Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Note to the Collective Caterpillar

A Caterpillar does not gently blossom into a beautiful Monarch. It consumes and consumes until it is fat with everything it can possibly stomach. Then it finds a lonely place and creates a shell of itself around itself. And then it begins transforming...because it must. It's body fights this change...the transformation is a battle between what was and what must be. And then it becomes. It becomes, but it is still surrounded by the walls it created. It inevitably must break free of this barrier in order to reintroduce itself to the world, transformed. Because it must. It is nature.

And there is a brief time of strengthening those wings, pumping the lifeblood into those newly transformed wings. But then it happens...the first flight. And the world is different, just because of the changes it made. And there is no more need to consume and consume only. There is need to fly...and to fly home, like all the others. Because it must. It is nature.

The sustenance is different now...its purpose has even changed. It is drinking the nectar of the rainbow of Earth's flowers. It is drinking for energy and strength, for endurance on a long and arduous journey and no longer just to grow larger. It must make an impossible flight possible. It must make the delicacies of its transformation withstand the harshest of elements. Because it must. It is nature.

They do not all make it to the southern forest. But many do...and those many co-create more. And they will find their family. And they will find home.


The following is a recent answer of mine to a common question. Each person with this question thinks they are alone, but they are many. Perhaps you, too, have the question that could be answered with this.

You are transforming. We all are. This is a necessary time of transition for all...and we will all go through our own hurts, our own wounds, and find the gift within. The light is there within the shadows, not without.

Those who ignore this transition...or try to stifle it somehow...they are ignoring enlightenment, THEY are feeding the shadows. Not you. Not us. We are warriors of light together, not apart.

You're seeking help in this transition...like so many others...that's the first sign that consciousness is greater now than ever before. We are seeking togetherness in our work to light up the darkness...not to destroy it...but to allow it to see the light. Only then can we integrate those shadows and become whole.

This applies to everyone, everywhere, on all levels. It applies on the individual level (where we seek our own wholeness) as it applies on a collective level (where we seek togetherness). It applies on the inner level (where seek holistic health) as it applies on an environmental level (where we seek global health).

We can not narrow the focus only to one...not only to ourselves. Do not only notice the finger you're pointing at yourself...because when you point a finger, three more are pointing the opposite direction. The focus is meant to expand now, not at others...but at the world around us. Here is where we make the changes, which create the changes within.

The past is no matter now. It is just a story. It may be your story, and you feel it has importance because it is yours and you own it...but you have to release it. It's happened. It's not happening.

And you may consider that the present seems strangely like the past now, and you don't like it...because the story's repeating...it's not getting anywhere. But that's when the storyteller wakes up and begins again. The present is soon the past as well.

And the future, it's always blank pages to be written. You, as well as the world you sense and perceive, are what you create in every NOW that passes. Every moment is another chance for change.

Love yourself because you have to, not only because you want to. You have a responsibility just like the rest of us to do just that and quit sabotaging yourself with ideas from the past. You grab those negative thoughts by their jugular, you examine them in the light, then you see that they are only meant to sabotage your awakening...they then transform just by being caught in the light...you say 'that's right, i wasn't being very helpful...not to myself or anyone.' and by this you transmute those shadows, those negativities, into enlightened wisdom of yourself as well as human nature.

When you do this, you help others do this. THAT is the key to enlightenment. THAT is the togetherness we seek.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi


AmyRose said...

Very apropos, thank you! There is a reason for everything, and I know there was a reason this is the first blog of yours I've read. Change/transition are the hardest for me to accept...

Felina Lune Kavi said...

Thank you for reading, Amy!