Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mercury in Scorpio, Part Two: The Retrograde Journey

'Underwater Alice' by Elena Kalis

Mercury in Scorpio: The Extended Dive into the Subconscious Mind

October 3rd - December 9th

Part Two- The Retrograde Journey 
(October 31st – November 20th)

Mercury Retrograde is not a rare occurrence since it happens 3 or 4 times a year. But it does often have a noticeable effect, since Mercury moves swiftly. There is a rare occurrence within the heart of this particular retrograde period though. During Mercury’s Interior Conjunction with the Sun, this messenger planet can be seen traveling across the face of our Sun (only with the use of telescopes that have solar filters, of course.) Mercury Transits are not as rare as the Venus Transits which happen in pairs 8 years apart after long gaps of 121.5 years and 105.5 years (the last pair occurred in 2004 and 2012). Mercury Transit occultations occur 13 to 14 times a century, though, often suggesting collective shadow thoughts becoming conscious.

The Interior Conjunction is on 11-11, and unthought-like thoughts that are the souls of thought” may be “stirred from out of the abysses” of our hearts, as Edgar Allen Poe once wrote. Poe was born with a Scorpio Rising, North Node, and Uranus conjunct...so his soul was particularly attuned to Scorpionic themes while he communicated such things that plunged into our depths with unique precision.

The best general advice for these retrograde times is to re-think, re-capitulate, re-vise, re-do, re-invent. You can attach a 're' to most verbs, actually, and that might sum up the energy we’ll be working with. If you’re feeling a bit of Deja Vu, it’s a signal to take another look through a different perspective this time. Something overlooked previously can be re-cognized anew.

This retrograde time, Mercury is in Scorpio...so dig deeper to re-discover what you may have previously overlooked. The collective mind is like a detective now, searching for the truth beneath the surface of what is presented. Listen closely to what is being stressed by repetition, especially the symbols that pervade the mind in this time. The meaning is more important than the words as we dive into the Otherworld of the Mind.

Mercury Stations Retrograde (10-31)

Scorpio 28 Sabian Symbol: ‘The King of the Fairies approaching his domain’

Mercury takes pause in this degree after meeting with Venus here the day before. She really loved something about it deeply as they shared insights between Heart and Mind, and Mercury wants to sit with this idea for a few more days after shifting perspective. As Mercury moves ‘backward’, then, in Scorpio...we are invited to discover a deeper truth to everything covered in the last 20 days.

'Oberon and Puck Listening to the Sea Maid's Music'
by Chris Beetles
In this ‘King of the Fairies’ degree, we shift focus to our inner thoughts and the ideas that arise there. The collective idea we are pondering here is that each of us is ultimately the authority of our own lives, but we have to take a few steps back to discover a deeper truth to this later. The signs from the Spirit World, as the veil between worlds lifts this time of year, will be emerging from deep Scorpio waters...revealing the Mysteries beyond the edges of our awareness. The Fairy King, and all others from unseen realms, will be sending messages to connect to what is too often overlooked (perhaps through Dreamtime, but definitely through symbols). And it will likely relate to our relationships or alliances with all that is animate beyond our (relatively narrow) human view.

There is a wealth of information bubbling up from Scorpio waters during this station. Each of us encounters our own piece of the truth about our hidden power. And Scorpio is about sharing our truth (not always immediately, but eventually, after establishing trust)...and merging truths together with others to get right to the core of what life offers us.

Some truth does hurt. Some truth heals. Thus, the intensity of Scorpio waters shows us the deepest experience of life's truths. And Mercury guides us through this discovery of the power in creating meaningful alliances with each other as well as aligning the Collective Mind with Natural Law. The Laws of Nature are synchronized to Mother Earth’s body. Man-made law cannot restrict or control Her...Mama Gaia...the Prima Genetrix of these earthly lives we’re living. Her Messenger, the Fairy King whispers, "Be not afraid of what you cannot always see. Trust that there are forces supporting your journey."

And into the Otherworld of the creative mind we go. During this journey, a few of Mercury’s previous alliances will re-align to further the retrograde storyline. You may use the following list as a guide through what will be revisited next.

11/2- Mercury Rx conjunct Pallas- This is the second of two meetings in Scorpio, this time discussing this ‘Fairy King’ degree. The third conjunction between these wise beings will happen on the Solstice when both are in Sagittarius (weeks after Mercury’s Retrograde integration, the Epilogue, has concluded). The patterns we may have caught a glimpse of 12 days ago (during Mercury's Prologue) resurface here with deeper wisdom. Strategies may shift slightly from what we were previously moving ahead with...as we respond wisely to the intuitive messages we’re receiving now.

11/9- Mercury Rx sextile Pluto- We revisit a subtle opportunity to transform the mind through soulful interaction. Deepening into our life force energy, hidden power emerges in beneficial ways.

11/11- Mercury Rx conjunct Sun- The message arising from the heart of the Sun at this Interior Conjunction is more potent than usual. Tap in and listen to what is revealed now. We are likely to channel extraordinary ideas that go beyond our usual understanding. The Sabian Symbol for this 19th degree of Scorpio is ‘a parrot listening, then talking’...so clairaudience will likely be on high at this time.

11/13- Mercury Rx sextile Saturn- We revisit this subtle opportunity for mature communication and mental development to strengthen our ability to manifest our ideas.

11/13- Mercury Rx trine Neptune Rx- The flow of inspiration carries through this mystical, inward journey we’re on. Another view of our creative potential arises.

Art by Albert BeckWenzell
11/20- Mercury Stations Direct- We return to the 12th degree of Scorpio (Sabian Symbol: ‘an official embassy ball’) where Mercury’s Prologue began on 10/11...and we have an opportunity to slow down and retrieve a key piece of information we missed while the fleet-footed Messenger sped past it. What is really happening under the surface of this ritual display of shape-shifting magic, where all are dressed to impress and powerful alliances can be made? A closer look on this scene of powerful, privileged elites shows that beyond all the meaningless displays of importance...there is something there that means to keep the peace. We may be focused on wading through the superfluous associations and finding who it is we can really trust.

In part three, Mercury’s Epilogue, we’ll be integrating what we’ve learned from this retrograde’s wisdom. This integration will last from 11/20 to 12/7...followed by a couple more days of Mercury's wrap up of Scorpio lessons before moving on to Sagittarius on 12/9. For now, try to feel into this trip as if it’s a Shamanic Recapitulation or a Collective Soul Retrieval that Mercury is guiding us all through. Though there will be some Shadow Work to do, as Scorpio often brings about, this particular retrograde is not really one of those that needs much warning about Murphy’s Law (that ‘whatever can go wrong WILL go wrong’ assertion that always seems to tag along on Mercury’s heels...not all of us astrologers see the 'Rx' as such...it looks like a prescription to me, for what's been ailing our minds). This one has a clear focus on the soul’s journey to finding truth in our alliances. Keep with that, and you may realize a deeper truth about the purpose of Mercury’s retrogrades too.

An example of hilarious Mercury Rx memes.
This one pokes fun at the blame game that happens all too often.
You might see a lot of them.
And then you'll remember that you read this and realized
there's a bunch of harmonious aspects to tap into this time...
and a rare opportunity if you're listening deeply.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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