Saturday, August 05, 2017

Full Moon in Aquarius/Lunar Eclipse: The Wheel of Fortune

Full Moon in Aquarius/Lunar Eclipse: The Wheel of Fortune
Moon opposite Sun @ 1:10pm CDT, 8-7-2017

The Full Corn Moon happens to coincide with the cross-quarter day (when Sun reaches mid-Leo) of Lughnasadh/Lammas/First Harvest.  It also happens to be a partial lunar eclipse, visible on all continents but the Americas.  No matter whether you can view an eclipse or not, this is the opening of the “Lion’s Gate” Eclipse Portal, which concludes after the “Great American Eclipse” that is visible from coast to coast in the U.S.  The time within this portal period can be likened to an “eclipse cauldron”…where all of the ingredients are added to the particular ‘brew’ that we, as a collective, need for the next six months before the next eclipses. 
Significantly, Mercury stationing retrograde on August 12th is an important ingredient that will be added to the mix.  Remembering, revision, and rebirth may all be part of the cauldron’s contents (and whatever other “re” words may apply to your own experience of the energy).  Mercury, the networker that he is, makes a few beneficial connections during the first week of this eclipse window…adding healing elements to the concoction.

Every full moon brings us the energy of an opposition, illuminated by our Sun and Moon.  An opposition can create tension, debate, or struggle (like a tug-o-war)…but its true purpose is to create balance between the opposing forces.  To understand this initial ingredient that will form the base of the cauldron’s medicine, let’s delve into the ‘wheel of fortune’ storyline that our two luminaries are bringing up.

Sun in the 16th degree of Leo:  “After a storm, nature rejoices in brilliant sunshine”

The sun brings in the energy of clouds parting after crisis.  This Leo energy is warm and welcoming, joyful and rejuvenating. It is a sigh of relief, though it also illuminates more work to be done to repair whatever damage the storm may have caused.   After a collective ‘dark night of the soul’ (which can also reflect in many ways in our individual experiences), the sun breaks through to shine a light on our experience…providing a necessary rebirth of our consciousness. 

The energy of the “Wheel of Fortune” aspect of the Tarot’s Major Arcana is present in those natural forces that build up and create heavy storms for us to endure, and the turn of fortune that follows.  This is not a time to perpetuate those feelings of being victimized, oppressed, overshadowed, or feeling worthless, jaded, unstable, or ‘under the weather’.  We’ve all been there, we see a glimmer of hope after a rough patch in our lives and we discount it because we discount ourselves and our own worthiness, or even capability, of being happy.  And so we allow the storm to continue, we keep ourselves in the dark with all those heavy clouds shrouding us from renewal. We become addicted to our suffering…for fear that we can’t integrate the joy that comes from healing our wounds.  At least, in that world of addiction, we know how to navigate…we understand it; we’ve been there.  But this mindset is not what is opening up this ‘Lion’s Gate’ Portal.  It has no place within the Eclipse Cauldron.  It is one of the things we must leave behind in order to access the new timelines that are coming forth during the Total Solar Eclipse on the 21st.  And not everyone will find the wherewithal to do it, but those that are ready to step into their own power will have a hand in stirring this cauldron…bringing a significant shift in consciousness to our world for the good of our next generations and all life on Earth.  The more that come out of the storm with a renewed sense of purpose, the more powerful the shift we can co-create together.

Now is the time to heal from our past; to see the storm for what it is…a cleansing.  We have the opportunity to let that storm (however it manifested for you) wash away all that no longer serves us.  You are stronger for having travelled through your weaknesses in that dark night.  Honor that strength by letting go of your attachment to what has hurt you in the past, and allow yourself to embrace what the sun is bringing to you now.  After all, it’s not only for you…but for everyone.

Moon in the 16th degree of Aquarius:  “A big businessman at his desk”

Such contrast in these two images!  Our own personal reaction to this ‘big businessman’ symbol also has the capacity to shine a light on our own wounded perspectives. For me, it’s hard not to immediately see the image of our current president in this symbol…bringing up all those things I disagree with that he stands for.  For others, it may even be a disconnect of class identification or a feeling of monetary oppression.  Still some might be able to relate to this symbol, or strive to embody it…hopefully in a healthy way.  Before we get to why this big businessman energy is a necessary part of our eclipse cauldron’s contents, we should entertain all aspects of this symbol.

