

This New Moon is also in inconjunct angles (semi-sextile and quincunx) to the Mars-Uranus opposition that exacted on Sunday, the 24th. As the jolting energy of that opposition starts to wane, this new cycle begins just outside of its sights. There may have been some sudden bursts of energy on Sunday...maybe even in the form of anger or anxiety at first...but something that allowed us to see the kind of changes we need now in these Long Nights ahead. Something was awakened at the end of our previous lunar cycle...and in the release of it, we find the seed of the next.

With a harmonious trine to Chiron Rx, the medicine flows like wisdom from the Cosmic Shaman...blessing the Wounded Healer within each of us. Though this is a silent seed energy, we may also feel inspired to laugh together as we harmonize the gifts within our own wounds. Blessings to all as we begin our many holidays this season! May you find moments of rest as well as moments of joy!

Some 'laughing' owls...just to remind us that wisdom and humor are not separate.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Full Moon in Taurus: The Unfolding Gift

Poetry by Rumi, Art by Michael Roppert

Full Moon in Taurus: The Unfolding Gift
Moon opposite Sun- 11/12/19 @ 7:32am CST

The Mourning Moon in full is a time of year that opens us to the celebration of life after loss. It is not always a physical loss (such as a loved one passing) that is the Scorpio initiation we go through as this cycle begins and waxes...but there is a letting go of something as we step into this ‘time which is no time’, and often it is something buried that rises to our consciousness as the moonlight grows.

This particular release is not like a one-time change that we make before moving onward without what we said farewell to. It is a process of transformation that requires a shedding of layers throughout the cycle. The release at the Full Moon of this cycle is of what has held back each individual soul from really shining. This Full Moon in Taurus is a celebration of Life Force energy...what we each have and what we share with each other as we join in the Earthdance.

Photo by Luc (a.k.a. Boris Belgium)
Taurus is a sign of earthy, sensual, and unhurried growth...though it has been hastened with some urgency lately as Uranus has been in this fixed earth sign (opposite the New Moon that began this cycle). During a Full Moon in Taurus, we are rewarded for our patience as we experience something beautiful unfolding from one concentrated seed of transmutation. Just like you must allow a flower to bloom in its own timing, or a butterfly to emerge from a chrysalis only after the inner work is done...The Taurus-Scorpio axis invites us to celebrate the perseverance of life through natural changes that cannot be forced by us one way or another. It is about the enjoyment of what simply IS (Taurus), even as it is supported by the complexity of our feelings (Scorpio).

In this celebration of life after loss, the path ahead brings regenerative blessings...even as we step into unknown territory.  

Moon-Vesta Rx in Taurus 20
Sabian Symbol: ‘wisps of wing-like clouds streaming across the sky’

Moon and Vesta Retrograde meet in this degree that illuminates the confirmation of blessings from Spirit. Moon is exalted in the earthy, Venusian sign of Taurus...and so she feels blessed each month when she travels in this sign. When full in Taurus, she really shines these blessings upon our Earth which can incline pleasant feelings of enjoyment and fulfillment. This may feel like a desire to take in the kind of earthly pleasures that intoxicate the senses and bring us moment-to-moment with Bliss. For some, such sensual gifts may be in the form of food, drink, music, sex, natural beauty, or any other pleasure that sets the senses buzzing. For others, it is the pleasure received from creating, building, or growing things that have a sense of sustainable value. For others still, it may be a more spiritual sense of what animates the material world. Taurus energy enjoys all of the above.  The essence of this exalted feeling of the Taurus Moon comes from the Life within all Matter, and the meaningful exchange we have with that energy. It doesn’t discount the heaviness of most things, but it celebrates the function of the life within the form.  This is the gift that unfolds in this Full Moon.

With Vesta in her retrograde perspective of Taurus, the exalted Full Moon joins the asteroid of the devoted Priestess who tends that Sacred Flame.  This flame animates us all from within each body. Vesta reminds us that each light within us is connected to one spiritual hearth fire, eternally lit. During this retrograde, the asteroid Vesta brings her ever-present focus inward and we are inclined to tend to our own Sacred Hearth. Whatever had been dampening our own life force from previous cycles has been continually purified and released. What is revealed now is how our Inner Light can shine brightly.

Let this be a Full Moon where you can recognize and honor the blessings present in your focus. Yes, there is still more weighty work to do in this cycle...but we must first focus on restoring our energy through enjoyment of life so that we can navigate the waning half with a perspective of fulfillment.

