Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New Moon in Sagittarius: Medicine of the Visionary Owl

'Night Vision' by Simon Haiduk

New Moon in Sagittarius: Medicine of the Visionary Owl
Moon conjunct Sun: 11/26/19 @ 9:05am CST

Moon and Sun in Sagittarius 5
Sabian Symbol: ‘an owl sits on the branch of a large tree’

'Lofty Vision' by Nancy A. Carter
Our Luminaries guide us now to the wisdom within Owl Medicine. There is something softly silent about this New Moon where we seed our intentions for this Long Nights Moon cycle. Observation is key in the days ahead. It can reflect a new light on our aspirations as the Long Nights Moon crescent waxes to full in the coming weeks, then wanes as we approach December Solstice.

With the ability to turn their heads around 270 degrees and even upside down, and their field of vision being about 110 degrees, Owls have a unique ability to see the world from many angles.” -excerpt from my post about Owl Medicine from the Totem Tuesday series

The Wise Old Owl of this New Moon can see more than most. The Moon, in the unseen realms of our daytime sky, sees us when we can’t see her. But intuitively, we feel her presence as she begins her new cycle. Together, Moon and Sun illuminate the archetype of the Sage who imparts wisdom along this Earthwalk and the Visionary who sees the world from inspiring angles. The Luminaries are also conjunct the asteroids Sophia and Pallas, who both hold this Owl Wisdom as well.

This New Moon is also in inconjunct angles (semi-sextile and quincunx) to the Mars-Uranus opposition that exacted on Sunday, the 24th. As the jolting energy of that opposition starts to wane, this new cycle begins just outside of its sights. There may have been some sudden bursts of energy on Sunday...maybe even in the form of anger or anxiety at first...but something that allowed us to see the kind of changes we need now in these Long Nights ahead. Something was awakened at the end of our previous lunar cycle...and in the release of it, we find the seed of the next.

With a harmonious trine to Chiron Rx, the medicine flows like wisdom from the Cosmic Shaman...blessing the Wounded Healer within each of us. Though this is a silent seed energy, we may also feel inspired to laugh together as we harmonize the gifts within our own wounds. Blessings to all as we begin our many holidays this season! May you find moments of rest as well as moments of joy!

Some 'laughing' owls...just to remind us that wisdom and humor are not separate.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi


Petit fleur said...

Hi Felina,

I found your post by accident and I love it! Thank you for posting about Sag moon and the owl medicine.

Lots is happening and it's hard to always keep up so this is an important tool for me moving forward if you plan to keep posting! :-)

Bright Blessings,

Felina Lune Kavi said...

Hi Melinda! I'm glad you happened upon my blog. I love writing, so yes...I do plan to continue. I usually post 2-3 times a month. Every New Moon and every Full Moon...and then any other Astrological event that requires more than just a Facebook post. I do also write a lot about the Inner Planet transits on my Facebook page, if you're interested.

Love and Gratitude,