Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Dragon’s Flight Into the Sagittarius-Gemini Axis

At the beginning of March, the Moon’s nodes shifted from our last lessons of the Capricorn/Cancer plane to the lessons of Sagittarius/Gemini (from March 3, 2011 until August 29th, 2012). The Lunar nodes, in scientific terms, are the points where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic. The astrological implications of the lunar nodes are about karmic lessons, and the necessary balance between what we’ve already learned and no longer need to focus on (South Node in Gemini) and what we must learn now, however uncomfortable and uncharted the territory, for the growth of our souls (North Node in Sagittarius).

Each of us has our own natal nodes and lessons, which tend to answer the age-old questions, ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘What is my soul’s purpose?’ For example, I (and those around the same age as me) have the lessons of North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn…our soul’s growth comes from spiritual nurturance and caretaking, learning the value of emotional fulfillment as we move away from our engrained urges to acquire fame, recognition, and materialistic pursuits.

But the positions the Nodes are in at the present moment affect the collective soul’s growth of our entire global community…so while we are each having our own soul’s intentions directing us one way, those lessons are also being influenced on a global scale by the current position of the Nodes.

And it’s that shift that I’m talking about now…the one we’re all feeling. Now that the South Node is in Gemini we’re being introduced to the lesson of over-thinking decisions and second-guessing ourselves. We’re currently so proficient in seeing other points-of-view that we’re losing sight of our own. The North Node in Sagittarius directs our paths toward trusting our own intuition and being open and honest about ourselves and what we want. Over-thinking becomes problematic during this time because we can never have enough information to satisfy our minds…and we are drawn like moths to a flame toward information accumulation. Our own intuitive knowing needs to be cultivated now instead of second-guessing its validity because it may not be based in what appears to be ‘factual’ information.

This axis can be very confusing, making it difficult to make decisions you truly trust. Visualizing outcomes rather than relying only on logical information is where we move past the old ways of thinking and come into our collective ability to trust our gut. One of the things you’ll see during this transit is a greater tendency to indulge in gossip, taking it as information rather than the waste of energy it truly is. Our media is already skilled in this, yet now is the time they will be faced with its negative implications as more and more people will trust their intuition and turn away from such superficial communication. This is the time we learn the lesson that beliefs create reality…and if we’re wasting our time on old ways of thinking and communicating, we’re only being distracted from seeing the bigger picture involved…and manifesting the best possible outcome.

There will be a lot of mental health issues coming to the forefront during this time, as well as nit-picking about communication. The media is becoming more aware of how our words matter and the rhetoric we choose can no longer be irresponsible.

To see in what areas of life this shift affects you personally, look to the houses in your natal chart where Sagittarius and Gemini begin. The last time the nodes were in this axis was between August 2nd, 1992 and February 1st, 1994. Try to remember what was going on in your life at that time to get a taste of what is to come now, after maturing since then. Astrology follows patterns, and recognizing those patterns can help you to work with the energies when they come around again.

Here are some ideas on how to make the best of this ingress: Explore. Travel. Go on an adventure. Learn about other cultures, religions, philosophies. Come up with your own opinions. Stop quoting others and speak with the truth from your heart, in your own words. Have faith. Broaden your mind and release limiting thought patterns. Resist gossip and other forms of superficial communication. Seek truth. Get creative. Look at the bigger picture. Trust your intuition. Set goals. Take time to quiet your mind and meditate. Embrace the spiritual realm and the wealth of wisdom it has in store for you. Think before you speak. Actively listen more. Increase the productivity of information exchange. Visualize. Get outside and seek answers in the natural world, relying less on technology. Expand your global vision. Adhere to ethics in every situation. Teach and inspire others. Explore your horizons. Connect to Sprit. Follow the path of passion. Be gregarious. Release yourself from what is not working in your life and find freedom within. Employ optimism. Be straightforward with your communication. Get out of your head and get physically involved. Find your footing in spiritual activism. And most importantly, trust yourself.

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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