Sun-Mercury Rx in Scorpio 20 & 18
Sabian Symbols: ‘a woman draws away two dark curtains, revealing the entrance to a sacred pathway’ and ‘woods rich in autumn coloring’

'Elen of the Ways' by Chesca Potter
After Sun and Mercury Retrograde meet for a rare, visible Interior Conjunction on 11-11...the illuminating ideas from their meeting carry into this illumination of the Full Moon. Each Interior Conjunction with Sun and Mercury is the beginning of a new Mercury cycle...a new thought, a new idea, a new mindset being initiated. And this one is especially potent. This particular New Mercury (which holds a similar, but more rare, energy to a New Moon Solar Eclipse) brings ideas that can have far-reaching implications. It’s a good time to check in with yourself and notice ‘Where is my mind?’ What your mind is concentrated on most will clue you into the thought-seeds that hold the potential for a big idea to grow.

With these two symbols highlighted at the time of this Full Moon, a pathway is revealed...a new neural pathway as well as a symbolic path through the colorful forest of our psyche. Just as the direction that the wind blows the wisps of clouds (in the Moon-Vesta degree symbol) can show us the direction to take in our own lives, the sacred pathway beyond the dark curtains invites us into the Unknown. There is a reassurance, in the energy exchange of this Full Moon, that the path ahead of us is quite beautiful as it transforms into new possibilities.

Pluto-Persephone in Capricorn 22 & 20
Sabian Symbols: ‘a general accepting defeat gracefully’ and ‘a hidden choir singing’

'Hades and Persephone' by Sandara
Persephone, the asteroid of the Maiden Goddess who became Queen of the Underworld, is in direct harmonious relationship with the Moon and Sun through a trine (120 degrees) and a sextile (60 degrees). Pluto adds his own Underworld power along with his Queen as they form a pattern I call a ‘Receptive Wedge Triangle’ with the Taurus-Scorpio axis. In this powerful marriage of archetypal forces, we find an opportunity to become more committed to our Soul’s Journey at this time. As the pattern is in feminine signs of Earth and Water, it carries a receptive energy. Tapping in to Persephone-Pluto’s wisdom at this Mourning Moon allows us to receive the blessing of soul transformation.

So while we have had to accept defeat (or loss) from a past cycle, like the General in Pluto’s degree, it is with Grace...as Persephone’s hidden choir is singing us onward. She reassures the us that there is hidden beauty there in the Charnel Grounds where past decays and transforms anew. “Be not afraid of the unknown that calls to you”, Persephone sings. “It is the song of your soul singing.”

'Music of the Spheres' by Fiona Watson

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mercury in Scorpio, Part Two: The Retrograde Journey

'Underwater Alice' by Elena Kalis

Mercury in Scorpio: The Extended Dive into the Subconscious Mind

October 3rd - December 9th

Part Two- The Retrograde Journey 
(October 31st – November 20th)

Mercury Retrograde is not a rare occurrence since it happens 3 or 4 times a year. But it does often have a noticeable effect, since Mercury moves swiftly. There is a rare occurrence within the heart of this particular retrograde period though. During Mercury’s Interior Conjunction with the Sun, this messenger planet can be seen traveling across the face of our Sun (only with the use of telescopes that have solar filters, of course.) Mercury Transits are not as rare as the Venus Transits which happen in pairs 8 years apart after long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years (the last pair occurred in 2004 and 2012). Mercury Transit occultations occur 13 to 14 times a century, though, often suggesting collective shadow thoughts becoming conscious.

The Interior Conjunction is on 11-11, and unthought-like thoughts that are the souls of thought” may be “stirred from out of the abysses” of our hearts, as Edgar Allen Poe once wrote. Poe was born with a Scorpio Rising, North Node, and Uranus conjunct...so his soul was particularly attuned to Scorpionic themes while he communicated such things that plunged into our depths with unique precision.

The best general advice for these retrograde times is to re-think, re-capitulate, re-vise, re-do, re-invent. You can attach a 're' to most verbs, actually, and that might sum up the energy we’ll be working with. If you’re feeling a bit of Deja Vu, it’s a signal to take another look through a different perspective this time. Something overlooked previously can be re-cognized anew.

This retrograde time, Mercury is in Scorpio...so dig deeper to re-discover what you may have previously overlooked. The collective mind is like a detective now, searching for the truth beneath the surface of what is presented. Listen closely to what is being stressed by repetition, especially the symbols that pervade the mind in this time. The meaning is more important than the words as we dive into the Otherworld of the Mind.

Mercury Stations Retrograde (10-31)

Scorpio 28 Sabian Symbol: ‘The King of the Fairies approaching his domain’

Mercury takes pause in this degree after meeting with Venus here the day before. She really loved something about it deeply as they shared insights between Heart and Mind, and Mercury wants to sit with this idea for a few more days after shifting perspective. As Mercury moves ‘backward’, then, in Scorpio...we are invited to discover a deeper truth to everything covered in the last 20 days.

