Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Chiron in Aries: Heal Thyself

Chiron in Aries:  Heal Thyself
Chiron’s Aries Ingress @ 3:10am on 4/17/18

Chiron is like the Shaman of our Cosmic Neighborhood.  With an irregular orbit between Saturn (our last visible planet) and Uranus (our first transpersonal planet), Chiron travels between our experience of ordinary reality and non-ordinary reality.  In our chart, Chiron can represent both the original wound we carry as well as the medicine gift we find from the healing path of that wound.  And though the wound and the gift express differently (and at different stages) for everyone, Chiron always comes back around to where he was when you were born right around the age of 50.  During the Chiron Return, we may experience a healing crisis…or we may experience it as an initiation of the healer/teacher archetype within. 
Because of Chiron’s irregular orbit, it also spends more time (8 to 9 years) in Pisces and Aries than the rest of the signs.  Though Chiron is moving out of Pisces now (after travelling through that last sign of the zodiac since 2010), Chiron will retrograde back into Pisces one last time between September 2018 and February 2019.  So the next 5 months will be an introduction to the Chiron in Aries lessons we will be activating for the next 9 years. 
However, if you were born between 1969 and 1977, some of the Aries themes Chiron will be bringing up to the collective now are already part of your life experience as that was the last time Chiron was in Aries.  Within the next 9 years, you will be experiencing your Chiron Return and, hopefully, choosing the healing path that leads you into a fuller expression of the gift within your wounds.
As Aries is the beginning of our zodiac, signified by the point in the sky where our Sun is at the Vernal Equinox point, the Aries wound often has to do with birth and identity of self.  ‘Who am I?” and “Why was I born?” are questions that may bring up feelings of inadequacy or pain when Chiron’s lessons teach us about the Aries wound to be healed.  This wound can have many expressions…it might just turn our focus to others to escape ourselves, or it could express as bravado and hubris to mask the feeling of purposelessness.  The healing path here, though, is about returning to our own Divine Spark…our individual gifts and self-realizations.  Chiron spends so much time focused on Aries because it is one of the most difficult gifts for us Earthlings to express in healthy ways…the gift of being who we were born to be.  After all, being human is a difficult process with so many confusions along the path.  There’s no instruction manual.  Most of us are winging it. 
But, we do have guides along the way…and astrology connects us with such archetypal teachers as Chiron.  Interestingly, this half-animal/half-God centaur archetype understands the dualities of human nature and holds the key to discovering the gift that humanity has to offer.  And though nobody really likes to face their own wounds as part of gaining this key understanding, Chiron is a patient and benevolent guide.
In these next nine years, we will see much more need for self-love and self-healing. We will likely, by the end of Chiron’s journey through Aries, see many more healers arise to shine their own unique medicine.  Allow your own healer within to be your guide in the coming years, as each of us holds our own keys to our individual healing process.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

Chiron's glyph...representing the key to our healing

 P.S.  To discover more about Chiron's mythic storyline, insight into natal chart placement, as well as a bit about the Chiron in Pisces journey were wrapping up at the end of this year and beginning of the next...you can read my post from last year called Chiron the Wounded Healer

1 comment:

Cosmic Yogini said...

Beautiful. Thank you Felina �������� So helpful and insightful as always ��������