Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Full Corn Moon of Lughnasadh 2012: The Cradle of Bliss

Lughnasadh (pronounced LOO-nuh-suh) is the first of three harvest holidays on the pagan wheel of the year.  It is sometimes called Lammas, Loaf Mass, or Witches’ Thanksgiving.  Every year, on the first of August (or around August 7th, if you follow the astrological cross-quarters as a time keeper), we celebrate the abundance of what we have planted in the Spring.  Many varieties of garden foods, especially corn and grain, are ready to eat now and we give thanks for the ability to grow our own food to feed our families.  There is much history to this holiday, and if you are interested you can look it up.  But that’s not what I’ll be writing about here.

            It is a very special occurrence when a full moon falls on a holiday.  This year, the Full Corn Moon (10:28pm CDT on Wednesday night) is appropriately matched with Lughnasadh.  This Full Moon is in Aquarius, while the Sun is in its home sign of Leo.  Fire and Air energy abound at this time, bringing a balance of inventive intelligence and creative production.  This is a good time to give and receive love and gratitude for the abundant blessings in our lives.  Everything in our lives is a result of the thought seeds we’ve previously planted…and now is the time to shuck the husks from the corn or separate the wheat from the chaff, literally and figuratively.  What are our priorities now?  What is the sustenance that truly nourishes us?  The arguments of ego and battles of will that we often find ourselves in at this time of year, when the air is heavy with heat and our patience wears thin?  Or the love that surrounds us, supports us, and celebrates with us, inspiring more thoughtful action and more successful productivity?  Well, of course you know the answer.  You wouldn’t be reading this otherwise. 

            Let’s take a closer look at the Sun’s position in our zodiac at the time of the Full Moon to describe this energy more specifically.  During this full moon, the Sun will be in the 11th degree of Leo.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘Children on a swing in a huge oak tree’.  We’re not children anymore…and the adult stresses of life often bring us down.  But children are wonderful teachers and they can help us renew our enjoyment of pleasure and fun.  This is a time to relax, reconnect with nature, and enjoy some carefree play.  Create some time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life…the keyword for this degree is ‘Delight’. 

            The Full Corn Moon is in the opposite area of the zodiac, at 11 degrees of Aquarius.  The Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘a man head-to-head with his inspiration’.  This is a meeting of the minds, whether with other individuals or within yourself (consciousness and super-consciousness).  This refers to the connection between you and a higher source of knowing.  This connection creates an intuitive flow in your communications with others as well as a heightening of your own sixth sense.  Extraordinary insights can come so effortlessly under this vibration that it feels natural.  The keyword for this degree is ‘Ecstasy’.

            Another notable occurrence during this full moon is that the two luminaries form an aspect pattern called a ‘cradle’ with trines and sextiles to Uranus and Jupiter.  At the time of the full moon, we have the Moon in the 11th house of friends (representing the value of humanity) and the Sun in the 5th house of creative expression (representing the value of the creative spirit).  At the base of the cradle, we have Uranus in the 1st house of self (representing actions of self-expression) in a sextile with Jupiter in the 3rd house of communication (representing integration of thoughts and feelings).  All 4 of these areas of life are activated by this aspect pattern on the night of the Full Corn Moon.  But since the Moon moves swiftly, the cradle is only comfortable for a few hours before the wind blows and the bough breaks.  Not to worry, there are a couple of squares from Pluto and Chiron to pull us back into action…Pluto in Capricorn in the 10th house of highest potential and Chrion in Pisces in the 12th house of collective unconscious.  One represents the need to recognize tangible manifestations of our identity and the other represents the need to integrate compassion and spirit.  In other words, enjoy your full moon with friends or family with an easy flow on the mental plane…and then build upon those good feelings with action and integration of both the material and spiritual planes.

            This is a very beneficial Full Moon.  There are some harsh aspects surrounding it, but they are almost necessary to activate the blessings of this time.  For the most part, we are ‘cradled’ within many positive opportunities and good potentials.  If we act upon the innovative inspirations this time has to offer, we are likely to make some great strides and much-needed changes along the path to our highest potential.  In our individual lives, we may finally find the motivation we need to get our lives back on track with our goals.  Collectively, we may find many inventive solutions to the problems we have been facing for too long.  At least, that is the hope.  Watch for the good that comes from this Full Moon, and activate it!

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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