Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blue Moon in Libra: You, Me, and the Co-creative We

'The Moon Flower' by BlueAngel16 on Deviant Art

Blue Moon in Libra: You, Me, and the Co-creative We

Moon opposite Sun @ 4-19-19, 6:15am CDT

There are 3 types of Blue Moons. There is a Biological Blue Moon...which is the third of four Full Moons in a season (there are usually only 3 Full Moons every season). The next of these Blue Moons will be a month from now, and the last was May of 2016. The Biological Blue Moon (also known as the seasonal Blue Moon) is a moon where we can tap more deeply into the Mother Mind of our Earth and know her rhythms and how she moves us.

There is also a Sociological Blue Moon...created somewhat recently, but no doubt integral to our current folklore. The Societal Blue Moon is the 2nd Full Moon within a calendar month. The last of those were in January and March of last year. The Sociological Blue Moon (also called the monthly Blue Moon) can help us tap more deeply into the flow of our societal stories, the Societal Mind, giving opportunities to interact and shift some flow into a new direction.

The 3rd type of Blue Moon we’re experiencing now is an Astrological Blue Moon...which is the 2nd Full Moon within one sign of the Zodiac (in my work, I use the tropical zodiac). Last month’s Storm Moon in her fullness was in the 1st degree of Libra, on the day of the Equinox. This month, the Seed Moon is full in the last degree of Libra. That means this is an Astrological Blue Moon. This Blue Moon works on both the biological and sociological levels...but also co-creates something beyond that by our relationship to the cosmos. These are the ‘once in a Blue Moon’ opportunities to tap more deeply into how the Universal Mind moves us through the Music of the Spheres.

This is our Seed in our relationship between Self and Other. The Aries-Libra axis that Sun and Moon are in now is about how one relates to another. This can be in any kind of relationship...though it is often most dynamic within intimate relationships, when people get right down to the core of who they are with each other. Yes, our intimate partnerships will be in full light in this moon. But so will the ways we bond, relate, and interact with others. What are we agreeing with others to co-create in each interaction? The deciding question, at this time, might it productive???

Sun in Aries 30- Sabian Symbol: ‘a duck pond and its brood’

Are we excluding any part of ourselves that we consider
the 'ugly duckling'?
There is actually beauty to embrace in that shadow.
What we know of as our singular identity can actually be thought of as a close-knit family of energies working as one. Within this holarchy (though for many, it may be a hierarchy within)...what takes care of the whole brood? And what parts are guided along by what directs the pond’s inhabitants? Also, how open are we to letting something new come in and change the dynamics? Is the very thought of it unsettling or exciting? Either, or both, can be the case with Sun applying to a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. In between them is the asteroid Hygiea, though, named for the Goddess of Preventative there may be something to arise that leads us to holistic healing.

How we each are designed uniquely to fill a certain space (a body...made of mostly water)...and how we interact in ways of survival, self-bonding, self-reasoning, and the essence of this final degree of Aries. This is where we can come to a certain mastery of self-realization which provides us direction. Of course, Sun is only illuminating this degree for a day before moving into we shouldn’t expect the full extent of this mastery all at once. But this Blue Moon will be reflecting this Sunlight for us to tap into at this time.

Moon in Libra 30- Sabian Symbol: ‘three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher’s head’

'The Philosopher's Head' by David Delruelle
Any Moon in Libra, including last month’s, relates to the building of relationships. In the first degree of Libra last month...we were relating to how another is displayed on the surface, and what we can learn from this. Now, Moon illuminates the mounds of knowledge we can grow from a full experience of others.

Like the 3 types of Blue Moons...there are 3 ‘mounds of knowledge’ in these Libra Mysteries. One is biological the individual relates to the Earth and all life upon her through the Body. One is we relate to other people through the Mind. And one is all of our energies combine with the cosmos as a co-creative relationship through Soul and Spirit. This Seed Moon is a thoughtful one. And hopefully it will inspire you to make manifest the best of those thoughts.

Juno in Gemini 30- Sabian Symbol: ‘bathing beauties on a beach’

'A Bloat of Hippos' by Bruce J Robinson
Maybe you were expecting women in bikinis?
Hippopotamus Medicine is much more aligned with Juno in this degree.
The asteroid Juno, named after the Queen of the Gods, is in beneficial aspects to both luminaries at this time. In this Full Moon’s mythic storyline, she is acting as midwife to this Sun-Moon opposition and assisting the initial seed planted at New Moon (April 5th) to flower. Her husband, Jupiter, is opposite her in Sagittarius, and helping in his own way of expanding the vision inward...but he is also retrograding away now, and into a space of preparation for opposition with Mars on May 5th. It is the Bona Dea (the Good Goddess) who is most influential at this Full Moon. And when Juno is at work...she brings up themes of commitment in partnership and feminine empowerment to balance out the patriarchy.

Watch women work together now in ‘Blue Moon’ ways to bring equality in partnership to an even more conscious level of engagement. What we need to be conscious of, within ourselves, is that this isn’t a competition with others. This creative flow and good rapport with Juno is about how we communicate and create networks within our environment. This is the last degree of Gemini at it has the potential to connect in fascinating (perhaps even curious) ways.

May you all have a blessed Blue Moon!

Love and Gratitude,
Felina Lune Kavi

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