Saturday, March 11, 2017

Full Seed Moon in Virgo: Dedication and Discernment

Full Seed Moon in Virgo: Dedication and Discernment

March 12th, 2017 @ 9:54am CDT

Venus went retrograde in Aries on March 4th, so this full moon illuminates a specific point at the end of Venus's evening star cycle. Before shedding the skin of our last 18 months (the time between Venus's previous shift and this one), we are preparing ourselves for the transformation to occur this spring. The full Seed Moon in Virgo provides the energy we need in order to discern what all will be discarded, and what seeds we will plant that will empower and sustain us through the coming months. Virgo Moon acts as a dedicated priestess to the Divine Feminine represented by Venus in Aries. She is the midwife to this rebirth of Venus as morning star. Lady Luna prepares her way by clearing away whatever distracts from the task before her. We feel the pull to declutter, purify, and heal our own environment within and without. Spring cleaning takes on myriad meanings at this time.

There is a theme within this larger theme of metamorphosis, which is represented by the Seed is about control and release. We make the preparations to better control the outcome, but we also release the need to control as the seeds germinate underground. At this stage in Venus's cycle, we can exercise proper use of control... Though we will need to relinquish that control to a higher power in the weeks ahead.

Moon in 23 Virgo:

At one moment, we may be the Lion Tamer. In the highest expression of this archetypal energy, we are in control of our vital energies and can direct them toward our intentions. Our connection to our animal nature is strong. We are in tune with both our instincts as well as our intent, and we can consciously make use of our talents. Fear is released. Pride is tamed. Self-confidence is gained as we train ourselves toward desirable outcomes. Control is in our favor. The shadow side of this archetypal energy is that we misuse this control (on others or ourselves), or that we give our power away to such misuse. In every full moon, we must strike a balance within in order to manifest it outside ourselves. Opposing energies will pull until we find our place of temperance.

Sun in 23 Pisces:

At another moment, we may be a Medium. In the highest expression of this archetypal energy, our gifts of insight and communication may be of need to others. We may give our vital energies to where they will help another, acting as a conduit who can translate Spirit into matter. There is a degree of sacrifice involved in this exchange as we release what is a personal experience and share it with others. And we feel more need to produce results in that case, implying control over something that is, by its nature, beyond the limits of human understanding. The world of Spirit will work with us, but not always as we desire. The shadow side of this archetypal energy comes from that. The Medium can twist from soothsaying to deception. When we are acting as Medium with the wrong intent, and hoping to get results that play to pride or fear, the shadow is in control. Awareness is key, so that we are not led astray by our own lower energies or those of others. Essentially, we aim to connect in some way to the universal flow of energy and help others to connect in their own ways.  To do this, we must maintain a symbiotic connection with our Mother Earth. She is the Medium through which we all connect.

Love and Gratitude, 
Felina Lune Kavi

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