'Oberon and Puck Listening to the Sea Maid's Music'
by Chris Beetles
In this ‘King of the Fairies’ degree, we shift focus to our inner thoughts and the ideas that arise there. The collective idea we are pondering here is that each of us is ultimately the authority of our own lives, but we have to take a few steps back to discover a deeper truth to this later. The signs from the Spirit World, as the veil between worlds lifts this time of year, will be emerging from deep Scorpio waters...revealing the Mysteries beyond the edges of our awareness. The Fairy King, and all others from unseen realms, will be sending messages to connect to what is too often overlooked (perhaps through Dreamtime, but definitely through symbols). And it will likely relate to our relationships or alliances with all that is animate beyond our (relatively narrow) human view.

There is a wealth of information bubbling up from Scorpio waters during this station. Each of us encounters our own piece of the truth about our hidden power. And Scorpio is about sharing our truth (not always immediately, but eventually, after establishing trust)...and merging truths together with others to get right to the core of what life offers us.

Some truth does hurt. Some truth heals. Thus, the intensity of Scorpio waters shows us the deepest experience of life's truths. And Mercury guides us through this discovery of the power in creating meaningful alliances with each other as well as aligning the Collective Mind with Natural Law. The Laws of Nature are synchronized to Mother Earth’s body. Man-made law cannot restrict or control Her...Mama Gaia...the Prima Genetrix of these earthly lives we’re living. Her Messenger, the Fairy King whispers, "Be not afraid of what you cannot always see. Trust that there are forces supporting your journey."

And into the Otherworld of the creative mind we go. During this journey, a few of Mercury’s previous alliances will re-align to further the retrograde storyline. You may use the following list as a guide through what will be revisited next.

11/2- Mercury Rx conjunct Pallas- This is the second of two meetings in Scorpio, this time discussing this ‘Fairy King’ degree. The third conjunction between these wise beings will happen on the Solstice when both are in Sagittarius (weeks after Mercury’s Retrograde integration, the Epilogue, has concluded). The patterns we may have caught a glimpse of 12 days ago (during Mercury's Prologue) resurface here with deeper wisdom. Strategies may shift slightly from what we were previously moving ahead with...as we respond wisely to the intuitive messages we’re receiving now.

11/9- Mercury Rx sextile Pluto- We revisit a subtle opportunity to transform the mind through soulful interaction. Deepening into our life force energy, hidden power emerges in beneficial ways.

11/11- Mercury Rx conjunct Sun- The message arising from the heart of the Sun at this Interior Conjunction is more potent than usual. Tap in and listen to what is revealed now. We are likely to channel extraordinary ideas that go beyond our usual understanding. The Sabian Symbol for this 19th degree of Scorpio is ‘a parrot listening, then talking’...so clairaudience will likely be on high at this time.

11/13- Mercury Rx sextile Saturn- We revisit this subtle opportunity for mature communication and mental development to strengthen our ability to manifest our ideas.

11/13- Mercury Rx trine Neptune Rx- The flow of inspiration carries through this mystical, inward journey we’re on. Another view of our creative potential arises.

Art by Albert BeckWenzell
11/20- Mercury Stations Direct- We return to the 12th degree of Scorpio (Sabian Symbol: ‘an official embassy ball’) where Mercury’s Prologue began on 10/11...and we have an opportunity to slow down and retrieve a key piece of information we missed while the fleet-footed Messenger sped past it. What is really happening under the surface of this ritual display of shape-shifting magic, where all are dressed to impress and powerful alliances can be made? A closer look on this scene of powerful, privileged elites shows that beyond all the meaningless displays of importance...there is something there that means to keep the peace. We may be focused on wading through the superfluous associations and finding who it is we can really trust.

In part three, Mercury’s Epilogue, we’ll be integrating what we’ve learned from this retrograde’s wisdom. This integration will last from 11/20 to 12/7...followed by a couple more days of Mercury's wrap up of Scorpio lessons before moving on to Sagittarius on 12/9. For now, try to feel into this trip as if it’s a Shamanic Recapitulation or a Collective Soul Retrieval that Mercury is guiding us all through. Though there will be some Shadow Work to do, as Scorpio often brings about, this particular retrograde is not really one of those that needs much warning about Murphy’s Law (that ‘whatever can go wrong WILL go wrong’ assertion that always seems to tag along on Mercury’s heels...not all of us astrologers see the 'Rx' as such...it looks like a prescription to me, for what's been ailing our minds). This one has a clear focus on the soul’s journey to finding truth in our alliances. Keep with that, and you may realize a deeper truth about the purpose of Mercury’s retrogrades too.

An example of hilarious Mercury Rx memes.
This one pokes fun at the blame game that happens all too often.
You might see a lot of them.
And then you'll remember that you read this and realized
there's a bunch of harmonious aspects to tap into this time...
and a rare opportunity if you're listening deeply.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi