Monday, September 24, 2018

Full Moon in Aries: New Perspectives on Humanity

Full Moon in Aries: New Perspectives on Humanity

Moon opposite Sun @ 9:51pm CDT on 9-24-2018

As we greet the Harvest Moon just after Equinox, abundance is met with temperance. What seeds of this harvest do you want to save for future harvests? What is no longer needed? The Libra energy of the season helps us to weigh these options as we build our relationship with our Mother Earth, and with all of her children.

So close to the September Equinox (Mabon, as I celebrate it), the Sun in this Full Moon opposition is aligned with the Super Galactic Center. SGC is the core of a larger cluster of galaxies forming a super galaxy. This super-massive black hole can both evoke the void unable to be filled as well as a source of immense healing. As with everything, it’s all in how you work with it. In my view, these places are portals where we can be granted access to light codes far beyond our current awareness...helping us to heal old relationships and bring in new ones with an expanded sense of who we really are. To others, maybe it’s a deep dark hole of nothingness that makes them feel nothing is ever enough. I certainly hope not.

The Aries-Libra axis of this Full Moon always brings up the theme of Self and Other. The common thread between You and Me is...”Us” (or, “We”). When the luminaries light up this axis, the highest expression is one of Namaste (an acknowledgment and appreciation of the light within each of us being the same light, even with our individual expressions). Aries is that spark that ignites the individual’s journey and holds integrity with our purpose...while Libra is the acceptance and appreciation for and from another being on their own journey who joins paths with us in any way (from a brief encounter to a committed partnership).

And no, it’s not always peace and harmony. There can seem such a stark contrast between Self and Other. One might feel they got the short end of the stick somehow. Demands for equality often arise when a lack is recognized. Or, one might feel above another in some way. And the wound of separation deepens and widens. Keeping things balanced is a constant effort.

This Full Moon is conjunct Chiron Retrograde at the beginning of Aries. I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate other astrologers who want to move away from linking Chiron with wounding. I can respect that, because the conversation around Chiron can get so singularly focused there. However, when I speak or write of the wound revealed by Chiron, it is not the incurable injury he suffered at the end of his mythic is the original wound of separation he carried from both his parents as well as other centaurs. What Chiron teaches, by his example, is how our original wounds become our greatest gifts. Chiron became a great teacher and healer because he found that wound was not a lack, but the source of his unique medicine. And in this initial phase of our current Chiron in Aries cycle, we are to re-member ourselves as healers. As I’ve mentioned before about Chiron in Aries, the message here is: “Know thyself to heal thyself”. And this Full Moon is another chance to deepen our experience of this wisdom before Chiron dips back into Pisces waters for a closing lesson there.

Chiron’s father, Saturn (Kronos), is in a 90 degree square with this Aries-Libra that original wound may get tested at this time. If you have natal planets at the beginning degrees of Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)...they will be activated with this Cardinal T-Square transit to varying degrees of personal expression. However, keep in mind that these transits also have an affect on a global which case we may witness anything from stressful clashes to inspiring activation happening all around us. Again, it depends on how each person works with the energies. If more of us could see the gift of inspiration for necessary change within the dynamic force of square energy, rather than simply focusing on the stress and holding it there, we could come to meaningful resolutions. But that’s not the widely accepted experience of things. Still, what I see is more and more people holding a higher frequency of expression. It’s only a matter of time, Saturn says, before such responsibility catches on. Until then, whatever lesson is necessary.

Moon in Aries 2

The Sabian Symbol for Aries 2 is “A comedian reveals human nature”. The Astro-Wizard, Rick Levine, recently brought to my attention the Terence McKenna quote: “Levity is the opposite of Gravity.” Just the quote made me laugh to myself as I remembered my dad making up the word ‘Levitious’ as a way to describe someone (like himself) who intends to add levity to serious situations. The Comedian/Jester/Fool/Clown/Trickster/Heyokah archetype may come into play at this time. Human nature will be best revealed in this way of teaching through opposites and humor. Think of how you respond to some of your favorite comedians as they point out the absurdity of our human experience. Somehow they can get you to grasp that message without holding you in anger at the gravity of our situation...because they simultaneously lift you out of it by making you laugh (at yourself as well as the situation). And laughter can inspire courage...the courage to face the dark and transmute it to light.

Chiron Rx-Hygeia Rx in Aries 1

In conjunction with the Full Moon is a double dose of Healer energy from Chiron Retrograde and Hygeia Retrograde. Many of us know of Chiron by now, but who is Hygeia? She is the asteroid named after the Goddess of Health and Prevention of Illness (the word ‘hygiene’ comes from her name). With Moon in the Comedian degree, Hygeia joins her to remind us that ‘laughter IS the best medicine’. And Chiron joins in to teach the gift of levity. The Sabian Symbol of these two Healers is “A woman rises from the ocean; a seal embraces her”. This degree is about creative beginnings. This is a reminder from Chiron (as he first ingressed Aries on April 17th this year) that each individual has the potential to arise from the collective and actualize their destiny in society and in the planetary organism of the Earth. Now, in this retrograde pass, the message is that we will soon need to return to the Piscean Ocean because there is some medicine there to retrieve before we can fully embrace our own emergence as healers. With every new beginning, something is often left behind. This was a step out of the collective unconscious (symbolized by the ocean) and into individual consciousness…but not a separation. There is a need to soon return. But first we must remember this impulse to become, so we can return to it again in the third pass. This image speaks of mermaids and the Selkie myth…where the woman is of two worlds. It is about our potential. Finding your feet and reaching solid ground is part of the process, and it takes some time to get used to as we step in and out and back again to this new arena. What transpires now in this process of becoming is not a is a necessary return to a lesson that still needs some closure.

Sun in Libra 2 (Super Galactic Center)

The Sabian Symbol for Libra 2 is “The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh”. This is one of the more esoteric symbols, as it indicates the threshold between spiritual dimensions. Dane Rudhyar preferred the translation, “The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into the seed-realizations of the forever creative spirit”...which has a similar feeling to the first degree of Aries that alludes to the germination of the seed which breaks through the crust of the soil still covered in the remains of the past. The symbol has to do with the evolution and expansion of consciousness through the planetary ascension process. The challenge is to let go of our limiting thought processes so that we can reach new levels of awareness. Ascension to higher levels can be like an insatiable hunger to so many New Age a black hole, we may consume whatever information (light) is available to us...trying to fill a void of what we, again, assume we lack. The SGC degrees (between the end of Virgo and Libra 6, where Mercury is now) challenge us to get out of our own way and stop attracting more of the feeling of lack and unhealthy hierarchy that we want so desperately to be free from. So Chiron Retrograde in Aries will soon bring us back to Pisces for whatever lesson we need to more fully integrate before we can emerge anew again. In the meantime, what does Mercury have to say about what is needed for our collective mind?

Mercury in Libra 6

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a man watches his ideals take a concrete form before his inner vision”. This symbol directly relates to the Law of Attraction. Thoughts and imaginings take form, like attracts like, and whatever we wish for can be realized. It’s so simple, yet it is something we so often get in the way of realizing. We’re often more prone to worrying, obsessing over things that don’t matter, amplifying thoughts that make us feel unworthy or unappreciated, etc (ad nauseam): a perpetual loop of attracting more of what we don’t need. How do we break such habits? Saturn and Vesta agree, ‘Routine practice. Make it part of your sacred work.’

Vesta and Saturn in Capricorn 3

The square energy from Vesta and Saturn pool the focus of the opposition to this point of Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol here is “a human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment”. Themes from the other symbols mentioned in the Aries-Libra axis bring us to the core here of what we need in order to attain the balance between levity and gravity: embodiment. What are your embodiment practices? Vesta and Saturn both have much to do with dedication, commitment, and responsibility…and in this Cardinal Earth sign, they focus their efforts (and incline ours) to the most tangible manifestation of our identity as human beings: the body. The Comedian within may refer to it as our ‘meat suit’ or our ‘monkey suit’...and as long as we also remember that our body is our Temple, we can wear that suit well. Is it possible to ascend to a higher state of consciousness while still remaining grounded in our bodies upon the body of our Mother Earth? Absolutely, yes. In fact, it is that perfect alchemy of Spirit, Soul, and Matter that makes us who we are and allows us to actualize the purpose of humanity. So, go outside...get your bare feet on the Earth...and appreciate the season we’re in right now. Remember, the experience of what is new begins with you.

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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