Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Full Mourning Moon in Taurus: Illuminating Honest Values and the Resourcefulness to Endure

Have a blessed Full Moon the Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon balance their opposition at 2:14 pm CST this afternoon.

At 12:54pm yesterday, Neptune (the dreamy planet of inspiration as well as confusion) went direct, as the Moon waxes full of light. This planet has been stationary at 29 degrees of Aquarius since Tuesday afternoon, in fact, and only starts moving forward again this afternoon. Though, it will be in this 29th degree until 1-4-12 (My daughter's 6th birthday).

I always say the 29th degree of Aquarius is one of my favorites...and it keeps coming up at important astrological times to remind me of its message and beauty. I've shared it before...but I'll share it again.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree of the zodiac is 'a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis'. Those who know me best know this very image flutters about my heart. This Autumn, one caterpillar in particular (though there were two we observed) messaged me along the way of her beautiful, unfolding transformation. Alyrica named her Caterina the Caterpillar...and she later became Belle, an exquisite Monarch Butterfly. She confirmed our connection when she chose her spot to transform into her chrysalis in the same place that 'Mabon the Monarch' occupied last year. Over and over, these gentle and resourceful creatures dissolve boundaries before our eyes...showing us the beauty in allowing for greater personal freedom and transformation. The butterfly emerging from its chrysalis affirms what we all eventually awaken to...that new life begins every day.

The Full Moon in the 19th degree of Taurus illuminates the symbol of 'a newly formed continent rising majestically from the ocean'. This degree of the zodiac promotes new opportunities and growth through raw energy and powerful decision-making that positively affects those around you. The key word for this degree is 'originality', and it is in necessary balance with the 'conventionality' of the Sun in 19 degrees of Scorpio at the opposite side of the zodiac. The symbol for the Sun's counterweight to this Full Moon is 'a parrot listening and then talking'. This degree is about accepting patterns of thought and action, and transferring these insights. Listen to the truth, process the facts and speak honestly, adding valuable insight to the natural realm. Relay the truths you know in original ways for positive growth and opportunities that lead you toward success.

The idea that all three of the above symbols describe is that something wonderful is emerging, transformed from patient dedication and attention to detail into a fully formed manifestation of truth. The Mourning Moon then takes on a decidedly joyous note in this light. It is so named as this is the month where we mourn the death around us...the deaths of our loved ones, the death of the green of summer, and the death of those parts of ourselves that are no longer serving our best intentions. Death is not an ending, it is an important part of a cycle of transformation that leads us to another beginning.

The Taurus Full Moon shows us our own resourcefulness in the face of adversity, what values we hold that support our growth as individuals, and the strength we possess to endure the hardships of winter...both literally and figuratively. As a whole, we are discovering the power of truth together as we emerge from a past concealed in confusion. May you all have a happy full moon, and may you all be true to yourselves as well as to others.

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