Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn: Releasing Inertia to Integrate Insight

Spider Woman by Susan Seddon Boulet

Full Moon in Capricorn: Releasing Inertia to Integrate Insight

Moon opposite Sun @ 11:51pm CDT on 7-27-18

This “Strong Sun” Moon phase surrounding the Solstice has brought forth a lot to process.  The ease of this process has been dependent upon how much we were willing to let go of what has been blocking our efforts to grow.  If we’re still clinging tight to the end of a chapter, we may never find what the rest of the story offers. 

Now is the time to break free of the inertia of the past…though this involves some heavy lifting before we can move forward.  This time, we return to Capricorn’s Mountain for the sheer love of the climb.  In January, we were here for a pilgrimage…we had much to learn.  Now we have some experience of the endurance and measured steps needed to reach our goals.  Now we walk the path in a new light.

Sun in Cancer 7:  Two fairies dancing under the moonlight

Dancing is one of the most powerful ways to release whatever might be holding us back.  Of course, we don’t need to take these symbols so literally…but I might, personally, for this one.  I do love a good dance to slough off any heaviness.  Whether or not you get your body moving in this way, the image refers to the hidden processes of nature and how the forces of nature are engaging in these ways whether you notice or not.  The Solstices and Equinoxes are the days of the year when nature spirits are most active in celebration of life’s cycles.  Since this is the Full Moon after a Solstice, it’s certainly a good time to celebrate how far we’ve come in the past several months.  It makes no difference to the nature spirits if it is a Wednesday night.  It’s all about Mother Nature’s timing.

Moon in Capricorn 7:  A veiled prophet speaks

Even as Mars Retrogrades back to the South Node of the Moon and dissects a bit more into our past, important messages about our future are being communicated through this Full Moon.  Listen to the messages you’re receiving.  Moon may connect to you through Dreamtime, divination, imagery in your environment, animals, nature, people you know, people you meet, etc.  Some of you might not want to hear it, but your parents may be the ones to transmit the lunar prophecy at this time…after all, Moon is conjunct Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn.  There’s definitely a strong parental vibe to this veiled authority.  However it may come across, Moon-Saturn is looking out for your best interests because Capricorn really does care about the next generations.  If you can find the time, call or visit one of your elders.  They may have some wisdom to share with you.

Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn 6: Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods

We’re at a threshold, Saturn says (as he shines brightest while closest to us in his orbit, opposing the Sun), but before we can cross into new territory…we have a bit of clean-up work to do.  The ten logs lying beneath this archway are those remnants of past that block us from moving forward.  We’re going to have to put in some effort to move them before we can move onward.  We can’t bring them with us…so we have to leave them behind us.  This does mean we’ll have to spend some time going backward…but at least there’s a purpose that motivates us to succeed in unblocking the path.  But, it is retrograde season after all.  Saturn’s only one of 4 planets (and eventually, next month, 5 and then 6 planets) bringing up the inner work that needs to happen while we retrace some steps and reconsider the plan in new ways. 

Chiron in Aries 3:  A cameo profile of a man suggests the shape of his country

Chiron’s still direct right now (until July 4th), and is in a square with the luminaries and Saturn Rx…taking the uncomfortable position at the apex of a T-square pattern (perpendicular to the Cancer-Capricorn axis).  The apex of a T-square configuration is where any of the stress of the opposition will pool and create the dynamic urge to make necessary changes.  So the healer of the cosmos is dealing with the brunt of whatever is in need of balance.  Perhaps there’s some medicine in this 3rd degree where he’s slowing down to station retrograde soon.  We might combine two age-old pieces of wisdom to create what Chiron might be telling us here:  “Know thyself to heal thyself”.  Chiron in this ‘cameo’ degree of Aries teaches us that we are the true authority of our lives, and that we have a significant role to play within the bigger picture.  It also suggests, at this time, that the ‘shape of our country’ is under a lot of stress from the polarizations that keep occurring between the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which we will explore later this year with the lunar nodes.  Chiron, though, is trying to teach us that each oppositional axis is held together by a common thread.  My experience of this axis (as it is my Nodal axis), is that the point of balanced agreement is in providing whatever is necessary for our next generations.

And all of this is happening just after Mars turned Retrograde…joining Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto (and, next week, Neptune) in Retrograde motion.  By July 10th, for a week, we’ll have 6 planets retrograde at once (Jupiter will station direct, but Uranus and Mercury will be retrograde by that point).  What is it like to have so many planets retrograde at once?  If you remember in January, at the time of the New Moon in Capricorn, all of the planets were direct (which was also the case the previous year when Trump was inaugurated)…the world moves quickly around us, and sometimes mistakes will happen as we’re all just trying to keep up.  Well, after those times, the retrogrades begin to return and things slow down a bit so we can backtrack to pick up some pieces we may have missed…this involves an inward journey of revision, rediscovery, and retrieval.  And in those times, like this summer, when so many of the planets are retrograde…we have a lot of reconsideration and revising to do.  Here's one of my many explanations of what is like to have 6 retrograde planets in your natal chart…any babies born in mid-July this year might grow up with a similar experience (although, it’s really more complex than the exploration included below).

The world likely appears much faster to those who are born with all or most planets direct. My main source of understanding for that is my older brother who has all planets direct...but it's significantly common for U.S. presidents to have APD birth times as well...and I doubt the world ever feels like it slows down for them. My brother and I couldn't be more different, it seems. While he has always pushed forward at the rate of a very fast-paced world...I'm often able to slow it down to a speed which allows me to see things coming before they happen. It's like those scenes in the Matrix where Neo is in a fight and everything slows down so he can avert whatever blow is coming his way. Muhammed Ali was born with 6 retrogrades too...I often wonder if it was similar for him when he would 'float like a butterfly and sting like a bee'. I'm no boxer...but I do spend a lot of time discussing with others how they can make the best of their gifts within this Matrix...and also how to use their gifts to hack and recode that Matrix to better serve Mother Earth.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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