The Wheel of Fortune is always in play in the world of business.  One minute you’re up, next minute you’re down.  Risk and reward is often assessed, sometimes terribly.  Lately, it seems some of the most influential industry executives give little (if any) consideration to the risks to our planet and the lives upon it, and are only focused on personal gain for the greedy few.  Powerful as the big businessman can appear behind his stately desk, in his suit and tie, commanding whatever large-scale production he is in charge of…he is nothing without the support of the people who both produce and buy what he is selling.  There is certainly a shadow piece inherent within this image right now, which the partial lunar eclipse is showing us.  Big business has not been serving the collective and the future of our planet as much as it has been serving the desires of the few who wield power in that realm.  Many of them are clinging to the accumulation of money and power, an unsustainable paradigm that is falling away, without acknowledging the affects this has on the rest of the world.  This is not to say that every businessperson falls into this category…so let’s look at it now from that perspective.

The moon illuminating this symbol shows the need to organize and manage a large-scale operation.  The Earth’s shadow upon the moon is a reminder that Mother Earth is the most important and influential organizer in our lives…but she needs the support of her people.  She is getting burnt out from everything that’s been working against her…working overtime to keep things running…and she needs to delegate her tasks.  One of the most difficult tasks she has ever faced is humanity’s disregard for all she has built.  She can show us the effects of that disregard with natural disasters, weather anomalies, and melting glaciers…but most people just go on as they have been doing.  More of us have woken up, of course, because many of us still listen to our Mother and look to her as a guide.  But there’s no one better suited to changing the minds of humans than humans themselves.  So many of us are feeling the call to step into those roles in which she needs us most…as communicators and networkers, way-showers and light-and-shadow workers, growers and healers, creators and heart-centered business people.  Because who must we ultimately work for?  Mother Earth, the one who will care for all those generations of life who will be born to her in the future.  So we keep encouraging each other out of isolation and into togetherness…out of separation and into harmony. 
I just watched ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ and Al Gore showed the ‘Blue Marble’ image of the Earth as seen by Apollo 17 in 1972, reminding us that the Earth is our home.  That image stuck with me.  And the original image that annoyingly surfaced (when meditating on this ‘businessman’ symbol) of the current U.S. president signing things at his desk that are damaging to our Earth faded away and became replaced by that ‘Blue Marble’ image.  It is time for all of us to make that shift in consciousness.  It is, after all, up to us to take responsibility for how the future unfolds.  It is not for just a few, but for everybody. 

Mercury in the 11th degree of Virgo:  “In her baby, a mother sees her deep longing for a son answered”

Mercury, just one degree away from where it will shift backwards (from our perspective) next weekend, exacts a trine (harmonious aspect of 120 degrees) with the asteroid of the Wise Warrioress, Pallas, on the night of the Full Moon.  This is an important next ingredient for the eclipse cauldron’s contents…as this same alignment happens again (after Mercury moves retrograde) within the window of the August eclipses.  Here, Mercury brings the energy of creative imagination and manifestation into play.  He asks us to visualize what we long for, set the intention, and bring it into this world with the love and care of a mother.

Pallas Athene in the 11th degree of Taurus:  “A woman watering flowers in her garden”

Wise strategist that she is, Pallas’s position and harmonious connection to the planet of communication shows us the way to manifest our heart’s desire.  The mother in Mercury’s symbol becomes a gardener in Pallas’s symbol to show that the nurturance of giving time, attention, and life to what we’re co-creating with the Earth is essential to both the restoration of the Sun’s symbol and the abundance of the Moon’s symbol.  Both Mercury and Pallas bring up the necessity to give our focus to being caretakers of life on Earth. 

So these are the first four ingredients mixing together in this eclipse cauldron.  The first two have a lot to do with pervasive influences in our lives, and how things can change on a dime.  The last two have a lot to do with love, care, and growth.  Feel into these symbols to understand what they mean in your own experience of this time.  What do they mean to you, and what do they bring up?  Each of us tends to identify with these energies in different ways, and some energies are more prominent than others (depending on what's being aspected in our own natal charts).  In the following weeks, I will be sharing what we must add to the recipe.  Until then, have a happy full moon!

Love and Gratitude,

Felina Lune Kavi

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