Sunday, November 13, 2016

Full Super Moon in Taurus: Self-Worth Within the Womb of Metamorphosis

Full Super Moon in Taurus:  Self-Worth Within the Womb of Metamorphosis
By Felina Lune Kavi 

This Full Moon of November 2016 (exact at 7:52 am CST on Monday the 14th) is known as a super moon, and this particular one is the closest it’s been to Earth in 68 years.  The Moon, especially at full, is pregnant with emotional tides…she’s closer to us now than many of us have ever seen or felt before.  Everyone is feeling it. From the many waves of reaction here in our United, but seemingly divided, States…to the magnitude of upset during and after the shock of New Zealand’s massive earthquake;  Gaia is in a panic mode.  And her sister, the Moon, moves closer to console and comfort her.

“Look to your protectors.”  She says, in a calm and mystical light that urges reflection.  “You will get through this.  You will recover.  Feel this now, magnified…and let us transmute it together.”

Gaia, our Great Mother…our Earth and our home…feels torrents of doubt about her own self-worth in this current climate.  “So many don’t listen.  So many don’t care.  Why should I care about myself when my voice barely heard?  What power do I really have to change things?  My power is linked to theirs by a mother’s bond.  If they do not succeed, then neither do I.”

“All is not lost.”  Moon replies.  “Do not believe it into being.  Let us re-enter the Womb of Metamorphosis together, sister.”

And so it transpires that we, along with our Earth, have gone within the mysteries of life and death.  Under the receptive cloak of Taurus, the Moon guides us toward healing our collective wounds rooted in self-worth.  What is it that we value?  How can we become healthy receivers to restore a symbiotic balance to what we give and take?  Will we be able, together, to recognize the Spirit within all matter and make positive changes to benefit the whole?

The Sun shines a light from the opposite balance of things, reflected upon our Moon as well.  Cloaked in the concealment of Scorpio, the Sun takes us on an inward journey to walk the edges until we find our boundaries.  What is the truth within this transformation?  How can we heighten ourselves beyond what we have become?  If I want to create meaningful change, what needs to change in me first to allow that power to regenerate and grow both inwardly and outwardly?

There are many questions within this primordial soup we have collectively agreed to re-enter.  Much to our surprise, the answers are within the questions themselves.  New thoughts emerge and take shape.  We are becoming…though we fight, as the caterpillar with its emerging self as the butterfly, against the transformation.  We do not see what is to come, but we become it all the same.  It does take some time to come to a level of acceptance and understanding within that chrysalis.  We only have to learn to trust ourselves as well as this creative process the Universe has gifted us.  It is our opportunity now to discover the gift within our wound.

I hope all of us will have our own individual revelations in the coming month.  They are not meant to be the same journey, but they are intrinsically linked together.  I hold you all, as always, in deep love and gratitude as you rebirth your new selves for the good of the whole human race.  Those that struggle, we must continue to protect them and honor their individual unfolding.  Those that come out of this time not fully formed, we must help them along the way.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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