Friday, October 10, 2014

Full Blood Moon Eclipse: Recovery in the Realm Less Traveled

Full Blood Moon Eclipse:  Recovery in the Realm Less Traveled
Full Moon @ 5:50am CDT
Lunar Eclipse @5:55am CDT

“I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence:  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  -Robert Frost

 Moon in 16th degree of Aries:  Nature spirits dancing in the setting sunlight

The Sunset is often a symbol of personal fulfillment.  In such times, we may be able to establish a life-giving contact with natural forces.  Such forces are active any time growth processes take place, but our individualized minds are usually too focused on working for consciously set goals to be able to realize the presence of invisible forces in operation. 

Still, these forces of nature act as guiding, balancing, and harmonizing factors in all life.  It is when our own individualized energy becomes less dominant (symbolically, at sunset), or the body is weakened by illness, fasting, sensory deprivation…or even set aside in meditation, altered states of consciousness, or sleep…that it becomes easier to perceive these ‘nature spirits’ and to give them forms that symbolize the character of their activity. 

The Sunset also indicates the end of a long day’s labors.  In this time, these forces of nature want to take over…while we rest, relax, and step back from all emotionally-charged concerns.  These nature spirits, then, examine just what is needed and dance in order to shift and balance our vibrational realities into harmony, healing, and healthy function. 

This Full Moon Eclipse is an invitation to open our minds to the possibility of approaching life in a holistic and nonrational, intuitive manner.  This backs up what I previously wrote about this Mercury Retrograde being a time when logic is less leaned upon…while intuition takes us on a journey of necessary discovery and, in many cases, rediscovery. 

 Sun in 16th degree of Libra:  A boat landing washed away after a storm

Boats, themselves, are links between distant places.  They even enable humans to find food from the sea (a symbol of grasping new realizations which previously only existed in the unconscious realm).  A boat landing in need of reconstruction, then, symbolizes the need to keep in operation steady links between the vast Unconscious and the ego-consciousness.   

This temporary destruction by psychic storms sometimes will happen when venturing too far away from the consciously defined and socially structured ways of life…but Mercury Retrograde has much valuable information to retrieve in this alternate route.  It has moments of extreme confusion, but by next month…the journey will make much more sense.

Just as with the previous symbol, his indicates a time of rest dictated by forces beyond human control.  After all, when the boat landing is washed away…nothing leaves the harbor and nothing comes in.  Let the body and the rational mind rest…and see what you come across while floating in subconscious waters.

Aspects of Action and Agitation:  The Desire for Stability in the Stormy Seas of Change

“Profound desire, true desire is the desire to be close to someone.” –Paulo Coelho

Setting the stage for the next 6 months, really…the many aspects supporting this Full Moon Eclipse highlight the light and shadow of who we are and what we want, especially as it relates to how we identify ourselves and how we relate to others.  We aren’t necessarily in new territory with this…as planetary alignments have been stressing the Cardinal signs, with little relief, for years.  In that time, we’ve been trying to navigate through a collective identity crisis and finding new, inventive ways to take action and trying to break free of the limitations of old, crumbling structures to make way for the new.

Amidst all of these weighty world undertakings, we have similar things happening to us on the individual level.  Yet, often, in these individual struggles…we are trying to break free of false structures of our own design.  This month, though, is heavily focused on our relationships (all relationships, but especially the ones most important to us).  Habits have formed over time and new ways of relating must replace complacency in order to make progress with the many things that are bombarding us in all directions for attention in our lives right now.  It’s become very apparent that we can’t do it all alone.  We need help to navigate this twisted sea.  But we need right relations in order to keep us all afloat. 

Kite Aspect Pattern:  Let the Sunshine In

“When the Moon is in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet and love will steer the stars.”  -The Fifth Dimension

Okay, not exactly…but the alignments are correct.  The Moon (conjunct Uranus) was in the 7th House during the Full Moon Eclipse, and in a Grand Fire Trine with Jupiter and Mars in the 11th and 3rd Houses.  And with this, the Sun’s opposition to the Moon at that time created a harmonious aspect pattern called a Kite—which is a good guiding energy to follow if you could successfully manuever around the psychic storms of the rest of the energetic atmosphere this week.  The key was, and still is, to ‘let the sunshine in’…hippie-dippie as that may sound during a shadowy week of eclipse energy.

Out of the tumult of feeling stranded in the deep without a lifeline, hoping for some kind of miracle from the universe to correct our course while we sleep off the overwhelming exhaustion of our conscious awareness…a glimmer of light from the unconscious realm beckons us in our dream state to seek within instead of out.

This is not a fleeting aspect pattern.  In fact, this lesson is still unfolding throughout this weekend and into the middle of next week (switching from the opposition of the luminaries to being carried along by the lunar nodes soon after).  The Sun, though, is making direct contacts with the rest of the angles of this Grand Fire Trine for the next 5 days…each time furthering the lessons we began to glimpse at the time of the Full Moon.  For most of us, the message was unclear at that time…we were still in the thick of it all.  But as we are reconnecting the bridge between the unconscious and conscious realms this weekend, we may start to reconnect other things we’ve brought back with us from fathoms below.

The first parts of the lesson had to do with Rest and Relaxation…which, though we all want permission for such things (from ourselves and others), we are somehow more inclined to react in the mode of Repair and Respond because we are focusing outside of ourselves on things that seem to need our attention.  Guilt may set in if we allow ourselves an actual break from even thinking of every little detail in that big  tangled ball of ‘to do’.  What we learned quickly (either the easy way or the hard way) during this week of the Full Moon influence, is that avoiding our own needs is what keeps us from being fully able to address the needs outside of ourselves. 

Now into the weekend, the lessons shift to tests.  We are meant to release some negative behavior patterns and realign with group consciousness.  Those energies glimpsed in the unconscious realm during the Full Moon Eclipse will come to light by the end of this weekend…perhaps we can even channel them into ways to serve and inspire others.  After these steps of the process are finished, the beginning of next week has potential to start off with feelings of reinvigoration and renewal, as long as you don’t meet the whole process with resistance to change.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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