Saturday, September 23, 2017

Cat-Moon Cartomancy:  Autumn Insights

The Equinoxes are the times of the year where life calls for balance on all levels…as it is equal day and equal night.  What feels out of balance calls for integration at these times.  The beginning of autumn is a time of gratitude for all that has come from this cycle that began at the Winter Solstice last year.  It’s also a harvest holiday (Mabon); a time of sharing our gifts with the world.  In the spirit of sharing my own gifts, I facilitated a card reading for all of us on the moment of the Autumnal Equinox (9-22-17 @ 3:02pm CDT, when the Sun shifted into the sign of Libra).  Every cartomancy spread tells a story…as it is with all forms of communication with the Divine.  The question I asked for us was ‘What wisdom will this season bring for all of humanity?”  The following is my interpretation of the story that revealed itself in the cards.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost

Above (Universal)- Two of Wands

This cosmic energy presents two windows of opportunity.  We are given the power to create change, and with that, the power of choice.  This symbol represents the pause before making that choice.  This pause is not one of inactivity, but of active discernment.  Either way we choose, we will be moving forward.  The question is, which path makes the best use of our creative power to transform our lives?  It’s clear we want to change or create something, but the path ahead is unclear right now.  Even still, we must make that choice.  There is a fiery, trailblazing energy associated with Aries in this card that activates the courage to make quick decisions based on intuition.  This discernment is not of the intellectual mind but of the instinctual mind (located in the gut rather than the head).  Trust your instincts.  No regrets.

Right (Projective)- Uranus Initiation

The energy radiating from us all now is the unpredictable, unknowable change coming forth that is meant to shake up what has been in place for some time.  It is an initiation we’ve been going through (brought on by Uranus in Aries from May 2010 to March 2019) that, even as we’re nearing the close of this time, still surprises us in all of the breakthroughs and breakdowns in our awareness.  Since this ingress into Aries, Uranus has been a key player in many 90 degree (square) alignments, some of which were major forces of change (particularly the Uranus-Pluto series of seven squares from 2012-2015) across the globe.  We go through drastic shifts on each individual level as well, mirroring our changing world.  How we deal with such dramatic changes has also been shifting over this time period.  There’s really no way to freeze of flee, so we had been defaulting on fight mode whenever acting or reacting to periods of instability, unpredictability, or destruction.  As this Uranus in Aries energy comes to a close over the next year and a half, a new response to all these changes is emergent.  The path we forge ahead of us is the choice we are poised to make in the Two of Wands symbolism above.

Below (Global)- Divine Child

Gestating in Mama Gaia’s womb throughout all of these breakthroughs, break downs, turning points, and transformations is the collective energy of the Inner Child.  This archetype is being reborn in all of humanity…through the growing connection to the divinity within every living being. While individually our inner child archetype has different is the Divine Child expression that is emerging collectively from the enlightening energy of our current Uranus Initiation.  The choice of creative change mentioned in the Two of Wands is why we are now called to nurture our inner child and integrate this archetypal energy into being. There is a redemptive nature to this archetype, one which is integral to taking back our own power to create meaningful change.  The Divine Child within us all sees the potential for sacred beauty in all things, and embodies qualities of wisdom and courage in the face of difficult circumstances.  Gifted with the power of imagination and the belief that everything is possible, the Divine Child makes decisions based on love and not fear…and creates the world that our children and our children’s children will need as we move into an uncertain future.  Magical and innocent as this energy is, we have also seen two distinct faces of the shadow of this archetype.  One is the shadow of depression and pessimism.  The other is escapism.  Both are reactive to all that happens that seems unfair, too challenging, or unfixable.  One is the distortion that miracles are impossible…that nothing we can do can save any of us, or the planet.  It is a cynicism that creeps in on the idealism of youth and judges as foolish and nonsensical.  The other is the distortion that energy and action are not required…which allows for retreat into fantasy and doesn’t confront the issues that arise.  One form of this escapism that has been called out lately is known as ‘spiritual bypass’ or ‘light polarization’…where lower energies are ignored and we are above it all.  Or, another form most of us know well is allowing ourselves to be distracted with our addictions, comforts, or privileges.   It is within these shadows that we are currently peering…shining the light of truth in every corner.  We are transmuting an energy of impossibility and inaction into an active manifestation of miracles…and re-membering the Divine Child within as a rebirth of healing on Earth.

Left (Receptive)- Saraswati

The energy we are receiving as an aid to this stage of our journey is an invitation to access the Akashic Records.  Saraswati is the Devi of wisdom, knowledge, and learning…with an affinity for music and arts.  Her name means ‘one who leads to the essence of self-knowledge’. Images of Saraswati often depict her wearing white on or near a white lotus, symbolizing purity, knowledge, and truth.  In her four hands she holds a book, a crystal rosary, a water pot, and a musical instrument.  The book represents universal knowledge and all forms of learning.  The crystals represent the power of meditation, inner reflection, and spirituality.  The water pot represents the purifying power to discern between what is true and what is untrue.  And the musical instrument (called a veena) represents all creative arts and sciences…her holding it symbolizes expressing knowledge that creates harmony.  One of her totems is the swan (hamsa), a symbol of pure being and of the soul’s highest aspiration.  The swan symbolizes the removal of blocks that prevent us from realizing this state as our true nature.  Release from these blocks moves us closer to experiencing our true selves…limitless beings in a state of freedom rather than our self-limited, smaller selves that we often mistakenly believe ourselves to be.  Saraswati’s swan shows us the essence behind the masks we wear.  Saraswati is usually depicted near a flowing river or other body of water, as she is also known as a river goddess.  There are many songs written as an invocation of her energy…she is known as “she who dwells on the tongue of poets” after all…but this song is one of my favorites as it combines “Jaya Ganga Ma” with “The Ocean Refuses No River”.  While listening to Sparrow Grace’s “Jaya Ganga Ma”, allow yourself to flow with the rhythm of the music.  Saraswati is associated with anuraga (the love for and rhythm of music), which represents all emotions and feelings expressed in speech or music.

Center (Soul)- Raido Rune

This is the rune of journeys, movement, and cyclical change.  It is about living in the present moment, ever guided by our inner compass.  This energy shows the directional flow of our soul…always learning, growing, and making progress…even if our physical reality presents setbacks along our path.  Raido teaches mastery of circumstance and taking the reins of our own life in order to move forward.  When we do not learn a lesson, we will inevitably cycle back to it until it is mastered.  Now is when we can realistically assess our potential and make clear decisions based on moral responsibility and integrity.  To be fully present is to journey away from unnecessary fears and past experiences that weigh us down with too much baggage.  Now is the time to scale down, lighten your load, and choose your path wisely.

I wish you all a blessed season!
Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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